Children Of Light?

SnakeLord said:
Who the fuck are you to complain, a minute ago on another post you were telling me it's "essential to survival" to force feed your kids this crap. Hypocrite.
You know, I find it really interesting when you argue with someone and you make them so angry that they track down a couple of your posts and try and make you appear a hypocrite, or continually deride a position that you took on one issue by applying it to every other thread you write in.

You see, I was criticizing the commerical and pseudo-spiritual nature of the beliefs, and that they really lack any kind of considerable depth. It's not quite the same as traditional religion because this "new age" stuff isn't really a part of the culture. In fact, it's a counter-culture. But I guess that doesn't particularly matter to you, since you only entered this thread (it appears) in order to call me a hypocrite, even though these two issues are wholly separate from one another.

Also, if you had actually taken the time read any of the posts I made in an earnest attempt to understand my position, you would have seen that I was in agreement that in certain places and at certain times indoctrination into certain beliefs is not necessary. So, as you can see you're attack was completely unwarranted, and on top of that irrelevant.

I await your next Ad-Hom with great anticipation.
You know, I find it really interesting when you argue with someone and you make them so angry that they track down a couple of your posts and try and make you appear a hypocrite, or continually deride a position that you took on one issue by applying it to every other thread you write in.

While I positively hate to disturb and destroy that ego that thinks you're important enough to "track down", I might as well point out that this thread happened to be top of the list and thus was the very first thing I clicked. No, I did not mean to 'churn out an egotistical child' by commenting, but it just seems highly hypocritical to me, whether I tracked you down or not, to say one thing in one post, (although you admittedly ended up agreeing with me), while complaining about that very thing on another post. Hypocrisy is hypocrisy my little friend, regardless to what thread it might be on.
SnakeLord said:
While I positively hate to disturb and destroy that ego that thinks you're important enough to "track down", I might as well point out that this thread happened to be top of the list and thus was the very first thing I clicked. No, I did not mean to 'churn out an egotistical child' by commenting, but it just seems highly hypocritical to me, whether I tracked you down or not, to say one thing in one post, (although you admittedly ended up agreeing with me), while complaining about that very thing on another post. Hypocrisy is hypocrisy my little friend, regardless to what thread it might be on.
Nice job of ignoring the important part of my post. You sem to be good at that. In fact, you usually latch on to the periphery. Why is that, exactly? Why didn't you respond to, say, this:

Jaster Mereel said:
You see, I was criticizing the commerical and pseudo-spiritual nature of the beliefs, and that they really lack any kind of considerable depth. It's not quite the same as traditional religion because this "new age" stuff isn't really a part of the culture. In fact, it's a counter-culture.

What's your next Ad-Hom going to be?
Hi Everyone,

I want to thank everyone for their comments and for the links. I have what I need now and it looks like I have a lot of reading to do. When I have a better understanding of who/what these children are and represent I will post again with an in-depth opinion.

Thanks again,