Christian Love taking place in Nigeria !


Shield of Islam
Registered Senior Member
Muslims in Nigerian town 'massacred'

More than 200 Muslims are dead and 120 missing after Christian fighters attacked a central Nigerian town, one of Nigeria's senior Islamic leaders has said, branding the assault "mass murder".

Abd al-Kadir Orire, secretary general of Nigeria's main Muslim representative body the Jama'atu Nasril Islam, said: "Between 200 and 250 people were killed in the violence, while many have disappeared."

"Those who disappeared cannot be accounted for, nobody knows if they are dead or in hiding. 120 people including women and children are missing," he said on Wednesday, citing the testimony of refugees fleeing the flashpoint town of Shendam.

"There are difficulties in getting exact figures because the situation is still tense, and it will take time to account for the exact number of dead and missing. It's mass murder, because machine guns were used, not machetes."

Late on Sunday, heavily armed fighters from the Christian Tarok ethnic group stormed Yelwa, a farming community in the Shendam local government area of central Nigeria's Plateau State, 300 km east of Abuja.

According to witnesses who fled the scene, some of the Christian fighters sprayed the town with heavy-calibre automatic fire from machine guns mounted on two jeeps, while others armed with machetes and rifles razed homes and attacked residents.

"It's mass murder, because machine guns were used, not machetes"

Abd al-Kadir Orire,
secretary-general, Jama'atu Nasril Islam

Plateau State Police Commissioner Innocent Iluozoke on Tuesday said that two mosques in the mainly Muslim Hausa-speaking community were damaged and that police had recovered 67 bodies, while more had been buried by local people.

Meanwhile, Nigeria's President Olusegun Obasanjo has sent 600 heavily armed police reinforcements to back up Iluozoke's peacekeeping efforts in the southern portion of Plateau, which has long been prey to ethnic violence.

The Tarok are mainly Christian and are subsistence farmers, while their Hausa and Fulani rivals are often nomadic herdsmen, whose livestock threaten their neighbours' crops. Both groups claim ancestral rights to the land.

There have been several recent reports of large-scale massacres in Plateau State and neighbouring Taraba State, but accurate casualty tolls are hard to obtain in a remote and permanently unsafe area of the country.

Muslim Source:

Western Source:

Why you dont talk about this kind of TERRORISM ? why you dont utter a single word about this christian terrorism ?? why you dont ask every christian to condemn what happened in Nigeria ? why the American media DID NOT report this massacres while they were too happy to run 3 days live coverage of Madrid bombing????

Any religion in nigeria is meaningless, it hasn't been there long enough to set in to the residents. They are still a tribal people and it is that culture responsible for the violence, not 'christianity' or 'islam' or anything else.
Whether they have recently adopted christianity or whatever is irrelevent, religions are a product of cultural evolution, not a 'decision' or something that can be forced on people, their cultural evolution is in the same place it was before they ever even heard of christianity.
Todays christians are actually largely 'athiests' in their minds. I'm a christian that doesn't believe in christianity at all. If I do something you can blame it on christians. If you start tallying up the actions of 'christian' nigerians we'll be in for a long night.
I could just as easily convert to islam and start having sex with farm animals. Would you be badmouthing islam if that happened?
I'd actually prefer you to badmouth christianity than these nigerians. Their actions are none of your business. Focuss on your sworn enemy, the real christians. Basically that means europeans, not poor tribal people that europeans got to and gave a bible.

We don't hear about these events because they happen everyday in nigeria, it doesn't matter what alleged religion is supposedly behind it, its nigerians, not christianity or islam or anything to do with them, its nigerian conflict that you have no understanding of.
There is no 'cover up' by the american media, its just irrelevent. They don't put hyena vs lion wars on the news do they? Same deal.
That was in retaliation to this?...
More action-reactions:


    • More than a dozen were killed in Kaduna in March 1987, reportedly after a Muslim woman slapped a Christian preacher at an open-air revival whom she accused of insulting the Koran. About 1,000 people were arrested, and outdoor preaching was banned in several states.

    • As many as 300 people were killed in Kaduna in May 1992 in what was characterized as fighting between Muslim and Christian ethnic groups over a long-standing land dispute tinged with a political struggle ahead of presidential elections.

    • More than 100 people died in May 2000 after two days of clashes between Kaduna's Muslims and Christians. Nigerian forces were sent to break up the violence, which was blamed on the death of a Christian at a Muslim's hands.
You see how Manupilative Doctorhate is ??

He is only posted the part about the 48 christians killed, he did not tell you that prior to that muslims were killed also by christians:

Muslim Fulani cattle herders and Christian Tarok farmers have been clashing in central Nigeria for more than two months.

They are fighting mainly over land and cattle. Thousands of people are reported to have fled the fighting.

In 2001 more than 1,000 people died in religious clashes in the state capital of Jos.

Also Doctohate did not post what christians did prior to 1992 !!!!

Doctorhate is saying it is ok now for muslims to REACT and slaughter 200 christians !! right doctorhate ??????? :(
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nah. none of that is right. what is right is for people to live like Canadians. religious LIBERTY to everybody. separation of church/mosque and state. no hate, no murder.
PM you're trying to blame christianity for nigerian conflict...
I don't think you are in the position to be responding to this thread, this is one of those ones where you make a fool of yourself and then never respond and let it die.
The audacity you have displayed by responding, while almost admirable in its outrageousness, is ridiculous and its best that you leave this thread of yours, never to return.
You see, I did not see doctorhate condeming this CHRISTIAN TERRORISM, of course he wont condemn it because the victims are Muslims !!

Dr Lou Natic said:
PM you're trying to blame christianity for nigerian conflict...
I don't think you are in the position to be responding to this thread, this is one of those ones where you make a fool of yourself and then never respond and let it die.

Go and get a life you hater !!! you either condemn this HORRIBLE MASSACRES committed by christians against Muslims or you are HYPOCRITE !! WHICH ONE ???
Proud_Muslim said:
You see, I did not see doctorhate condeming this CHRISTIAN TERRORISM, of course he wont condemn it because the victims are Muslims !!
I said "none of that is right" didnt I? But if it makes you happy then I will say it outright:

In Sudan, Militiamen on Horses Uproot a Million

"The men on horses killed my parents," she said, referring to the Janjaweed, loose bands of Arab fighters. "Then the planes came."

...But the Arab-African rivalry has long festered here, and the most ruthless weapon has been the mounted Janjaweed fighters, who know no rules of war.

The Janjaweed ride camels and horses and use automatic weapons against those they come across. They ride into villages en masse and shoot anyone in sight. As the militiamen torch and loot, the villagers grab what they can and run.

Fatima Ishag Sulieman, 25, did not have time to get away. She was in bed when the Janjaweed moved in. Two men entered her hut. They hit her, then they raped her in front of her family.
It sounds like this has a whole lot more to do with land disputes than with the religion of the participants. Much like the conflict in Ireland was based on resentment over people moving in rather than religion. However, religion is often used as a convenient excuse or a way for people in power to incite those who don't understand what they believe in to acts of violence.
Shouting at the Deaf

Of the factors that might compel people to make excuses for Christianity where they would indict Islam, none are particularly impressive.

Proud Muslim - I hadn't touched this one myself yet (I was thinking of a topic for it, myself) largely because I think it, like Darfur, Indonesia, Nepal, and other places around the world, stand as examples of the consistency of certain factors contributing to violence where religious faith is an inconsistent factor.

In the meantime, people culturally inclined to be selective in their hostilities are merely human beings being human.

Remember what you're up against:
The members of all communities, including nations and whole civilisations, are infused with the prevailing ideologies of those communities. These, in turn, create attitueds of mind which include certain copacities and equally positively exclude others.

The ideologies may be so ancient, so deep-seated or so subtle that they are not identified as such by the people at large. In this case they are often discerned only through a method of challenging them, asking questions about them or by comparing them with other communities.

Such challenge, description, or questioning, often the questioning of assumptions, is what frequently enables a culture or a number of people from that culture to think in ways that have been closed to most of their fellows.

- Emir Ali Khan​
I know you're aware of it. I know I throw that quote around like an Iraqi PoW (it's so diversely applicable, and more durable under brutal conditions than the average human being). But I drag it out again because I'm just not sure it's profitable to yell at the deaf.

It's too early to expect their moral condemnation of the one or that they should disavow their moral condemnation of the other. Right now I'm trying to figure how to explain the ineffably obvious to people: the relationships between economic empowerment and human conflict.

• Ali Khan, Emir. "Sufi Activity." From Sufi Thought and Action. Assembled by Idries Shah. London: Octagon, 1990.
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Proud_Muslim said:
Go and get a life you hater !!! you either condemn this HORRIBLE MASSACRES committed by christians against Muslims or you are HYPOCRITE !! WHICH ONE ???

DoctorNO said:

spidergoat said:
"The men on horses killed my parents," she said, referring to the Janjaweed, loose bands of Arab fighters.

As it appears, some Muslim Arabic peoples have peacefully economically migrated into yet another peoples country. Well that is according to Proud Muslim’s theory that Arabs are in North Africa via peaceful and natural economic migration. (Incidentally, I am still wondering why there seems to be a rub with the Kurds in the North of Iraq …as your theory on peaceful economic migration would suggest all peoples love to have Arabs economically migrate into their countries). Nevertheless . . . . . .

I am wondering - Proud Muslim, as Muslims are killing Xians as well – then do you condemn the Muslim Terrorists in Nigeria?
You know, it also occurs to me, as Dr. No points out, that these aren't actually Christians who committed this atrocity:
Dr. No said:
That was in retaliation to this?...
Let me guess, let me guess ... everyone knows that they're killing each other over religion, right?

It has nothing to do with economy? Couldn't possibly have anything to do with economic conditions and resources?

Nah ... it must be the religions.
This thread has the makings of a propaganda war, it seems to me.

Proud_Muslim said:
Go and get a life you hater...

Do it yourself, you fucking... 'hater'.
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It has nothing to do with economy? Couldn't possibly have anything to do with economic conditions and resources?

Nah ... it must be the religions.
That was my point, PM is trying to make it into a christianity vs islam. Which is a joke. Its a territorial dispute that would be happening with or without religion.

'Condemn' if you want PM you little earth-judge, its none of your business. Like I said its akin to a lion vs hyena dispute. You can't condemn it because its got nothing to do with you, the parties involved are fighting for a reason, you can't understand why they're fighting so get your sticky nose out of it. Asshole.
That was my point, PM is trying to make it into a christianity vs islam. Which is a joke. Its a territorial dispute that would be happening with or without religion.
Which, incidentally, is the general point that PM, myself, and others have made regarding violence and Islam.

He's calling into question the standard by which Islam is maligned by a number of posters. I tend to agree.

But there's a faction of haters here who believe that it's always about Islam, all the time. Thus, what is a forgivable or understandable error of being human in others is a hideous crime for Muslims, according to these overly-judgmental, apparently-undereducated anti-Islamic critics.

Look at how people presume the worst about Muslims. I'm actually considering carrying a copy of the Quran when I fly to Vegas next month, see how that goes over. At worst, I'll get what I deserve for f@cking with TSA, at best I'll be surprised. Of course, then I would have to decide whether or not to actually read the thing on the airplane, and at some point that's just unnecessarily provocative.
tiassa said:
Of the factors that might compel people to make excuses for Christianity where they would indict Islam, none are particularly impressive.

Proud Muslim - I hadn't touched this one myself yet (I was thinking of a topic for it, myself) largely because I think it, like Darfur, Indonesia, Nepal, and other places around the world, stand as examples of the consistency of certain factors contributing to violence where religious faith is an inconsistent factor.

I agree with you, I dont blame christianity for this, I dont say christianity is evil, I dont ask every christian in the world to stand up and condemn it, the problem is the reaction of some islamophobes here in this forum, instead of condeming what happened, they started pointing the fingers at Muslims ( like the case with our jewish hater, spidergoat ) and others tried to find excuses ! UNBELIEVABLE !

Imagine if Muslims did this ! the hell will break lose...Madrid bombing claimed less lives but yet draw 3 days continous coverage, why ? because the victims are non muslims and the ones who did it were apparantly Muslims !!! what happened in Nigeria did not even attract small moving news barline in any major American News networks !! You just need to wonder why this BLATANT hypocrisy ???

Why Muslim victims of 'christian/ western/ israeli/ hindu/ buddist terrorism' are worthless ? :mad: