Christians are bieng stupid?

Being christian doesn't automatically mean you're stupid, although it does mean you are unlikely to be the sharpest tool in the box.
EmptyForceOfChi said:

are you guys serious, is this the religious standpoint on martial arts? or is this just some fanatic moron of a christian praching BS ?

explain please,

He is what you call a crank. Of cource eastern martial arts teachers have a tendency to retain the mythology passed on from their easter teachers as well, but so what? East and west religions are equally crackpot.
Trilairian said:
East and west religions are equally crackpot.

Are they? I don't get it. I think there's great wisdom in them, even though there is also stupidity.
tablariddim said:
Virtually anything outside of the little Christian box is either demonic or heretic or a great sin.

1 Corinthians 10:23-24 (New International Version)

23"Everything is permissible"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible"—but not everything is constructive. 24Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.

Hardly a prescriptive little box is it?


c20H25N3o said:
1 Corinthians 10:23-24 (New International Version)

23"Everything is permissible"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible"—but not everything is constructive. 24Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.

Hardly a prescriptive little box is it?


Since when have Christians believed that?
So what if its in the bible? Those parts of the bible you disagree with you go through extrordinary mental gymnastics to explain as meaning something different that you accept as true.
Trilairian said:
Since when have Christians believed that?
So what if its in the bible? Those parts of the bible you disagree with you go through extrordinary mental gymnastics to explain as meaning something different that you accept as true.

Well I believe that. And where have I gone to extraordinary lengths to apologise for any bible passage?


c20H25N3o said:
Well I believe that. And where have I gone to extraordinary lengths to apologise for any bible passage?


Then why don't you start with that one since it is rediculous. Sence when is doing evil permissible. Since when is seeking ones own good such as salvation something one shouldn't do according to Christian religions. See you have done such gymnastics in your head already.
tablariddim said:
Virtually anything outside of the little Christian box is either demonic or heretic or a great sin.
Not all christians live that way. Actually the people that do live that way are few compared to the majority of christians (in Sweden, at least). Also, the Bible doesn't say that martial arts are demonic, actually Aikido is very un-demonic since it is only self-defence using the other persons attack energy against him, so what he said is only to be defended by himself (and possibly a few others), he has taken a passage and taken the meaning in that passage to overwhelming heights, which was probably not intended for the passage. He has not got the concept of freedom that is also taught in the Bible, that you can do almost anything as long as you believe in it.

I've found many cultures that has much wisdom in them, all wisdom doesn't come from the Bible, even if all comes from God.
Trilairian said:
Then why don't you start with that one since it is rediculous. Sence when is doing evil permissible. Since when is seeking ones own good such as salvation something one shouldn't do according to Christian religions. See you have done such gymnastics in your head already.

Err? You are the one doing the mental gymnastics with the Word of God.

Use your eyes. Can you take a knife and stab someone? Is it permissible to do that? The answer is YES! You are not prevented are you? You can physically pick up a knife and do it no? Is it beneficial or contructive? No!

Salvation is a work of grace. Accepting grace isn't 'seeking' one's own good at the expense of another, it is about humbling yourself to God and repenting of the things you have done at the expense of others.

No gymnastics, just no perversions of truth.


c20H25N3o said:
Err? You are the one doing the mental gymnastics with the Word of God.

Use your eyes. Can you take a knife and stab someone? Is it permissible to do that? The answer is YES! You are not prevented are you? You can physically pick up a knife and do it no? Is it beneficial or contructive? No!

Salvation is a work of grace. Accepting grace isn't 'seeking' one's own good at the expense of another, it is about humbling yourself to God and repenting of the things you have done at the expense of others.

No gymnastics, just no perversions of truth.


No you are. It is not permissible to arbitrarily stab someone. You did a mental gymnastic feat just as I said you would changing the meaning from permissable to unprevented. That is not what the author meant and somewhere inside that confirmation biased head of yours deep within you know it.
Trilairian said:
No you are. It is not permissible to arbitrarily stab someone. You did a mental gymnastic feat just as I said you would changing the meaning from permissable to unprevented. That is not what the author meant and somewhere inside that confirmation biased head of yours deep within you know it.

If the author states that 'everything' is permissable, then it is not exactly a mental feat to derive that 'nothing' is prevented in and of itself. The act of prevention comes within via the conscience that determines whether the act is beneficial or constructive to the body of Christ of which I am a part.


c20H25N3o said:
If the author states that 'everything' is permissable, then it is not exactly a mental feat to derive that 'nothing' is prevented in and of itself. The act of prevention comes within via the conscience that determines whether the act is beneficial or constructive to the body of Christ of which I am a part.


Permissable does not mean unprevented. You did a mental back flip.
Trilairian said:
Permissable does not mean unprevented. You did a mental back flip.

If 'everything' is 'permissable' then it stands to 'reason' that 'nothing' is 'prevented'. What is your point/motivation anyway?

That's retarted. The most powerful martial artist I ever met is a Christian. His teacher, a former Buddhist monk from Korea, is also a devout Christian.
c20H25N3o said:
1 Corinthians 10:23-24 (New International Version)

23"Everything is permissible"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible"—but not everything is constructive. 24Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.

Hardly a prescriptive little box is it?



That is advice to Christians.

Cris is not a Christian and he is out to upset their apple cart but in his own way he would be following this tenet, 24Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others. You see, his heart is in the right place but what is in his head will go against the grain of Christians and I know from experience from when I used to be a Christian zealot that they will view him as a demon come to test them.