Christianety, is it good or evil?

The moon is good because it gives some light to darkness? I dunno.. Never heard of 'moonstruck'? Where do you think the word "lunacy" comes from? The moon has never really been a 'good' symbol.

Yes, I too like the moon.. but symbolically speaking it isn't something to be referred to as "good".
Streamline said:
I am not saying:
1. Jesus arrives near year 0
2. Hell arrives nearly afterwards
3. Therefore Jesus caused Hell.
Which is post hoc.

Jesus is actually for the first time explaining the concept of Hell, thus he coined the term; therefore one can say that Jesus invented Hell, simply because he defined Hell from which no one new anything about before. Since he also uses Hell for his purposes "if you do not believe in me, then Hell", it is rather clear that even if he did not invent Hell, he surely was involved in the leadership of Hell.
M*W: You do know that every word Jesus spake came outta Paul's mouth.
SnakeLord said:
The moon is good because it gives some light to darkness? I dunno.. Never heard of 'moonstruck'? Where do you think the word "lunacy" comes from? The moon has never really been a 'good' symbol.

Yes, I too like the moon.. but symbolically speaking it isn't something to be referred to as "good".
M*W: Well, let's see here. The moon represented evil since the constellation of Serpens (the serpent of Eden) could be seen at night. Lucifer (light bringer in the night sky) and all his minions (stars) could be seen in the dark sky, but they were probably seen "falling." After all, Lucifer and his minions "fell" from the heavens. Lunacy associated with the changing phases of the moon makes sense. The changing phases of the moon affect earth and everything in it, including humans. The cycles of the moon are closely tied to a woman's menses; therefore, women have been more closely associated with the moon. Back in the early days of croon, moon, June, I can see where the female species preferred
the moonlight for hanky panky instead of in the broad daylight. Maybe that's how hanky panky came to be known as evil since Lucifer ruled the night.
I have no argument with your current post.. I was merely pointing out that the moon has never really been a 'good' symbol, but rather one that man inherently feared.
SnakeLord said:
I have no argument with your current post.. I was merely pointing out that the moon has never really been a 'good' symbol, but rather one that man inherently feared.
M*W: Yes, I know. You are correct, but I believe that women saw the moon as a good thing, a useful source to help them determine menstrual cycles and dates of childbirth which is STILL calculated on the LUNAR calendar. What better ambience could two people have but the clear night sky free of smog and pollution lying together under the starlit skies?
Christianity is the route of all evil, as is Islam. Only one religion can claim to be "clean" - buddhism.
Red Devil said:
Christianity is the route of all evil, as is Islam. Only one religion can claim to be "clean" - buddhism.

Even Buddhism cannot "claim to be 'clean'" (and I'm a Buddhist saying this). When the Buddha first taught, after his enlightenment, he did not accept women as his followers. It was one of his own students who at one point convinced him to allow women to follow him.

Even as a Buddhist, I hold a great respect for the idea of Jesus, if he really did exist. In my opinion, he was just another man like the Buddha who had a decent concept of the "truth" of the world around him, and was, other than that, simply a very kind man. I have not read the bible, nor do I have a great understanding of it, but I believe it to be man-made and therefore fallible, like anything else man-made. It is my belief that any widespread belief is also fallible, and should be questioned. Religion seems to be just another example of humans acting as sheep - 20% of humans forming religions and being the elite in charge of those religions, and 80% following along with them (ala Plato).
Kaz. my thanks. I meant clean as in "have you ever started a war, held a persecution, had an inquisition etc etc"

Religion was born out of the chaos of ingnorance and misunderstanding in the vain effort to find the answers to those bleak minds in the caves of time to explain away why does the sun come up, the moon go down, the tide comes in and goes out etc etc. (deep breath) A man with a half cell more intelligence saw this as a means to an end, the easy life, pay homage to me and feed me free. Then along came someone else who said build me a church and I will lead you in thanking the gods for your lives, oh by the way, pass me a virgin to sacrifice once a month (after I have sacrificed myself hehehe!), dead virgins carry no tales, nor after shocks!
SnakeLord said:
The moon is good because it gives some light to darkness? I dunno.. Never heard of 'moonstruck'? Where do you think the word "lunacy" comes from? The moon has never really been a 'good' symbol.

Yes, I too like the moon.. but symbolically speaking it isn't something to be referred to as "good".

I did a little googling on the subject. Moon seems to represent femininty, see here.

Also the satanists use the moon for a symbol of the darkness and blood.

Islam uses the moon as their main symbol.
I think the fact that the moon originally represented femininity is the reason for it becoming associated with werewolves and satan and "the witching hour" etc. When Christianity arose, it sought to redefine aspects of the prevailing pagan religions of the time. Symbols like the moon were given negative connotations, along with those who worshipped the moon - pagans who were later burned at the stake as "witches".
I don't believe in BS like good and evil, but

according to Jesus himSELF:
""Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s enemies will be the members of his household." (Matthew 10:34-36)

Similarly, in the Gospel of Thomas Verse 16:
"Jesus said, “Perhaps people think that I have come to cast peace upon the world. They do not know that I have come to cast conflicts upon the earth: fire, sword, war.

For there will be five in a house: there’ll be three against two and two against three, father against son and son against father, and they will stand alone.”

This is what Jesus came to bring, its what his death Marks
Kazemi said:
I think the fact that the moon originally represented femininity is the reason for it becoming associated with werewolves and satan and "the witching hour" etc. When Christianity arose, it sought to redefine aspects of the prevailing pagan religions of the time. Symbols like the moon were given negative connotations, along with those who worshipped the moon - pagans who were later burned at the stake as "witches".

Negative. Feminism as in the "periods of the moon(th)" is why. Females moonthly bleed in sequence with the lunar cycle.
Red Devil said:
Negative. Feminism as in the "periods of the moon(th)" is why. Females moonthly bleed in sequence with the lunar cycle.

Exactly... hence women's bodies follow the cycles of the moon and the moon is a symbol of all things feminine. Yin (of yin & yang) follows this as well. I'm not sure what you're disagreeing with, Red Devil?

Oh, and by my original point about "the fact that the moon originally represented femininity is the reason for it becoming associated with werewolves and satan and "the witching hour" etc." I meant to say that the Roman Christian tradition intended to diminish the sacred role of women in the pagan religions to the point of making women inferior to men in the new Christian culture.

A bit wordy and confusing, sorry.