christianity is for the weak at mind


Registered Senior Member
Without god christians have no reason to live, everything the believed to be true would be false and the shock of the matter would just devistate them, so they will defend their religion to their death because they are to afraid to believe their whole reason for existance is false. This is just by opinion so dont crucify me!
I agree. But then again thats what keeps all religon going....its a parasitic(sp?) meme that feeds off peoples fear of death and there fualts.
There are some Christians who have been far more productive academically/intellectually than you have been in fields outside the faith.

One's religion, or one's religious status for that matter, is no indicator of intelligence.

Newton vs. Bush anyone?

Besides, your premise is wrong. People who lose religion sooner or later are able to move on with their lives although they may not realize this a priori...
it has nothing to do with intelligence, its the whole fact that people are so convince of their faith that they rather die than realize the truth
Know what I think? I think it all boils down to the idea that most people don't give a rats ass about the nature of the universe and just accept what they're told as children and leave it at that. The common person neither knows or cares about the relationship between religion and science (Science? What's that?) and the reasons that one is most likely a species wide delusion based on our innate brain wiring and the other is a fairly unnatural but extremely successful method for understanding the cosmos. If that leaves most people being "weak minded" well then, we already knew that, didn't we?

It's the theists who are apparently educated and thoughtful that fascinate me. The whole compartmentalizing of knowledge and reason based on subject matter makes my head spin.
Thats pathetic. The human race has so much potential to be better, but people are afraid of change. Thats the problem people just dont give a shit. all these intelligent people on these forums just whine and complain thinking there acomplishing something. The truth of the matter is people need to come together realize whats really going on and do something to make a change this world we live in is pathetic people living day to day unsatisfied with their situation but they arent willing to do shit about it but complain. I guess they think that they cant change the world or there afraid. But something needs to be done. Our current path is leading to chaos. Our only chance is for to unite and make a change and realize the ways of the past are wrong
TheHeretic said:
all these intelligent people on these forums just whine and complain thinking there acomplishing something.
You do see the irony in whining and complaining about everyone else whining and complaining, right? :p
The problem is, everyone's got their own views about what they'd like changed about the world, and what they don't want changed.
You have a point there but, change will never happen just about talking about it trying to make comprimises. People need to act out for what the believe in an get enough people who believe in your cause things will change.
ones religion is also a strong component of their identity, which may explain why they get so upset when you criticise their religion.
... "I am a Christian"
I'm not shouting "I'm clean livin'."
I'm whispering "I was lost,
Now I'm found and forgiven."

When I say... "I am a Christian"
I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble
and need Christ to be my guide.

When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak
And need His strength to carry on.

When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed
And need God to clean my mess.

When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible
But, God believes I am worth it.

When I say... "I am a Christian"
I still feel the sting of pain.
I have my share of heartaches
So I call upon His name.

When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner
Who received God's good grace, somehow

Seems to me that the person with a good grasp of his faith is the one with the stronger mind. They know who and what they are. They know their weaknesses and have that inner welspring to gain strength from. It takes a strong mind to understand such truths. Einstein, Hawking, Franklin and many other strong minded people believed in God even if they were not Christian.

To me Atheism is the sign of a small mind and smaller heart. It is sad a person cannot imagine a being of infinite love.
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Einstein, Hawkins, Franklin and many other strong minded people believed in God even if they were not Christian.

Einstein didn't believe in God. Or at least, not in the way Christians do. If he believed in any kind of god, it was an impersonal one embedded in the laws of nature and that kind of thing.

Who was Hawkins?

To me Atheism is the sign of a small mind and smaller heart. It is sad a person cannot imagine a being of infinite love.

Imagining something doesn't make it real.

The problem for many atheists, I expect, is that they can imagine far too many gods, all different. And they don't even need to imagine. Just look at the religions of the world, and you'll find many descriptions of gods, often vastly contradictory. And many of them aren't beings of infinite love. That's just one imagining.

I recall a quote from an atheist (can't remember who) talking to a monotheist:

"You and I are the same. I just believe in one god fewer than you do."
What a silly thread.

Please just examine the general population and then tell me exactly who is not weak of mind?

Strength, talent and intelligence are extremely rare qualities. Why one can look everywhere and find weakminded people. Weakminded people are Legion. So what if you can point out the weakminded among Christians. Just turn your scope back upon your own clique of friends and associates and then open your eyes wide to the truth... that you are equally among a bunch of idiots and dullards.

But if one should wish to compare, then do a comparative study in History, to find those people who most benefitted Civilization, and those who did their best to tear Civilization down. I think you will find that those of Religious background did the most good, dispite all of the Atheist propaganda to the contrary, and that those who buried the most cities and made the tallest mountains of skulls were the most likely to be Atheist.

Does the propensity for pillage and murder qualify one as being Strong Minded? Well, if that is what you want, then I think for the public safety, you should be arrested.
But if one should wish to compare, then do a comparative study in History, to find those people who most benefitted Civilization, and those who did their best to tear Civilization down. I think you will find that those of Religious background did the most good, dispite all of the Atheist propaganda to the contrary, and that those who buried the most cities and made the tallest mountains of skulls were the most likely to be Atheist.

Given that the overwhelming majority of people who have ever lived have been religious in one form or another, your claim is at the very least dubious.
Leo Volont said:
What a silly thread.

Please just examine the general population and then tell me exactly who is not weak of mind?

Strength, talent and intelligence are extremely rare qualities. Why one can look everywhere and find weakminded people. Weakminded people are Legion. So what if you can point out the weakminded among Christians. Just turn your scope back upon your own clique of friends and associates and then open your eyes wide to the truth... that you are equally among a bunch of idiots and dullards.

But if one should wish to compare, then do a comparative study in History, to find those people who most benefitted Civilization, and those who did their best to tear Civilization down. I think you will find that those of Religious background did the most good, dispite all of the Atheist propaganda to the contrary, and that those who buried the most cities and made the tallest mountains of skulls were the most likely to be Atheist.

Does the propensity for pillage and murder qualify one as being Strong Minded? Well, if that is what you want, then I think for the public safety, you should be arrested.
Ever here of somthing called the crusades? or the old testament sluaghters? or the israel-palestine wars? What about WW2 in the pacific? What about the catholic-protestant conflicts? You know what the main cuase of all these were? Some form of a god. Athesim may have had its backlashes but god has cuased more bloodshed than any other idealology. Billions have died and are still dying as a result of god.
I recall a quote from an atheist (can't remember who) talking to a monotheist:

"You and I are the same. I just believe in one god fewer than you do."

"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." - Stephen F. Roberts

I personally use that quote quite a bit, don't really need to say much more than that to silence a theist.
James R said:
Einstein didn't believe in God. Or at least, not in the way Christians do. If he believed in any kind of god, it was an impersonal one embedded in the laws of nature and that kind of thing.

Einstein was devotely Jewish. So he believed in the same God, just not the same Son of God

Who was Hawkins?

Stephen Hawking considered one of the few people in or beyond Eintstein's league. Author of the Breif History of Time. Currently still alive

Imagining something doesn't make it real.

Imagining something is not real does not erase it either.

The problem for many atheists, I expect, is that they can imagine far too many gods, all different. And they don't even need to imagine. Just look at the religions of the world, and you'll find many descriptions of gods, often vastly contradictory. And many of them aren't beings of infinite love. That's just one imagining.

So, multiple people who see the same clouds see different shapes. People trying to imagine the a horrible monster will see different things. You can describe something to someone in great detail and they can still get it wrong. All that proves is that our minds will try to find a pattern we recognize even when we cannot understand what we see.

I recall a quote from an atheist (can't remember who) talking to a monotheist:

"You and I are the same. I just believe in one god fewer than you do."

Which only shows how moronic the speaker was. An atheist has to believe there is nothing more than what is here. He has to believe that this moments is all we have. They actually have to believe in so much more than I do.
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spiritual_spy said:
Ever here of somthing called the crusades? or the old testament sluaghters? or the israel-palestine wars? What about WW2 in the pacific? What about the catholic-protestant conflicts? You know what the main cuase of all these were? Some form of a god. Athesim may have had its backlashes but god has cuased more bloodshed than any other idealology. Billions have died and are still dying as a result of god.

No all of these were cuased by greed. When you can understand history better then you can post on it.