yes, it is because Yang's work completely consists essentially with observations that I say that there are many evidences to support Yang. the most important observations are the distances and reshifts of remote celestial bodies, the new relation between distance and reshift calculated using the modified field equation completely satisfies the data. Such consistency strongly indicates Yang's modification is successful. Before, the distance redshift relation derived from the old field equation was in serious contradiction with the observational data. In order to eliminate the contradiction, cosmologists artificially added the cosmological constant, which is actually adding new assumptions, and not really solving the contradicition. the cause to say cosmological constant is new assumption is that in solar system don't need cosmological constant, that is to say, cosmological constant is not verified in solar system, no reason used in whole universe. Moreover, cosmological const cann't make geodesic equations back to Newton law in the spherical symmetric weak gravitational field, indeed it makes serious logic crisis, therefor cosmological constant must be thrown away. Besides, Yang's modification fully qualifies to explain this CMB, and more natural. See Yang's discussion