Christianity - What It Should (and Should Not) Be

The Bible was composed by the Catholic Church, therefore they are the ones who have the right and responsibility of interpreting it (whether you believe or not the Church has this right, not the individual). Do you take the Bible literally? Or do you interpret it? If so, how?

you aren't going to change anyone's mind via a message board. These are best used for discussing music and crap like that. You can't change the world with vBullliten.
I believe you are quite wrong. There have been two members here at least who have clearly stated that their beliefs were significantly changed because of the revelations made available through this message board.

And if I ever had any doubts about the value (or lack thereof) of religions before I started here then that is no longer the case. I have read the many thousands of posts here and there have been a few out of that large number that have been truly enlightening. Wisdom I suspect I would not have otherwise discovered.

This is a place where people come together and talk about such issues. Where else does this occur in such a productive manner? Message boards like this are appearing all the time. Never in the history of mankind has there been such an incredibly useful and interactive message system.

When people talk and listen in such a way then yes I do believe that such a medium can change the world.
In Reply to Sycoindian

Originally posted by sycoindian

what church do you belong to? just curious.. not gonna use it to make inflammatory comments..

if you dont belong to any specific sect of christianity, are u practising your personal version of christianity?

sorry.. im in a bit of a rush.. i just read snippets of what you'd written.. i'll come back and read all of it...

Greetings Sycoindian -

In response to your question; I belong to a non-denominational, evangelical, Christian Church. The membership is comprised of individuals with Catholic, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Baptist, Buddhist, Islamic and Presbetyrian backgrounds, to name a few that come to mind.

As for what "version" of Christianity we (or I) practice, I'll answer by saying; our beliefs and subsequent practices are based on the non-ceremonial, fundemental teachings of the Gods 'Holy Spirit' inspired Word as found in the Bible (both the KJV & NIV are referrenced), spoken through God's Old Testement Prophets and His Son Jesus Christ (as recorded in the books of the New Testement by the Apostles).

Thanks for asking and I hope that covers it adequetly for you, reply back with any questions you might have.

In His Name -

~ Disciple of Jesus
Originally posted by notPresidentAndrew
The Bible was composed by the Catholic Church, therefore they are the ones who have the right and responsibility of interpreting it (whether you believe or not the Church has this right, not the individual). Do you take the Bible literally? Or do you interpret it? If so, how?

Hello Again nPA -

In response to your post, I encourage you to visit the following (very enlightening and informational) website, written in regard to the history of the Bible.

I'll soon reply to your questions, but for now I have to say goodbye. I will however quickly add that EVERY CHRISTIAN man, through the power of Gods Holy Spirit that dwells within him...has not only the ability, but also the right to interpret the words of the Bible. To believe otherwise is based soley on the teachings of mortal man and has no Biblical validity.

In His Name -

~ Disciple of Jesus
Originally posted by Disciple of Jesus
..., I encourage you to visit the following (very enlightening and informational) website, written in regard to the history of the Bible.
Actually, the history of the English Bible, occurring a full millenium after the formation of the NT Canon. Don't you bypass a lot of history that way?
Re: To Firefly in Reply

Originally posted by Disciple of Jesus
as for great division because of Christians being forbidden to mix with non-Christians, this is not so and here's why.
Jesus (in the NT testament) tells believers not to associate with unbelievers. I can give you a reference if you don't know the passage yourself.
What about Christian Women? Or do they not count?
Wo-men are men. Man, (when not dictated other wise) when used as a noun describes the the entire line of descendants, not just a male.
I didn't read your entire post before, but I just did. At first it seemed as though you had a point, but you are just another one of those fundies who claims that "Catholics" are not Christians, even though every single last church can trace its roots back to it.
This statement is blatantly false, as being part of that religion, I could answer you. How could the "Roman Catholic church" be the root of christianity, when the "Romans" were one of the most well know oppressers of the early church?
Disciple of Jesus,

I was touched by your Faith( rare) Have you heard the prophet of the Laodicean Age- William Marrion Braham
Re: Re: To Firefly in Reply

Originally posted by Firefly
Jesus (in the NT testament) tells believers not to associate with unbelievers. I can give you a reference if you don't know the passage yourself.

Can you give me that reference? I know of one, but I want to see if its the same... btw, what does NT stand for?
In Reply to Lady

Originally posted by Lady
Disciple of Jesus,

I was touched by your Faith( rare) Have you heard the prophet of the Laodicean Age- William Marrion Braham

Greetings Lady -

Praise be to God that you are touched by my Faith; as I too have been touched (and blessed) by the Faith of others!

Yes, I have heard of William Marrion Branham although I do not know much about his prophecies. If you would please share a website address I'd be happy to take a look at it. Thank you and may you share in Gods blessings always -

~ Disciple of Jesus
Re: Re: To Firefly in Reply

Originally posted by Firefly
Jesus (in the NT testament) tells believers not to associate with unbelievers. I can give you a reference if you don't know the passage yourself.

Hello Firefly -

Sure, I would like to see the Scripture passage that you're referring to. Thanks.

I assure you, the ONLY admonishment that we as Christians are given (in regard to our associations) is to 'not become' like the 'non-Christians' we may associate with. And as I had outlined before, the examples (and there are many) given us by Jesus in His associating with the 'sinners' of the time, was proof of His desire for us to do the same. In closing, I'll leave you with a Scripture verse that reflects what the Christian relationship with the world (and its inhabitants) should be:

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will is, His good, pleasing and perfect will." - Romans 12:2

In His Name -

~ Disciple of Jesus
I know of one, but I want to see if its the same... btw, what does NT stand for?
NT stands for New Testament. ;)

The verse I was talking about was 2 Conrinthians 6:17, though I was using Gideons, not KJV. However, according to the online KJV I think the point still stands:
14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.
Is that the one you were thinking of, DoJ?

And a thought on your quoted verse - the "pattern of the world" could be said to be Christianity, as it is apparently the dominant relgion of the world. Secondly, renewing your mind... by considering other religions, perhaps? ;)
Originally posted by williamwbishop
He's right. The bible created the catholic church.

I meant that the Catholic Church selected what books went into the Bible.

And CA, quit spamming everything I said. If you have an arguement to make make it, but quit it with the contemptous replies to everything I say.
Originally posted by notPresidentAndrew
I meant that the Catholic Church selected what books went into the Bible.
The group that voted on Christian Canon was hardly the same as today's Catholic Church. If you doubt that, look into the history of, e.g., the Coptic Orthodox and Greek Orthodox Church.
Originally posted by notPresidentAndrew
And CA, quit spamming everything I said. If you have an arguement to make make it, but quit it with the contemptous replies to everything I say.
What I said was: "That is a remarkably naive statement possessing far more irony than you might imagine." I believe the statement to be accurate.

If you're interested in a good overview of Canon history, you might wish to read The Formation of the New Testament Canon (2000) by Richard Carrier.
Originally posted by Firefly
NT stands for New Testament. ;)

The verse I was talking about was 2 Conrinthians 6:17, though I was using Gideons, not KJV. However, according to the online KJV I think the point still stands:

Is that the one you were thinking of, DoJ?

ah, I thought maybe you meant a version....

2 Cor 6:14-18 is much more about marriage (and dating is simply a way to get to marriage) as I previously outlined than just being friends with non-christians............YOKED is the key word there!