Children Of Light?


Registered Member
Hi Everyone,

Does anyone have any information about The Children of The Light? I read something on the topic awhile back and now I can't find anything on the subject, so if anyone has any info please let me know.

AAF said:
Hi LynthX:

Google came up with this:
I hope you like it!


I just looked up this indigo children thing, this is what it said

"Indigo Children and Indigo Adults

Indigo children are a set of children having certain special psychological and spiritual attributes. These children were first popularized in the book "Indigo Children" written by the husband and wife team, Lee Carroll and Jan Tober, with the contribution of medical doctors, psychologists and parents. The adjective "indigo" is used because it is claimed these children appear with an indigo-hued aura. (source:

Am I, or is my child an Indigo?
How can you tell if you are an Indigo?
Take our quiz below to find out and learn more about Indigo Children.

Indigo Quiz:

1. Do you feel out of place in today's world?

2. Do you perceive the world very differently from most of the people you know?

3. Do you possess a deep desire to help the world by contributing or being of service in some way?

4. Are you prone to insomnia, restless sleep, nightmares or difficulties falling asleep?

5. Do you have difficulty conforming to the ways and norms of society?

6. Do you feel frustration at the thought of leading an average life i.e. marriage, 2 children, picket white fence syndrome?

7. Are you intelligent although do not/did not necessarily achieve top grades at school?

8. Are you very creative in the areas of art, music, science and/or technology?

9. Do you have several on-going projects at any given time and often multi-task?

10. Do you have difficulty with authority: do you need to understand the reason behind what you're being asked to do?

11. Do you opt for leadership positions or working on your own rather than taking a team position?

12. Do you have enormous empathy for others, yet are intolerant of stupidity?

13. Have you had psychic experiences from an early age?

14. Do you have an intense interest in spiritual matters?

15. Do you have food or environmental sensitivities?

16. Do you feel frustrated even hopeless at the 'old' ways of doing things in education, politics or medicine?

17. Do you feel there is a better way of doing things but don't know how to make a difference in the world?

18. Do you have a strong intuition or knowledge of things that are unexplainable or do you often have a feeling that something is about to happen?

19. Do you feel annoyed when you are around superficial people?

20. Do you have an intense desire for truth and honesty?

21. Can you easily see through people's hidden agendas and facades?

22. Do you have an awareness of other dimensions and parallel realities?

Please Note: To be an Indigo you typically will answer Yes to all or at least 20 of the 22 questions.

I think many people will identify with these questions though not neccessarily from sci forums!
LynthX said:
Hi Everyone,

Does anyone have any information about The Children of The Light? I read something on the topic awhile back and now I can't find anything on the subject, so if anyone has any info please let me know.


I have information, ask me about it in private. But if you really want to know, it has to do with enlightenment.

And it says this:

Carroll and Tober identify ten attributes that describe the Indigo Child:[citation needed]

They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it).
They have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are surprised when others do not share that.
Self-worth is not a big issue; they often tell the parents "who they are."
They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).
They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.
They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and do not require creative thought.
They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school, which makes them seem like "system busters" (non-conforming to any system).
They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.
They will not respond to "guilt" discipline ("Wait till your father gets home and finds out what you did").
They are not shy in letting it be known what they need.
In her article "Indigo Children: What's an Indigo Child??" Wendy H. Chapman (enlightenment teacher at and Director of Metagifted Education Resource Organization) says that Indigo Children will also display many of the following:

Have strong self esteem, connection to source
Have an obvious sense of self
Refuse to follow orders or directions
Get bored rather easily with assigned tasks
Are rather creative
Display strong intuition
Have strong empathy for others or NO empathy
Develop abstract thinking very young
Are gifted and/or talented, highly intelligent
Are often identified or suspected of having ADHD
Are frequent daydreamers
Have very old, deep, wise looking eyes
Some critics believe that these traits are not unique and are observable in most children, but adherents believe that this new type of child has come forward for a reason; most often suggested is that they will improve the world in some way. The changes generally discussed involve bringing peace, toppling corrupt institutions, and a shift from allopathic medicine to a greater understanding of more natural alternatives. Indigo Children are said to be more in touch with something called the Universal Truth, and do not tolerate or understand behaviors or systems that are not in harmony with it."

I have never heard of these before
Theoryofrelativity said:
I just looked up this indigo children thing, this is what it said

"Indigo Children and Indigo Adults

Indigo children are a set of children having certain special psychological and spiritual attributes. These children were first popularized in the book "Indigo Children" written by the husband and wife team, Lee Carroll and Jan Tober, with the contribution of medical doctors, psychologists and parents. The adjective "indigo" is used because it is claimed these children appear with an indigo-hued aura. (source:

Am I, or is my child an Indigo?
How can you tell if you are an Indigo?
Take our quiz below to find out and learn more about Indigo Children.

Indigo Quiz:

1. Do you feel out of place in today's world?

2. Do you perceive the world very differently from most of the people you know?

3. Do you possess a deep desire to help the world by contributing or being of service in some way?

4. Are you prone to insomnia, restless sleep, nightmares or difficulties falling asleep?

5. Do you have difficulty conforming to the ways and norms of society?

6. Do you feel frustration at the thought of leading an average life i.e. marriage, 2 children, picket white fence syndrome?

7. Are you intelligent although do not/did not necessarily achieve top grades at school?

8. Are you very creative in the areas of art, music, science and/or technology?

9. Do you have several on-going projects at any given time and often multi-task?

10. Do you have difficulty with authority: do you need to understand the reason behind what you're being asked to do?

11. Do you opt for leadership positions or working on your own rather than taking a team position?

12. Do you have enormous empathy for others, yet are intolerant of stupidity?

13. Have you had psychic experiences from an early age?

14. Do you have an intense interest in spiritual matters?

15. Do you have food or environmental sensitivities?

16. Do you feel frustrated even hopeless at the 'old' ways of doing things in education, politics or medicine?

17. Do you feel there is a better way of doing things but don't know how to make a difference in the world?

18. Do you have a strong intuition or knowledge of things that are unexplainable or do you often have a feeling that something is about to happen?

19. Do you feel annoyed when you are around superficial people?

20. Do you have an intense desire for truth and honesty?

21. Can you easily see through people's hidden agendas and facades?

22. Do you have an awareness of other dimensions and parallel realities?

Please Note: To be an Indigo you typically will answer Yes to all or at least 20 of the 22 questions.

I think many people will identify with these questions though not neccessarily from sci forums!

I would not trust a quiz to judge character, but yes these people exist, you seem like a child of the light yourself.

As to what that actually mean's, it's a tribe, an inner tribe as opposed to an outter tribe. The best description could be, the holyspirit, and the belief of a holyspirit, some people have the holy spirit, the light, the light is like a certain type of energy or, just an enlightened soul/spirit.

Children of the light is just marketing for it, because in reality it's a type of spiritual family, or spiritual tribe, and so no word or set of words can accurately describe it anyway. You either are or you aren't, and if you think you are then you'll recognize people who aren't, and others will recognize who you are and tell you.

Depending on how people want to interpret it, you can call it indigo children, children of the light, or a variety of names, whatever.

There is an ancient law, the law of attraction, like attracts like. If you seek it, you'll find it (or it may find you).
This really does sound like every person I have met, with a few exceptions. Every child I know now, myself, all of my friends, my entire family, every random person I meet displays most of these attributes. I think that the whole idea is just another way of churning out egostistical children, or parents who think their children are all prodigies.

Most, if not all, people display these kinds of attributes when they are young. What separates some people is whether or not they loose these attributes as they get older. If that is what you are talking about, then I'll agree. If you're saying that some children are "special" from birth, then I'd have to say it's New Age, pseudo-spiritual, modernist crap. No offense.
It seems like a major money spinner, homing in on 'how people want to see themselves' and telling them their negatives are really positives, to generate money from them. Every site on them is about money. If Indigo kids exist as anything other than a 'personality type' why are the 'masters' trying to screw money out of them, why not aid their 'call to duty' for free.
NOTE: I made my post above before reading what TT and JM posted above me. I read a few sites and my conclusion is re MJ's largely, though I don't doubt I am very special ;)
Jaster Mereel said:
This really does sound like every person I have met, with a few exceptions. Every child I know now, myself, all of my friends, my entire family, every random person I meet displays most of these attributes. I think that the whole idea is just another way of churning out egostistical children, or parents who think their children are all prodigies.

Most, if not all, people display these kinds of attributes when they are young. What separates some people is whether or not they loose these attributes as they get older. If that is what you are talking about, then I'll agree. If you're saying that some children are "special" from birth, then I'd have to say it's New Age, pseudo-spiritual, modernist crap. No offense.

I think you have it all wrong. I don't think you personally understand what it's about. It's not about "display", it's not about "show", it's not about "opinion". These are attributes, which if you have them, only develop further over time, as you cannot "lose" attributes if they are "real" atrributes.

You can call it new age, you can call it spiritual, you can erase all words and see that it's not important what you call it. Either you understand it or you don't, and you don't. It's really that simple.

New age is a cultural/spiritual movement, you speak of it as if it's bad or harmful, but everyone has their cultural or spiritual tribe or movement. So just saying it's bad because it's new age, says what? The old age was better?
It's wrong to care about kids now? Is it wrong to care about adults, or the species itself? Answer that.
TimeTraveler said:
I think you have it all wrong. I don't think you personally understand what it's about. It's not about "display", it's not about "show", it's not about "opinion". These are attributes, which if you have them, only develop further over time, as you cannot "lose" attributes if they are "real" atrributes.

You can call it new age, you can call it spiritual, you can erase all words and see that it's not important what you call it. Either you understand it or you don't, and you don't. It's really that simple.
Ok... I'm fairly certain that my English comprehension is decent enough to understand what's been written here, so if I don't understand then the burden is on you, as the one presenting the idea, to clarify it.

New age is a cultural/spiritual movement, you speak of it as if it's bad or harmful, but everyone has their cultural or spiritual tribe or movement. So just saying it's bad because it's new age, says what? The old age was better?
It's wrong to care about kids now? Is it wrong to care about adults, or the species itself? Answer that.
I speak of the "New Age" with derision because it is largely a reaction to modernist philosophies, with no real underpinning other than that they are new and different. Most of the time, New Agers speak of things like "enlightenment", or "special people" without actually defining it. I don't like the "New Age" because it's comprised primarily of buzzwords and catchy phrases. No, the "old age" as you put it was not "better", just older, which gives it a certain ripeness because of the rigours of time.

And where did I say it wasn't right to care about children, or adults, or "the species itself"? Nothing I said implied anything even remotely like that. I was pointing out that a simple observation of the people around you (if you actually care to delve beyong surface appearances) shows you that the vast majority of people share these particular attributes as children. Practically every single person I know would be considered an "Indigo child" by these questions, including myself. They are awfully generalized questions that apply to practically everyone.
Theoryofrelativity said:
NOTE: I made my post above before reading what TT and JM posted above me. I read a few sites and my conclusion is re MJ's largely, though I don't doubt I am very special ;)

That's the point, people look at stuff, and they ignore the intent because they focus in on the words and presentation.

There are human characteristics which are very special. So no matter what these kids or adults are named, we all know that these tribes or groups exist.
We used to call it good and evil. Good people are generally attracted to good people, evil people are generally attracted to evil people, but it's a voluntary world, and while you can choose to form a community with people of like mind and like nature, it's not something everyone will do or want's to do.

The egotistical nature, is simply a nature of self love. It's rational, to love yourself. The ability to self love is special in itself because not every human is capable of that feat. (actually most humans arent).
Theoryofrelativity said:
As a child of the light ;) I can say beware of anything that tells you that you are great then charges you a wad before elaborating!
Agreed. If I'm so great, they should be paying me. :D
TimeTraveler said:
That's the point, people look at stuff, and they ignore the intent because they focus in on the words and presentation.

There are human characteristics which are very special. So no matter what these kids or adults are named, we all know that these tribes or groups exist.
We used to call it good and evil. Good people are generally attracted to good people, evil people are generally attracted to evil people, but it's a voluntary world, and while you can choose to form a community with people of like mind and like nature, it's not something everyone will do or want's to do.

The egotistical nature, is simply a nature of self love. It's rational, to love yourself. The ability to self love is special in itself because not every human is capable of that feat. (actually most humans arent).

I don't disagree that there are differences between people. Some are undoubtably more enlightened than others, I myself prefer the term 'more evolved'.

But I do think all children have the 'potential'. All children deserve to be 'nurtured' and loved and encouraged.

At the end of the day enlightened and more evolved beings will lead the way and do not need subscriptions!
Jaster Mereel said:
Ok... I'm fairly certain that my English comprehension is decent enough to understand what's been written here, so if I don't understand then the burden is on you, as the one presenting the idea, to clarify it.

I speak of the "New Age" with derision because it is largely a reaction to modernist philosophies, with no real underpinning other than that they are new and different. Most of the time, New Agers speak of things like "enlightenment", or "special people" without actually defining it. I don't like the "New Age" because it's comprised primarily of buzzwords and catchy phrases. No, the "old age" as you put it was not "better", just older, which gives it a certain ripeness because of the rigours of time.

And where did I say it wasn't right to care about children, or adults, or "the species itself"? Nothing I said implied anything even remotely like that. I was pointing out that a simple observation of the people around you (if you actually care to delve beyong surface appearances) shows you that the vast majority of people share these particular attributes as children. Practically every single person I know would be considered an "Indigo child" by these questions, including myself. They are awfully generalized questions that apply to practically everyone.

Let me clear things up for you on new age. There is no one "new age", philosophy. My philosophy could be considered "new age", new age is not one philosophy, one religion, or one theory, it's something entirely different than can be described simply with a religion. It's not limited to religion or philosophy, it's also science, it's also a language, it's also a culture.

What we are talking about here is a revival of ancient culture. It's not modern, because this is how things originally were before we had a such thing as language. New age is more like a family, a human family, and like any family, there is disagreement, but there is agreement on certain things. New agers generally love life, and are interested in cosmic forces in the universe.

There are cosmic forces, this can be proven with science, quantum mechanics proves without a doubt that these forces exist and it's the science that actually is getting most peoples attention, it's not the religion (because there is no religion), it's not the philosophy (because there many of them). It's about helping good people, improving quality of life, healing the sick, and creating unity and harmony among humans.

New age culture, is not something that I think you have a problem with. I don't think you have a problem with quantum mechanics, or string theory either. I don't think you have a problem with helping good people, or with healing the sick.

You could be right, maybe the vast majority of people are connected, and are united below the surface, but it's not like you can just come out and say it, with all the divisions in society, like race, language, class, mostly false realities and false divisions set up to keep good people apart and seperate. In reality there is truth in the new age movement, universal truth, that yes unity does exist below the surface.

The buzz words, the marketing, all of that, this is your gripe with the new age marketers and writers. The first thing to do, is stop calling it the "new age". It's not something which can be given a name, it's a feeling of connection, a type of unity on the spiritual plane of existance, and if you happen to know a lot of people like this, and you are one of these people, then these are your people, and it does not matter what you call them or how it's marketed, if you don't consider yourself new age, you arent new age, because it's just a name anyway.
Theoryofrelativity said:
I don't disagree that there are differences between people. Some are undoubtably more enlightened than others, I myself prefer the term 'more evolved'.

But I do think all children have the 'potential'. All children deserve to be 'nurtured' and loved and encouraged.

At the end of the day enlightened and more evolved beings will lead the way and do not need subscriptions!

I think Einstien was one of us.

Our task must be to free ourselves ….by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.
Albert Einstein.

And by one of us, I don't mean a new ager. I mean enlightened, evolved, capable of understanding the universal truth.
This really does sound like every person I have met, with a few exceptions. Every child I know now, myself, all of my friends, my entire family, every random person I meet displays most of these attributes. I think that the whole idea is just another way of churning out egostistical children, or parents who think their children are all prodigies.

Who the fuck are you to complain, a minute ago on another post you were telling me it's "essential to survival" to force feed your kids this crap. Hypocrite.