Christian Persecution by Israel

Brian Foley

Valued Senior Member

November 28, 1998 Some 1000 ultra-orthodox Jews attacked a Christian and Missionary Alliance Church in Beersheva. The approximately 40 members inside had to be evacuated by police while the mobs threw rocks and spit at them. The Jews claimed that the Christians were planning to baptize Jewish children.

April,1999 - Another attempt to curtail evangelical activities by outlawing any attempt to convert another person was dropped due to the retirement of a member of the Israeli Knesset who was promoting the bill. This bill called for three years imprisonment or a fine of 50,000 shekels ($12,500 USD) for any attempt to change another's religion.

November 1999 Another bill was proposed in order to outlawing any attempt to convert another person . The bill stipulates a 5-year prison sentence for soliciting or persuading another person to change his or her religion. A 3-year sentence would be handed down to anyone soliciting through advertisement and those convicted of holding such an advertisement without lawful justification would be sentenced to 1 year in prison.

June 2000 v Orthodox Jews in Tel Aviv threatened to burn down a Christian bookstore that sponsors evening Bible studies. During the day the Jews surrounded the store and shouted curses at the workers. Graffiti written on the store by night included swastikas and the phrase "Death to missionaries."

January 21, 2001 v Anti-missionary legislation was once again proposed in the Israeli parliament. A proposed amendment to the Penal Code would subject to 3 months imprisonment anyone who mails, faxes, or e-mails materials of an evangelistic nature without the prior consent of the addressee.

December 2002 - Christians in Bethlehem have asked for prayer as they have been under a curfew since November 22. The curfew, imposed by the Israeli government, is part of an effort to crack down on Palestinian militants. However, Christians living in Bethlehem may not leave their homes or attend church and Christians seeking to travel to the birth place of Christ have been unable to do so. (ANS)

Ongoing - Recent reports indicate that Christians are fleeing Israel in large numbers . One researcher estimates that while Christians comprised about 20% of the population of the Holy Land in the early 1900s, today only 2% of the population is Christian and that segment is dwindling even more as Christians try to escape the violence currently taking place in their homeland. Approximately 250 Christian families have left Bethlehem since the beginning of the Palestinian uprising, according to the city's deputy mayor.
Brian Foley said:

November 28, 1998 Some 1000 ultra-orthodox Jews attacked a Christian and Missionary Alliance Church in Beersheva. The approximately 40 members inside had to be evacuated by police while the mobs threw rocks and spit at them. The Jews claimed that the Christians were planning to baptize Jewish children.

April,1999 - Another attempt to curtail evangelical activities by outlawing any attempt to convert another person was dropped due to the retirement of a member of the Israeli Knesset who was promoting the bill. This bill called for three years imprisonment or a fine of 50,000 shekels ($12,500 USD) for any attempt to change another's religion.

November 1999 Another bill was proposed in order to outlawing any attempt to convert another person . The bill stipulates a 5-year prison sentence for soliciting or persuading another person to change his or her religion. A 3-year sentence would be handed down to anyone soliciting through advertisement and those convicted of holding such an advertisement without lawful justification would be sentenced to 1 year in prison.

June 2000 v Orthodox Jews in Tel Aviv threatened to burn down a Christian bookstore that sponsors evening Bible studies. During the day the Jews surrounded the store and shouted curses at the workers. Graffiti written on the store by night included swastikas and the phrase "Death to missionaries."

January 21, 2001 v Anti-missionary legislation was once again proposed in the Israeli parliament. A proposed amendment to the Penal Code would subject to 3 months imprisonment anyone who mails, faxes, or e-mails materials of an evangelistic nature without the prior consent of the addressee.

December 2002 - Christians in Bethlehem have asked for prayer as they have been under a curfew since November 22. The curfew, imposed by the Israeli government, is part of an effort to crack down on Palestinian militants. However, Christians living in Bethlehem may not leave their homes or attend church and Christians seeking to travel to the birth place of Christ have been unable to do so.[/B(ANS)

Ongoing - Recent reports indicate that Christians are fleeing Israel in large numbers. One researcher estimates that while Christians comprised about 20% of the population of the Holy Land in the early 1900s, today only 2% of the population is Christian and that segment is dwindling even more as Christians try to escape the violence currently taking place in their homeland. Approximately 250 Christian families have left Bethlehem since the beginning of the Palestinian uprising, according to the city's deputy mayor.

M*W: Israel is a terrorist state. When are you people going to recognize that?
M*W: Here we are, giving money to fund the Israeli forces. They're attacking Christians, but, please, don't let me stop them. Israelis are so corrupt, so defiled of the middle Eastern cultures. How can anyone condone Israeli occupation? Kill the bastards! If Jesus was from Palestine, why do the Israels continue to cause human rights violations among the Palestineans. Palestine FOREVER! Israel, NO MORE!
MW, next thing you know, you'll be marching with ANSWER and a kafiya with a sign that says "we are all palestinians"

and this site, Brian Foley, is not giving you very important pieces of information

those Christians leaving Beit Lekhem are Christian 'palestinians' that leave because of the Muslim 'palestinians' harass them. you can google it. there's lots of articles about it.

as for crazy ultra-orthodox religious people grafitti spraying on Christian missionary stores, so what... they're just a crazy mob. every place has them.
that doesn't mean all Israelis, or all religious, khasid, orthodox, and ultra-orthodox elements are crazy... just a small part of the ultra-orthodox peeps. they are sort of extreme, but are harmless and don't have much power as a mob or a political force

the bills that were proposed (but not passed) were probably proposed by the religious elements in the Knesset. but so what? they were struck down, weren't they?

these are really poor attempt at demonizing a democratic country
otheadp said:
MW, next thing you know, you'll be marching with ANSWER and a kafiya with a sign that says "we are all palestinians"
M*W: The Jewish State has failed humanity. Humanity is all I care about. There are GOOD JEWS, but there are BETTER PALENISTIANS.
and this site, Brian Foley, is not giving you very important pieces of information
M*W: Brian Foley is not seeking the truth.
those Christians leaving Beit Lekhem are Christian 'palestinians' that leave because of the Muslim 'palestinians' harass them. you can google it. there's lots of articles about it.
M*W: Why Google it? There should be not separation between Israel and Palestine. For those of you who are Christians out there, just remember that Jesus and his mother were from Palestine. Why do you condemn them so?
as for crazy ultra-orthodox religious people grafitti spraying on Christian missionary stores, so what... they're just a crazy mob. every place has them. that doesn't mean all Israelis, or all religious, khasid, orthodox, and ultra-orthodox elements are crazy... just a small part of the ultra-orthodox peeps. they are sort of extreme, but are harmless and don't have much power as a mob or a political force the bills that were proposed (but not passed) were probably proposed by the religious elements in the Knesset. but so what? they were struck down, weren't they? these are really poor attempt at demonizing a democratic country QUOTE]
M*W: No shit, Sherlock!
otheadp said:
MW, next thing you know, you'll be marching with ANSWER and a kafiya with a sign that says "we are all palestinians"
M*W: You know, pothead, I will be marching with the Anti-Christians. There is nothing to worry about the Jews nor the Palestinians. The Christians are the evil dudes. I'll always be marching against those freaks.
"M*W: You know, pothead, I will be marching with the Anti-Christians. There is nothing to worry about the Jews nor the Palestinians. The Christians are the evil dudes. I'll always be marching against those freaks. "

Says something about YOUR character doesnt it...
Not only the jewish terrorists in Israel persecuting christians, they are KILLING THEM:


A Palestinian Christian family mourns over the body of a civilian woman shot by Israeli soldiers on October 21, 2001.
REUTERS/Desmond Boylan

Click here for more pictures:
M*W: The Jewish State has failed humanity. Humanity is all I care about. There are GOOD JEWS, but there are BETTER PALENISTIANS
And how many Jews and Palestianians do you know? Do you suppose that the 100,000 or so Jews in Germany would just stay in DP camps? I don't believe the Jewish state has failed humanity. It was the Arab states around Irsael who attacked the state just as it was formed. There was no need for this because the Jews had sworn that the Arabs living in Isreal would keep their land.

M*W: Why Google it? There should be not separation between Israel and Palestine. For those of you who are Christians out there, just remember that Jesus and his mother were from Palestine. Why do you condemn them so?
Israel can and should be Jewish homeland along with those who are Arabs and Christians.
Foley - "Ongoing - It has been reported that Christian homes are sometimes taken over by the Palestinian Authority and used as bases from which to fire on the Israeli army. The Israeli army, in return, has damaged and destroyed the Christian homes in order to attack the Palestinian gunmen."

"Ongoing - Recent reports indicate that Christians are fleeing Israel in large numbers . One researcher estimates that while Christians comprised about 20% of the population of the Holy Land in the early 1900s, today only 2% of the population is Christian and that segment is dwindling even more as Christians try to escape the violence currently taking place in their homeland. Approximately 250 Christian families have left Bethlehem since the beginning of the Palestinian uprising, according to the city's deputy mayor."

It would seem to me that Jews and Muslims are both causing problems for the Christian population. Furthermore, Russia also has a problem with evangelical Christian and LDS missionaries, so I don't see how this issue has anything specifically to do with Israel.
Medicine Woman said:
The Christians are the evil dudes. I'll always be marching against those freaks.

All that hatred just because your beloved church kicked you from your position in sunday school. :D

Dont you have christian relatives? Do you think theyre freaks too? Mother Theresa was a freak? Martin Luther King was a freak? Abraham Lincoln was a freak?

I think the only freak here is YOU Medicine Woman. Sorry.
StarOfEight said:
So Christians are killing Muslims in Nigeria? And aren't Muslims killing and enslaving Christians and animists in the Sudan?

NO they are NOT !!


The Sudanese civil war has generated a vast amount of propaganda and disinformation. The intervention in Sudan by foreign powers, especially the United States, and by civil groups with partisan religious and political motivations, has exacerbated and prolonged a tragic conflict by the deliberate and cynical manufacture of blatantly manufactured distortions, lies and hoaxes.

Source: The European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council
DoctorNO said:
All that hatred just because your beloved church kicked you from your position in sunday school. :D

Dont you have christian relatives? Do you think theyre freaks too? Mother Theresa was a freak? Martin Luther King was a freak? Abraham Lincoln was a freak?

Hitler THE CHRISTIAN was certainly a freak !!


Hitler leaves the Marine Church in Wilhelmshaven.
Palestinian Christians are leaving not just Palestine but the entire Middle East in droves and many are coming to the US. It seems to me Jordanian and Lebanese Christians just don't want to be among their Muslim neighbors while they are more than happy to live among American Christians. Arab Christian friends of mine have detailed the abuse and discrimination they lived with while in Muslim majority countries. It's odd that no Muslim ever wants to bring that up.