Christian Attack on the quran over Foreign Words is Refuted

Arabic is some kind of a magical language of God, as the radical nutbars claim

Like who?

And that has what relevance to "Muslims"? Do you imagine the average American had any idea what sort of religion they were dealing with? The President and major politicians directly involved, if you recall, were clueless on the Shia/Sunni business - it's hard to imagine they were killing people for a religion they couldn't find on a map.

And that isn't par for the course?

Let me throw a few words at you: Islamofascist, Islamic terrorism, War on Terror [the greatest irony of all] and Islamists.

What do they bring to mind? <tick tock tick tock>

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SAM said:
Arabic is some kind of a magical language of God, as the radical nutbars claim

Like who?
Several on this forum, including Diamondheart and the OP of this thread.
SAM said:
And that isn't par for the course?

Let me throw a few words at you: Islamofascist, Islamic terrorism, War on Terror [the greatest irony of all] and Islamists.

What do they bring to mind?
Nothing relevant to this thread or my posting. What is your point?
Its the same thing. Whether its Michael the clueless or <any American> the clueless, what they know about anything is not really relevant to what they do.
A short article showing the erroneous nature of the foreighn word claim against the Quran

Of course it has foreign words in it, and the took their alphabet from foreign sources. What of it?

There are very, very few unique languages and even they have foreign words in them. You'd ahve to be a religious nut to...oh, never mind.
SAM said:
Its the same thing. Whether its Michael the clueless or <any American> the clueless, what they know about anything is not really relevant to what they do.
But it is relevant to why they do it.
I have never heard or read an opinion by a Christian attacking the legitimacy of the quran based on it using borrowed words from other languages. And i have visited more than a few christian apologetic sites.

Most languages are peppered with foreign sourced words.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I have never heard or read an opinion by a Christian attacking the legitimacy of the quran based on it using borrowed words from other languages. And i have visited more than a few christian apologetic sites.

Most languages are peppered with foreign sourced words.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Seems like Michaels view of Christians is only paralleled by his knowledge of Muslims
I have a brilliant idea SAM - why don't you address the OP? :)
Does the Qur'an contain loan-words? Why does it appear to be important to the person who started the thread that the Qur'an NOT contain ANY foreign words and is "pure" unadulterated Arabic?
From what I read in the OP he said that the loan words were Arabic because they were a part of the Arabic language. Which makes sense. The English language contains loan words, are they a foreign language?

Meanwhile the entire verse which is being critiqued by the anti-Islamic brigade, has been misconstrued to misrepresent its meaning. So what does it mean? It means that whoever is using these arguments is completely clueless and has no idea that there are other verses which say, for example:
"Mankind was one single nation, and God sent Messengers with glad tidings and warnings; and with them He sent the Book in truth, to judge between people in matters wherein they differed; but the People of the Book, after the clear Signs came to them, did not differ among themselves, except through selfish contumacy." 2:213

We have made it a Qur'an in Arabic, that ye may be able to understand 43:3

Verily, We have made this (Quran) easy, in your tongue, in order that they may give heed. 44:58

We sent thee not, but as a Mercy for all creatures 21:107

This is no less than a Message to (all) the Worlds. 38:87

Had We sent this as a Qur'an other than Arabic they could have said: Why are not its verses explained in detail? What! (a book) not in Arabic and (a messenger) an Arab? Say: It is a guide and a healing to those who believe ... 41: 44

This is a Book full of Blessings that we have revealed unto you so people ponder upon its verses and men of intellect may reflect. 38:29
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There is a verse for that too! :D

"He did lead me astray from the Message (of Allah) after it had come to me! Ah! The Satan is but a traitor to man!" And the Messenger will say: "O my Lord! Truly my people took this Quran for just foolish nonsense." (Quran 25:29-30)
SAM said:
Meanwhile the entire verse which is being critiqued by the anti-Islamic brigade, has been misconstrued to misrepresent its meaning.
You mean the pro-Islamic brigade.

The anti-Islamic brigade is not deriving its arguments from the Quran, in this matter - misconstrued or otherwise.
You mean the pro-Islamic brigade.

The anti-Islamic brigade is not deriving its arguments from the Quran, in this matter - misconstrued or otherwise.

If you bothered to read the OP, its a response to criticism about the validity of the Quran by the anti-Islamic brigade
SAM said:
The anti-Islamic brigade is not deriving its arguments from the Quran, in this matter - misconstrued or otherwise.

If you bothered to read the OP, its a response to criticism about the validity of the Quran by the anti-Islamic brigade
No, it isn't.

It is a response to an illusion of such a criticism or threat to the Quran, on the part of someone who is deriving their arguments from the Quran. Even in the illusion, the "attackers" are not deriving their arguments from the Quran. The "defender" of Islam - which requires a literally true and purely Arabic Quran - is.
No, it isn't.

It is a response to an illusion of such a criticism or threat to the Quran, on the part of someone who is deriving their arguments from the Quran. Even in the illusion, the "attackers" are not deriving their arguments from the Quran. The "defender" of Islam - which requires a literally true and purely Arabic Quran - is.

The OP can correct me, but I believe he started this thread after chancing upon this one
SAM said:
The OP can correct me, but I believe he started this thread after chancing upon this one
Sounds likely, although he mislabeled the inquiry as from "Christians" and the entire scene as an "attack" on the Quran - the observation that Arabic is one the standard human languages with all the basic features thereof is hardly an "attack" on the Quran, or a challenge to its validity,

- - is it?
Michael is pretty much only interested in expressing Michael’s views.
If praying to Xenu didn't affect my life then I'd happy leave you to it. But, as our last Commander in Chief led you all around by the nose to go on a good old Crusade "Huck Huck" killing thousands of Iraqi's and thousands of Citizens, well, it's become apparent to me that people have to stand up to this non-sense.

As for the opening post, I have spoken with many Muslims and most of them think the Qur'an is "pure" Arabic as in it contains no loan-words. The reason why this is important to them is because (and I quote) Arabic is Allah's language. It's a pretty common concept among Muslims that all of the world will be better when it's all Islamic and part of this is everyone speaking Arabic. And Americans think the world will be better when we mold everyone in our image too. Oh, and most people now speak English .. Ooo I mean American. I think even a blind man riding by on a bus can see where it leads? No? Nuke on Japan, Bombs in Korea, Villages flattened in Vietnam, Persians raped, cities plundered. Going back later and saying "we rebuilt Japan or we economically helped South Korea or hey, we saved a bunch of Greek manuscripts while we were looting monstaries.. just doesn't cut it.

Anyway, it seems SAM takes the right approach on the topic. To bad most Muslims weren't in some ways similar to SAM. She's OK. And you are OK too. The only way you could both can fix these last few brain-farts is to fall back to her own heritage or both go atheist :p Until then it'll be fun watching her (and you) paint yourselves into little corners .. hahaaha.....

It's a bitch defending magical sky people and alien overloards, I feel for you. I mean, the fact that you stick to it after half a decade in and of itself says something!

Oh, lastly, I've met Xians who have told me the King James Version is the literal word of God, as in YWHA spoke in old English :bugeye: Whaddaya think Adstar, tis God speaketh the old tongue?

It's not my fault people are morons :shrug: