What a silly thread.
Please just examine the general population and then tell me exactly who is not weak of mind?
Strength, talent and intelligence are extremely rare qualities. Why one can look everywhere and find weakminded people. Weakminded people are Legion. So what if you can point out the weakminded among Christians. Just turn your scope back upon your own clique of friends and associates and then open your eyes wide to the truth... that you are equally among a bunch of idiots and dullards.
But if one should wish to compare, then do a comparative study in History, to find those people who most benefitted Civilization, and those who did their best to tear Civilization down. I think you will find that those of Religious background did the most good, dispite all of the Atheist propaganda to the contrary, and that those who buried the most cities and made the tallest mountains of skulls were the most likely to be Atheist.
Does the propensity for pillage and murder qualify one as being Strong Minded? Well, if that is what you want, then I think for the public safety, you should be arrested.