Christians are bieng stupid?

Fundamental Christianity regards any manifestation of Eastern religions as demonic and that includes martial arts.
tablariddim said:
That is advice to Christians.

Cris is not a Christian and he is out to upset their apple cart but in his own way he would be following this tenet, 24Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others. You see, his heart is in the right place but what is in his head will go against the grain of Christians and I know from experience from when I used to be a Christian zealot that they will view him as a demon come to test them.

I don't view Cris as a demon out to test me :bugeye:

It's just discussion. We may disagree with eachother but so what. If I saw Cris in a gutter I would pull them out, likewise they would do the same for me I imagine. Let's not blow it out of proportion.

