Christ the only Son of God walked among us


Digging up old bones
Registered Senior Member

Crucifixus etiam.

he was even crucified, so that you might have life in abundance.
In the beginning... FSM created a mountain, trees, and a midget... then He created the Heavens, with your own personal beer volcano and stripper factory... so that you might have a better life in Heaven... He even gave us these neat pirate suits so we could have fun!

Face it Lawdog, u cannot honestly say Jesus is the Son of God and all that bullshit like you know it to be true because a few old guys supposedly said it happened when other old guys wrote things clearly contradicting them.

FSM ftw
Yes I can. Have you ever flown in a stealth bomber? Yet you know that they can do what they say it can do because you rely on the testimony of a few old guys in the pentagon says it can.
Um, actually you can look it up online. NATO has done war games with the B-2 and the F-117, they're both practically invisible to all modern forms of radar. Christ is a different matter entirely. :m: Go smoke some pot, it'll do the same thing that going to a church will, and with less guilt! :D
Lawdog said:
Yes I can. Have you ever flown in a stealth bomber? Yet you know that they can do what they say it can do because you rely on the testimony of a few old guys in the pentagon says it can.

Get real Lawdog! Why don't you say something that makes even the slightest bit of sense? Aircraft EXIST!! You can go and fly in one yourself if you so wish! Science is about finding out things for yourself and sharing that with other people. Myths and fables about Jesus are just that, myths and fables! The Bible is a story book, get over it. Religion is a form of control, and you've fallen into it's trap; the vain belief that something nice will happen to you when you die, other than becoming worm food. Humans are animals, we eat, breathe and shit. There is no God, certainly no Christian God, so stop wasting your time trying to convince free thinking intelligent people otherwise by quoting passages from your story book. Read some Harry Potter and then try to start the church of Potter, see how far you in get in a day and age where people aren't so willing to believe crap about the afterlife, resurrection and miracles.
Lawdog said:
Yes I can. Have you ever flown in a stealth bomber? Yet you know that they can do what they say it can do because you rely on the testimony of a few old guys in the pentagon says it can.
No, you can see films and photographs of it. If you join the Airforce, you might even get to pilot one.
However, there is no physical evidence of your puported god and jesus. No photographs. No videographical recordings. No audio recordings. Nothing. Anything that has been shown as possible evidence, such as the shroud of turin, have been disproved by scientific fact.

he was even crucified, so that you might have life in abundance.
Well not really. The fantasy depends on people having souls and it seems pretty clear that such things do not exist.

And we still haven't determined yet whether a Jesus actually existed, let alone what he might have said or done. All alleged texts pertaining to him were written decades after his aleged death and at a time when myth-making and superstitions were the norm. So we have no reliable reporting from that period that mentions him.

Beyond that we still have nothing to indicate that gods might exist and nothing further to suggest that gods might have sons.

As to the cruci-fiction farce: It simply doesn't make any sense.
God fornicates with a female mortal so He can have a son for us to kill later. I guess if god wants a son He must fix it so it happens, heaven forbid a woman saves the world. Eventually He has His son killed by us so that He can forgive us while at the same time blame us for the kid's death. If the deitydad sets up the kid to be murdered by us then what did we do wrong? We should be getting credit for following God's will for once, we did better than A&E on that one. This has to be the one and only time God ever sentenced somebody to death before they were born....bizarre.
Lawdog said:
Yes I can. Have you ever flown in a stealth bomber? Yet you know that they can do what they say it can do because you rely on the testimony of a few old guys in the pentagon says it can.

M*W: Lawdog, have YOU ever flown in a stealth bomber? If not, then STFU! You know nothing.
People who believe in stealth bombers don't claim that by drinking this wine it will magically turn to jet fuel or by eating this bread it will become a polycarbonate resin.

JC was just a movie. The book sucked; the movie was worse. Moby Dick, Huck Finn and Harry Potter show much more depth of character and are far more believable.
So Lawdog, about 4 Billion people are going to hell for not being Christians, another Billion for not believing in the Doctrines of the Pope,l and another half a billion for not giving a crap, and finnaly the rest wont go to Heaven either because they didnt go to confession the moment before they died...

Seems TOTALY fair :D
Provita said:
So Lawdog, about 4 Billion people are going to hell for not being Christians, another Billion for not believing in the Doctrines of the Pope,l and another half a billion for not giving a crap, and finnaly the rest wont go to Heaven either because they didnt go to confession the moment before they died...

Seems TOTALY fair :D

Hopefully not, since God is Mercy,
but reading the above passages makes me
worried that it might go that way,
since God's Mercy ONLY is availiable in this life,
and if folk dont repent....
This discussion makes no sense at all, it's just an excuse for mouthing eachother off, so please continue.

since God's Mercy ONLY is availiable in this life,
and if folk dont repent....
What happens to children who die during childbirth and had no time to repent?

Clearly there must be exceptions to your assertion, correct?

Also what happens to all the millions of 'souls' who died before the aleged Jesus and who clearly weren't even able to accept him as their savior and hence can't reach heaven?
Also what happens to all the millions of 'souls' who died before the aleged Jesus and who clearly weren't even able to accept him as their savior and hence can't reach heaven?

The typical religious response it that it's ok for them, (and children who died during childbirth etc) - they're automatically saved.

If they go with that excuse we could then clearly conclude that humans would all be better off if jesus never bothered coming here. As such, jesus is nothing but a hindrance for mankind who's resulting purpose would be to ensure that the majority of humans end up burning.
Only Jesus was the son of God? For that matter, then God is not our Father in heaven. Would you say that Lawdog?

SnakeLord - I don't believe anyone is automatically saved. I don't care who it is. If that's the case, I should've killed myself when I was a kid to get a free ticket to heaven. Christians sometimes have a problem with logic. And with all the contradictions in the bible, you can see why. But to answer your question SnakeLord, in my beliefs they knew no rules, therefore, they can't be punished for them or rewarded. But only if I know what's right or wrong, I will reap the reward or punishment of my actions. And no, being ignorant is no good way out either. The more you strive to learn and understand others which will subsequently help you love them, the better off you will be.

So what about this scenario:

Within his first 30 years a man commits murder and other crimes and he doesn't repent or request Christian-style forgiveness. He then discovers Christianity and looks like he is convinced but before he can commit to it he suffers an accident where he becomes brain damaged and remains unable to comprehend or ask for forgiveness for the rest of his life.

Is he condemed or is he saved?