Christians and Athiests.


probably smarter than you...
Registered Senior Member
Why do people argue so much about is right and who is wrong? Why do you both care so much?

It's quite simple:

Christians - Respect the opinions of athiests they have every right to feel that way. Besides forgiveness is the key to your religion, it shouldn't bother you.

Athiests - Respect the opinions of christians they have every right to feel that way. Besides, it's not like you are an immature self-richious moron, so get out of people's faces. They, at least, believe in something, respect that.
no one is prepared to answer so i will.

because you are all obsessed with being right. and you're not searching for truth, just acceptance.
if it's only acceptance we should seek then why do the religious get told by there peers to go witness to all and sundry,
and your statement above is not a question, but your opinion as you are guilty of exactly what your trying to point out and I quote "Christians - Respect the opinions of athiests they have every right to feel that way. Besides forgiveness is the key to your religion, it shouldn't bother you." and then this "Athiests - Respect the opinions of christians they have every right to feel that way. Besides, it's not like you are an immature self-richious moron, so get out of people's faces. They, at least, believe in something, respect that." a bit one sided, so sir you are obsessed with being right, as you put it.
Im an atheist, but im an atheist because I seek the truth and dont jump on a bandwagon created for control of the mass-populus, once they prove to me that god exists at all I will join them, untill then I stay the hell away from churches and such. For now Atheism is putting forward more evidence to the non-existance of god then christians are putting forward for his existance. So I choose the more liable side.

Although so people dont blame me for not beleiving in anything Ill make a religion which works like this: "Beleiving in the non existance of god"

Ill call it.... Nonism??
stefan said:
if it's only acceptance we should seek then why do the religious get told by there peers to go witness to all and sundry,
and your statement above is not a question, but your opinion as you are guilty of exactly what your trying to point out and I quote "Christians - Respect the opinions of athiests they have every right to feel that way. Besides forgiveness is the key to your religion, it shouldn't bother you." and then this "Athiests - Respect the opinions of christians they have every right to feel that way. Besides, it's not like you are an immature self-richious moron, so get out of people's faces. They, at least, believe in something, respect that." a bit one sided, so sir you are obsessed with being right, as you put it.

yeh i did that on purpose...
Odin'Izm said:
Im an atheist, but im an atheist because I seek the truth and dont jump on a bandwagon created for control of the mass-populus, once they prove to me that god exists at all I will join them, untill then I stay the hell away from churches and such. For now Atheism is putting forward more evidence to the non-existance of god then christians are putting forward for his existance. So I choose the more liable side.

Although so people dont blame me for not beleiving in anything Ill make a religion which works like this: "Beleiving in the non existance of god"

Ill call it.... Nonism??

that's better!

athiest's believe that there is not a god and never will be. even if god appears before them they will not believe. there is nothing that will make them believe, not ever if an angel came down and gave them a blowjob. that's plain silly.
stefan said:
if it's only acceptance we should seek then why do the religious get told by there peers to go witness to all and sundry,
and your statement above is not a question, but your opinion as you are guilty of exactly what your trying to point out and I quote "Christians - Respect the opinions of athiests they have every right to feel that way. Besides forgiveness is the key to your religion, it shouldn't bother you." and then this "Athiests - Respect the opinions of christians they have every right to feel that way. Besides, it's not like you are an immature self-richious moron, so get out of people's faces. They, at least, believe in something, respect that." a bit one sided, so sir you are obsessed with being right, as you put it.

i believe athiests are morons. that's all. and i didn't accuse anyone of being immature. I said, "it's not like." ........get it???

It's not like....that is a negative. I never accused anything of anythind p e n i s muncher.
Jeremirroer said:
that's better!

athiest's believe that there is not a god and never will be. even if god appears before them they will not believe. there is nothing that will make them believe, not ever if an angel came down and gave them a blowjob. that's plain silly.

can you fucking read, I said untill they prove to me, god apearing to me would count as proof, and blowjobs from angels definately would count as proof but it hasnt happened yet. Im just not going to beleive empty speculations of an invented being with no physical basis.
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Jeremirroer said:
i believe athiests are morons. that's all...... p e n i s muncher.

I think your a moron, an inteligent person dosnt use the words "p e n i s Muncher" in a discussion
Odin'Izm said:
I think your a moron, an inteligent person dosnt use the words "p e n i s Muncher" in a discussion

or fuck???

and did you read me write...."that's better!". as in "that's better at least you're not an athiest." you moron i was acknowledging the fact that you were'nt an athiest.

and as for me being a moron for swearing. get a life. do you think idiots made up all the interesting swear words of the world???
Odin'Izm said:
I think your a moron, an inteligent person dosnt use the words "p e n i s Muncher" in a discussion

also it's you're. Not your. in case you didn't know. but i'm sure you did. just pointing it out.
I am an Atheist, what you consider to be Atheism is actually called Nihilism. And "penismuncher" is'nt a swear, it sounds like somthing an eight year old would use in his lexicon.

oh and Don't start pointing out spelling mistakes on this thread as it's full of them.
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Jeremirroer said:
Athiests - Respect the opinions of christians they have every right to feel that way. Besides, it's not like you are an immature self-richious moron, so get out of people's faces. They, at least, believe in something, respect that.
I (like most atheists) wouldn’t really care about Christians if they would just leave the rest of us alone. No one would care if Christians just went to church on Sunday and lived according to their own code of ethics. I would think that they were mistaken in their beliefs, but I would respect their right to believe and worship how they choose.

The problem is that many Christians seem to be driven by a desire to force everyone to be just like them. Christians don’t like evolution, so they try to ban evolution from schools and force schools to teach “creation science”. Christians don’t like homosexuality, so they try to outlaw it. Christians don’t like birth control or sex, so they try to prevent schools from giving meaningful information on birth control and sex education to students. Heck, I can’t even buy liquor in my county on Sundays because the Christians here outlawed it.

I will stop caring about Christians when they stop trying to oppress the rest of us.
Jeremirroer said:
athiest's believe that there is not a god and never will be. even if god appears before them they will not believe. there is nothing that will make them believe, not ever if an angel came down and gave them a blowjob. that's plain silly.
I suggest you get a better definition of an atheist.
An atheist is not someone who believes in the non-existence of God.
An atheist is merely someone who does not believe in the existence of God.

They are different things.
Odin'Izm said:
I think your a moron, an inteligent person dosnt use the words "p e n i s Muncher" in a discussion

That's an absoulte statement and an incorrect one. Just because a person swears. Just because they use a word you deem worthy only to 8 y.o. doesn't make them dumb.

It's athiests like you that give conservative christians a good name.

I bet you are not even 20 years old yet.

Am I wrong???

Am I wrong?

Tell me I'm wrong....please.
Jeremirroer said:
Just because they use a word you deem worthy only to 8 y.o. doesn't make them dumb.

Just because Christian God, Joe Hovah, committed genecide and killed babies, that doesn't make him a monster.

Typical Christian logic.
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Joeman said:
Just believe Christian God, Joe Hovah, committed genecide and killed babies, that doesn't make him a monster.

Typical Christian logic.

huh? wat?

I started this thread because of stupid arguments like the one you are purporting. AND you come in here and start spraying this sh*t around. You are a moron.

I ask you also.

Are you over 20?

Are you?


Please tell me you are not some silly 15 y.o.

Well which is it?

How old are you boy?