Children of God, Nazareth of 21st century.

Keep in mind...they are God's chosen people.
You people sure don't know much about Judaism. The "chosen people" thing is more of a curse than a blessing. According to the Abrahamist mythology that Jews, Christians and Muslims share, God chose the Jewish people (for reasons that are unclear) and made a Covenant with them. Since the Covenant is extremely difficult to keep (or perhaps impossible, God does love his little jokes), the Jews have naturally broken it many times, individually and collectively. Therefore God punishes them.

Every disaster that has befallen the Jewish people, from the Exile in Egypt, to the destruction of the Temple (three times I think it was), to the Roman occupation, to the Diaspora, to a thousand years of European antisemitism, to the Ottoman Empire, to the Holocaust, to the British giving them someone else's homeland surrounded by Muslim Arab nations, to a nuclear Iran... all of these things were God's punishment for his Chosen People having broken the Covenant.

He didn't choose them to make their lives sweet. He chose them to be his guinea pigs for trying out various techniques for creating Hell on Earth.

Be grateful he didn't choose your people instead.;)
Every disaster that has befallen the Jewish people, from the Exile in Egypt, to the destruction of the Temple (three times I think it was), to the Roman occupation, to the Diaspora, to a thousand years of European antisemitism, to the Ottoman Empire, to the Holocaust, to the British giving them someone else's homeland surrounded by Muslim Arab nations, to a nuclear Iran... all of these things were God's punishment for his Chosen People having broken the Covenant.

Two temples actually.
There are some specific instances of particular disasters being attributed to some specific wrongdoing.

He didn't choose them to make their lives sweet. He chose them to be his guinea pigs for trying out various techniques for creating Hell on Earth.

Be grateful he didn't choose your people instead.;)

I'm not sure I agree with that but it does seem like a plausible explanation.
You people sure don't know much about Judaism...
He didn't choose them to make their lives sweet. He chose them to be his guinea pigs for trying out various techniques for creating Hell on Earth.

You're the poster child for the well worn cliche' "the pot calling the kettle black".

Be grateful he didn't choose your people instead.;)

Hate to burst your bubble, but everyone's under the Law--including you--so as to have equal access to the Grace available through The Cross of don't have a choice .

"Argh! help.... He's rubbing his nipple...."

Okay I admit it's totally the wrong place for a caption contest, but I really couldn't resist. It almost looks like he's lifting up his skirt to run away from the man in uniform.

Religion will always have it's "cults", where minorities generate their own conclusion of how something is written and/or interpreted. What they probably should of done was allowed the car park, but just congregated there once a week to do some feat of worship... it's bound to be enough to put most common people off from parking there.
Every disaster that has befallen the Jewish people, from the Exile in Egypt, to the destruction of the Temple (three times I think it was), to the Roman occupation, to the Diaspora, to a thousand years of European antisemitism, to the Ottoman Empire, to the Holocaust, to the British giving them someone else's homeland surrounded by Muslim Arab nations, to a nuclear Iran... all of these things were God's punishment for his Chosen People having broken the Covenant.

He didn't choose them to make their lives sweet. He chose them to be his guinea pigs for trying out various techniques for creating Hell on Earth.

Be grateful he didn't choose your people instead.;)

Now THAT'S putting things in perspective.:eek:
He didn't choose them to make their lives sweet. He chose them to be his guinea pigs for trying out various techniques for creating Hell on Earth.

Be grateful he didn't choose your people instead.;)

well, unless you're catholic, cos they pretty much have the same idea.