Christianety, is it good or evil?


Registered Senior Member
After an unbiased analysis, the following question can be asked,

Is christianety working for the forces of evil or working for the forces of good?

Mostly good:
* Treat others the way you want to be treated yourself.

Mostly bad:
* If you do not belive in Jesus, you end up in Hell.
* Hell was invented by Jesus.

Both good and bad:
* Turn your other cheek around. (bad - the forces of evil can work unhindered if no retalliation is allowed; good - everlasting spiral of revenges can be broken)
hell was invented by jesus? like, he and a small team of mechanics created it after a few years of R&D? was there a prototype? any minor tweaks?
I thought god made hell?

and if you say that satan made hell then god made satan so god is responsible for it

nice one big G
About Jesus invented Hell:

If you study religious history, old testanment and other sources, you'll see no evidence of Hell. However, the concept of Hell arrives with Jesus. Thus Jesus invented Hell.

This concept of Jesus inventing Hell was not coined by me, rather someone in a discussion some years ago on physics forum introduced this concept to me.
simple answer is yes, religion is evil, any religion.
but it's not working for the forces of evil as there are none, evil is but one face of the coin the other being good.
but religion it's self makes man do evil deeds, and therefore should be irradicated from the human mindset.
geeser said:
simple answer is yes, religion is evil, any religion.
but it's not working for the forces of evil as there are none, evil is but one face of the coin the other being good.
but religion it's self makes man do evil deeds, and therefore should be irradicated from the human mindset.

Are you not making things too simple in saying religion is evil.

In communist soviet union, the evil empire, remember, things were actually evil (among other things, Gulag). However religious influence was minimal as it was forbidden by the state. Thus things are not just jolly good becuase there is not any religion.

The world will NOT become good just because religion is erradicated. It is not that simple.
Streamline said:
About Jesus invented Hell:

If you study religious history, old testanment and other sources, you'll see no evidence of Hell. However, the concept of Hell arrives with Jesus. Thus Jesus invented Hell.

This concept of Jesus inventing Hell was not coined by me, rather someone in a discussion some years ago on physics forum introduced this concept to me.
M*W: Man invented religion. Man wrote the old testament and new testament. Man created Jesus from a plethora of earlier pagan myths, the earliest of all being the sun, and Man created hell from the darkness of the sun. Sun=good, Moon=bad. Man created all things of women as bad. After all, man wrote the history books, but they lied.
Religion = stupid. Stupid = Evil. Religion, therefore, = evil.
Gotta love Geometric Proofs.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Man invented religion. Man wrote the old testament and new testament. Man created Jesus from a plethora of earlier pagan myths, the earliest of all being the sun, and Man created hell from the darkness of the sun. Sun=good, Moon=bad. Man created all things of women as bad. After all, man wrote the history books, but they lied.

Moon = bad?

That which lights up the darkness in the night.
Christianity is neutral. People can interpret it for good or evil purposes, for the benefit of humanity, or the inflation of their own egos.
Streamline said:
Moon = bad?

That which lights up the darkness in the night.
M*W: Moon does not = bad to me. Moon good. Men's history has feared the moon who represents the woman and her cycles. Woman bleeds, but she does not die. Men fear women.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Moon does not = bad to me. Moon good. Men's history has feared the moon who represents the woman and her cycles. Woman bleeds, but she does not die. Men fear women.

Ahh it is good that we cleared that up. I kind of like the moon. Moon good.

Streamline said:
About Jesus invented Hell:

If you study religious history, old testanment and other sources, you'll see no evidence of Hell. However, the concept of Hell arrives with Jesus. Thus Jesus invented Hell.

post hoc, ergo propter hoc. it's a logical fallacy. look it up.

In communist soviet union, the evil empire, remember, things were actually evil (among other things, Gulag). However religious influence was minimal as it was forbidden by the state. Thus things are not just jolly good becuase there is not any religion.

your argument would be valid, if the statement was 'if and only if something is religious, it is evil.' there are all sorts of evil out there apart from religion. however, this doesn't somehow mean that religion does not cause evil. it simply doesn't cause -all- evil.
"Is christianety working for the forces of evil or working for the forces of good?"

It all depends on who's running it and how those that interpert it live by what they say.
Streamline said:
Ahh it is good that we cleared that up. I kind of like the moon. Moon good.

M*W: Now that we're on this subject, I love the darkness of night, the moon, the stars and planets. I especially love a thunderstorm when I'm alone in my house in the darkness. Sometimes I will wrap up in a towel and blanket and sit outside on my picnic table during a thunderstorm while playing Native American music. It's so empowering, especially with scented candles. I feel like I'm all alone in the dark wilderness. Once when my kids were teenagers, I was sitting outside in the darkness and rain. One boy said, "Hey is your mom on something?" My daughter replied, "No, she's just into that stuff." Then I had hell to pay since I embarassed her in front of her friends.
dr. cello said:
post hoc, ergo propter hoc. it's a logical fallacy. look it up.

I am not saying:
1. Jesus arrives near year 0
2. Hell arrives nearly afterwards
3. Therefore Jesus caused Hell.
Which is post hoc.

Jesus is actually for the first time explaining the concept of Hell, thus he coined the term; therefore one can say that Jesus invented Hell, simply because he defined Hell from which no one new anything about before. Since he also uses Hell for his purposes "if you do not believe in me, then Hell", it is rather clear that even if he did not invent Hell, he surely was involved in the leadership of Hell.
you're saying
1. Jesus arrives around year 0.
2. Hell was not heard of in our records before Jesus.
3. Therefore Jesus caused Hell.

you could make the -exact same- argument about anyone else. and also, nearly every religion believes (and believed) in an afterlife. Hell was not some new concept.
More and more for me organized religion has become the evil side of spiritualism.

I also enjoy a good lightning display but prefer watching from a window.
Streamline said:
I am not saying:
1. Jesus arrives near year 0
2. Hell arrives nearly afterwards
3. Therefore Jesus caused Hell.
Which is post hoc.

Jesus is actually for the first time explaining the concept of Hell, thus he coined the term; therefore one can say that Jesus invented Hell, simply because he defined Hell from which no one new anything about before. Since he also uses Hell for his purposes "if you do not believe in me, then Hell", it is rather clear that even if he did not invent Hell, he surely was involved in the leadership of Hell.
So you're saying hell exist before judaism was practiced, but it wasn't until christianity came along that it was explained?

Either way, it doesn't exist, so, whatevah.