Christianity Important?

Originally posted by everneo

Actually Bhuddha never talked of God.

Yeah. Budha was a spoled rich young brat who was mad at the world for not knowing his purpose. He was a man who strived for his OWN PERSONAL enlightmenet. He starved himself, hung himself for three days by the balls, tied himself to a tree, ect.... and while on the death bed, he nodded, I found my light.

It beats me how can people deduce more than the obvious from such a life.

PS. If you don't get the obvious, please tie yourself to a tree for a week, strave yourself, stand outside in a thunderstorm and curse god to appear, or squeeze your balls really tight. You might just see the light that Budha saw.

hahahahohhooo.. why suddenly changed your opinion about Budddha.?

BTW, what Mohammed was doing in that cave..?
Originally posted by everneo
hahahahohhooo.. why suddenly changed your opinion about Budddha.?

I didn't. I never said the main was not genuine in seeing a light. He just never had a chance to describe clearly what he saw to others. His life seems to imply that the road to enlightment is a unique road that must be taken by each man/woman. Buhda showed us that enlightment is not to be achieved via crazy meditation. Buhda showed us that each person have all the tools to enlightment within the boundaries of their life. No need for being hanged from the balls or cursing god during a thunderstorm. Buhda never said that he is the way, and he never said that his way is the only right way. I think he was genuine and most likely a prophet, his message revolved around human responsbility and the need for humans to focus.

Originally posted by everneo
BTW, what Mohammed was doing in that cave..?

Obviously nothing interesting. If he was screwing around in the cave, he wouldn't have had time to write the Quran.
Originally posted by Flores
Obviously nothing interesting. If he was screwing around in the cave, he wouldn't have had time to write the Quran.
No. The most interesting and important thing happened there only. God /Gabriel revealed truth during his solitude. It was during his intense desire to find the truth and during meditation inside the cave. I find some similarities between Buddha's and Mohammed's medititation in solitude. I don't find any ball squeezing in both case.:D
Yup, just one of those wonderful neurotheological epithanies.
Eveneo dear,
All I stuff that I say are very dangerous stunts that might only be done by very experienced ancient prophets and adminstered by god to really work. If you start doing stuff like that on your own, your screws might get permanently displaced.

I don't know if I would call prophetic experiences a self induced epithany. I know for a fact that Muhammed didn't seek god per say, but was sought by god and was actually very surprised and terrified the first time. Muhammed went to his wife shivering telling her that he went crazy and asking her to keep him warm. He told her that he doesn't want to go back to the cave and that he is frightened to be alone. It took him some time to recover and much family support to go back and recieve the message. Prophet Muhammed didn't go to the cave to meditate. He liked to climb the mountain and spend some time alone their after a long day just like I like to take walks or you like nature hikes.

Buhda is a different animal. He sought the truth very vigoursly ON HIS OWN, but went about the wrong way. Which is bound to be the case for any person that will undertake such a task without acknowleging god. It seems as if god acknowledged that the dude means well and finally decided to give him a break and show him the right way. This is also a prophetic message....not a direct message, neverthless, god used Buhda to show humanity certain things, and that makes him a prophet.
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Originally posted by Flores

All I stuff that I say are very dangerous stunts that might only be done by very experienced ancient prophets and adminstered by god to really work. If you start doing stuff like that on your own, your screws might get permanently displaced.
hmmm.. but you strongly suggested to do that on my own. :

please tie yourself to a tree for a week, strave yourself, stand outside in a thunderstorm and curse god to appear, or squeeze your balls really tight. You might just see the light that Budha saw.

I won't loose my screws in that way.

I don't know if I would call prophetic experiences a self induced epithany.
I did not say that. It was Cris's mischief. :p

I know for a fact that Muhammed didn't seek god per say, but was sought by god and was actually very surprised and terrified the first time. Muhammed went to his wife shivering telling her that he went crazy and asking her to keep him warm. He told her that he doesn't want to go back to the cave and that he is frightened to be alone. It took him some time to recover and much family support to go back and recieve the message. Prophet Muhammed didn't go to the cave to meditate. He liked to climb the mountain and spend some time alone their after a long day just like I like to take walks or you like nature hikes.
Mohammed used to meditate in that cave from time to time.

Muhammad(PBUH) was of deeply religious nature, and had long detested the decadence of his society. It became his habit to meditate from time to time in the Cave of Hira near the summit of Jabal al-Nur, the 'Mountain of Light' near Makkah.


Muhammad was in the habit of spending much time in meditation and reflection. To be free from interference and extraneous distractions, he frequently went to a mountain cave called Hira, three miles in the north-east of Makkah, and spent the long summer days there.


Buhda is a different animal. He sought the truth very vigoursly ON HIS OWN, but went about the wrong way. Which is bound to be the case for any person that will undertake such a task without acknowleging god. It seems as if god acknowledged that the dude means well and finally decided to give him a break and show him the right way. This is also a prophetic message....not a direct message, neverthless, god used Buhda to show humanity certain things, and that makes him a prophet.
Buddha totally detached himself from the worldly attachments and proceeded to find the answer for his questions about suffering and death. He realised the root causes of suffering. I find him more rational and objective than our resident atheists. As a non-atheist I have no problem with your assertion that God used Buddha. But buddhists would have objection.