
Christian Jesus is NOT about love, as many wrongly assume. Jesus is all about TOTAL obedience. Actually, Jesus-like person without that living God thing is more of a control freak than anything else. Just strip Jesus of all those Godly clothes, just see Jesus as a man, you'd hate the guy like that.
Progressive bull spoken by a person who never lived on a street run by a racketeering gang.

And you have? How did you break free from this inescapable situation if its impossible?

And no, I did not grow up with gangs on my front door, but I didnt grow up rich either.

For you to dismiss my "progressive bull" so easily says alot about yourself.
Christian Jesus is NOT about love, as many wrongly assume. Jesus is all about TOTAL obedience. Actually, Jesus-like person without that living God thing is more of a control freak than anything else. Just strip Jesus of all those Godly clothes, just see Jesus as a man, you'd hate the guy like that.

Theists have been indoctrinated in much the same way little children are 'indoctrinated' by their parents.
This is a necessary and very beneficial trait children have; the ability to trust authority figures on their word.
This also helps create the intimate relationship between children and their parents (love).
Religion just parasitizes on this ability..
Theists have been indoctrinated in much the same way little children are 'indoctrinated' by their parents.
This is a necessary and very beneficial trait children have; the ability to trust authority figures on their word.
This also helps create the intimate relationship between children and their parents (love).
Religion just parasitizes on this ability..

You are in denial. 99.99% of society is indoctrinated. Meet your maker when you die, is what they say. Meet your master when you are alive. Mold your mind, shape it like clay, shape it to there agreement. But you gotta play the game, you got to play the game. The own yourgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

Where did that come from?
Although i laugh on the outside, on the onside i weep. Heart bleeding, bleeding, bleeding, bleeding.
You are in denial. 99.99% of society is indoctrinated. Meet your maker when you die, is what they say. Meet your master when you are alive. Mold your mind, shape it like clay, shape it to there agreement. But you gotta play the game, you got to play the game. The own yourgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

Where did that come from?

I am aware of that, but it's besides the point.
I'm just saying that children are vulnerable to indoctrination because it's in their nature to accept authority. That's a good thing when it's about not walking into a ditch, but it's not so good when it's religion.
So God doesn't love his creation? Ok let's assume his goal is for us to be holy instead of happy. Well then why aren't we holy.
Because we choose not to be. Left to our own devices, humanity always does the short-sighted and self-serving act and then blames it on something or someone else.
Isn't what God wants, done?
In the short run, no. In the long run, yes.
He wanted to creeate the universe and so he did in a relatively short time ( a week).
So your argument and bias depends upon a literal and narrow reading of the English translation known as the "King James Version" of the Bible, does it? Have you ever done any reading in a Hebrew transliteration text? Just curious.
So if he WANTED man to be holy then why isn't it?
In other words, God must choose and do things exactly as you would do or He's wrong? By what authority do you make such a claim?
... and ," well he wanted man to become holy by itself" OR "he wanted man to choose to be holy", is no excuse.
Aha. You really don't care about the reality, do you? This is just an excuse to blame God for your lack of satisfaction in your own life, right?
... so I'm not buying your pathetic argument that he WANTS man to be holy.

You simply want a scapegoat for your lack of purpose and sense of accomplishment. You're in lots of good company Mulligan. People have been whining about this sort of thing since Cain. Enjoy your misery, Mulligan.
Because we choose not to be. Left to our own devices, humanity always does the short-sighted and self-serving act and then blames it on something or someone else.

Since the world has been ruled by theists for centuries, using theist decision-making processes with theist mindsets, we can conclude the your example is from theist doctrine.

In other words, God must choose and do things exactly as you would do or He's wrong? By what authority do you make such a claim?

By exactly the same authority you make religious claims.

You simply want a scapegoat for your lack of purpose and sense of accomplishment. You're in lots of good company Mulligan. People have been whining about this sort of thing since Cain. Enjoy your misery, Mulligan.

Or, take responsibility for your actions instead of whining.
"Because we choose not to be. "

ummm NO. I, MYSELF, NEVER chose not to be. God never put ME ina garden and let me make my own choice. He punished ME for something my great ancestors did.

"In other words, God must choose and do things exactly as you would do or He's wrong?"

He's wrong when he has the power to stop evil and doesn't. For the record he's a fucking hypocrite. He wants man to do good and yet he made the devil stronger than man. That makes NO sense.

"By what authority do you make such a claim?"

Through the mind that GOD gave me and allowed me to use

"Aha. You really don't care about the reality, do you? This is just an excuse to blame God for your lack of satisfaction in your own life, right?Bingo!"

No, my life really isn't that bad. I would even go as far to say that it's pretty good. Here's the thing: I actually care about others and find it funny how when humans don't act to stop evil they're held responsible for their actions, but when God who also has the power to stop it doesn't, he's not held accountable for his actions.

"You simply want a scapegoat for your lack of purpose and sense of accomplishment. You're in lots of good company Mulligan. People have been whining about this sort of thing since Cain. Enjoy your misery, Mulligan.[/QUOTE]"

No, you use Adam and Eve's mistake that God ALLOWED them to make as an excuse for your suffering instead of tracing it back to the very source from whence it came.

Oh no it couldn't be God who allowed evil! Not my God who allowed the holocaust to happen and allow babies to be burned alive! No it just couldn't be his fault, it was Adam and Eve's! Humans who never asked for free will and who God knew would fail if he gave them it! No it just couldn't be God's fault!

That God is no better than someone who threatens to push you into an eternal furnace if you don't do as they say.