Christianity - Wrong or Right?

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all religions are right since those people who follow it decide their own understanding of life and thereafter. Let there be God if you believe in him and let there not be God if you dont believe in him.
Is it wrong, a fantasy, or is there some merit to the arguments made by it's followers?

M*W: Christianity is wrong, because it perpetuates lies and violence. It is wrong, because there are 34,000 sects within christianity. If it were right, there would be only one sect. If it were the right religion, everybody on earth would believe in the same religion and not question its dogma. If it were the right religion, there would be no need for a forum to discuss and debate it.
It is not right or wrong, you are free to believe what you want to.

For example you need help choosing a bicycle, so who are you to say what is right and what is wrong?

"M*W: Christianity is wrong, because it perpetuates lies and violence."

Get rid of all the Christians, all the Jew's all the minorities etc. and there would be no violence? is that the implication?

Personally i am not aware of any wars being fought where religion was the primary motivating factor.
Personally i am not aware of any wars being fought where religion was the primary motivating factor.

1. Iraq Civil War - Sunnis vs. Shias
2. Everyone vs. Israel (Hezbollah vs. Israel, Islam vs. Israel, etc.)
3. The War on Terror - Islam extremists
4. Fighting between India and Pakistan

Those are just some I know off the top my head.
It is not right or wrong, you are free to believe what you want to.

For example you need help choosing a bicycle, so who are you to say what is right and what is wrong?

"M*W: Christianity is wrong, because it perpetuates lies and violence."

Get rid of all the Christians, all the Jew's all the minorities etc. and there would be no violence? is that the implication?

Personally i am not aware of any wars being fought where religion was the primary motivating factor.

M*W: Just to name a few:

The Crusades
The Reformation
The Inquisition
The Holocaust
Is it wrong, a fantasy, or is there some merit to the arguments made by it's followers?

I'm not sure you can label Christianity, or any religion, as 100% false or 100% true in what it's beliefs are.

Christians believe Jesus existed, was the Son of God, had powers, and redeemed everyone for their sins. These 4 facts are either all true, some true, or none are true.

The Catholic Church proclaimed that you could pay your way out of sins with indulgences. Did God accept them? It is either yes or no. Of course if someone had a genuine belief in indulgences, maybe God did accept them in certain cases. You never know.

That's the odd part of serving. Something is usually only a rule if you genuinely believe it is. If you genuinely believed in indulgences, then God accepted them. If not, he didn't.
all religions are right since those people who follow it decide their own understanding of life and thereafter

It is not right or wrong, you are free to believe what you want to.

Neither of these statements makes something true. Yes, you are free to believe whatever you want - believe in flying invisible bananas if that's your thing.. but do not for one second think that having the ability to believe in something actually makes that something true.

Personally i am not aware of any wars being fought where religion was the primary motivating factor.


most "holy books" have a measure of good.

As do most cartoons. That does not mean Tom and Jerry are real.
True to a certain extent...every verbal utterance from Jesus Christ hiimself is true...

M*W: Yes it was. Each and every verbal utterance from Jesus Christ himself is always true. The fact that he didn't even exist is what presents the problem.
M*W: Yes it was. Each and every verbal utterance from Jesus Christ himself is always true. The fact that he didn't even exist is what presents the problem.

You may insist that Jesus didn't exist, but I believe he did simply because of the things he says....