Christ the only Son of God walked among us

Ok, as we're all "family", mind if I come round and bonk your wife?

Being family doesn't rule out rules.

I already explained that. When you are about to be killed, it's better to kill first and ensure your own survival.

That is your opinion. And that is seemingly thinking you are better than they. That you deserve life and they don't, even if they screwed up, which we're all guilty of. Did you not accuse or question me of thinking I was better than someone wearing a dress when you convey your survival is worth more than someone elses?

Majority of what?

Of all that is and is living. I could just say people but even if we kill all animals, of course you know, we would almost certainly die off at this stage in evolution. We are all interdependant of our environment so it's our best interest to also account what's good for it.

What I was saying is that morality is morality of the moment. We can certainly be nice, considerate and forgiving, but it doesn't mean much when a guy is busy suffocating your child with a plastic bag. Morality goes out of the window, survival takes over.

Yes, it certainly doesn't try to override us when emotion strikes us. That's why I think it's good to practice action presented by reason rather than emotion. Once you do, it's easier and you become less impulsive and less regrettable of your past actions. To clear your emotions and use reason before you act. I would admit it wouldn't be easy in this case but I would certainly be more level headed than in the past if presented with this situation.

Why does what I would want have any bearing on my son wants or should do? Further to which, if I now say I'm Scottish, you're offending me and my entire culture - where men do wear 'dresses', (kilts). Of course not all the time, but it is a large part of their culture and you've just labelled it as wrong for no apparent reason.

Because to get my view across more, I believe in valuing even a stranger's life to that of my own families. Yes, I believe in caring for my family but also believe in caring for others. That we are our brothers keeper and if someone needs a hand, to give them one regardless if they are immediate family. It is one view which presents itself while believing in God, that we are all His children and I would want all my kids to be forgiving and helpful to each other, which is the way I believe God sees it.

I'm part celtic origin myself. I see nothing wrong with the traditional Scottish kilt. It is their culture and tradition. I take the bible passage again as meaning something worn or done which is offensive to another. If it is traditional, of course, to most it may not be seen as offensive. I myself was a "punk" when I was younger. At one time, I had a mohawk for a summer. It was my expression. Yes, I had a right to express it. Did it cause me anguish from the looks of my small town? Yeah, some. Did it cause some others anguish or offend them for the time? Yeah, some. In the end, what did it do? Yes, it let me express my style. Yes, I had a right to. Did it cause more harm than good? Yes, I would say so. Of course I wore a hat a lot so it wasn't ever noticed unless I wanted it to and during the school summer. It really accomplished nothing and rather silly when I look back on it. But that's all a part of growing up, finding your boundaries. I think dressing in woman's clothes is really no bigger deal than how much it offends someone else. If someone is freaked out by it and wants to fight, ideally it would be best to not wear it. Yes, you would be well in your right in America and most countries to do it but it could cause two people to get emotionally and/or physically hurt for it. So it's just not worth it unless the people you do that around aren't offended.

Morals in a sense are relative but I think should be averaged to the lowest common denominator. If I cuss and most people around me do also, if there is one person around me that doesn't like it I think it best not to cuss at all, after all, it's really senseless anyway.

But don't get me confused as someone who takes my own moral code so seriously it makes me worry so much of doing wrong that it's detrimental to my own health. Or believe in being inoffensive so much that I get carried away with it and wind up offending someone. It may happen sometimes but I try not to let it. I'm a big believer in balance and the only thing humans can do perfect is not be perfect.
Being family doesn't rule out rules.

But you'd undoubtedly forgive me if I did.

That is your opinion. And that is seemingly thinking you are better than they. That you deserve life and they don't, even if they screwed up, which we're all guilty of.

Do I consider my life as worth more to me than theirs? Certainly. How you could mistake that for me thinking I'm better than them is anyones guess.

Did you not accuse or question me of thinking I was better than someone wearing a dress when you convey your survival is worth more than someone elses?

My survival is worth more.. to me.. that someone elses survival.

Of all that is and is living.

I'm sorry, you cannot define morality for "all that is and is living", which is what you're trying to do.

That's why I think it's good to practice action presented by reason rather than emotion. Once you do, it's easier and you become less impulsive and less regrettable of your past actions.

While emotions certainly have their faults, they are beneficial to have. I also entirely agree with reason, and by using reason I would ensure my own survival by ending someone elses life if I needed to.

I take the bible passage again as meaning something worn or done which is offensive to another.

So.. everything? I find religious garments offensive, some guy up the road finds goth clothes offensive, I even know a person that finds facial hair offensive.

I think dressing in woman's clothes is really no bigger deal than how much it offends someone else. If someone is freaked out by it and wants to fight, ideally it would be best to not wear it.

So, nobody should wear anything - as explained above.