Children Learn What They Live

It only takes one Gandhi.

Gandhi didn't do shit! It was all the people that followed his ideals. Gandhi was a pussy ...he just didn't do it with weapons, he did it with masses of people ...and whether you want to admit it or not, he used that POWER!

Baron Max
I also think it's interesting that no one even mentioned the ideal of free will. I don't believe that a kid could go up in modern society and not know that certain things are wrong.

Baron Max

Certain things being what? Even if the child grew up in the modern society what makes him feel those things are not wrong even though the society says they are, of only because he if told they are even if he doesn’t feel they are?

This sheep herder lives in a rural area where girls get married and pregnant at 13 (and at times with older men) and this is considered culturally normal, but in the modern cities this is the highest crime on earth. Who is to say what is right? Does the old saying apply here, “when in Rome do as the Romans”?
Certain things being what? Even if the child grew up in the modern society what makes him feel those things are not wrong even though the society says they are, of only because he if told they are even if he doesn’t feel they are?

Your question is a little confusing, but I think I know what you're asking. The reason he knows whats right n' wrong is through interaction with other people, other kids, television, etc. Even if he doesn't think some of those things are wrong, he knows that he'll be punished if he does them.

... Who is to say what is right? Does the old saying apply here, “when in Rome do as the Romans”?

Yes, society says what's right n' wrong ...and they back it up with cops, courts and prison sentences. Might makes right ..."When in Rome, do as the Romans ...or else you'll get thrown into the ring with several hungry lions!" Without the threat of punishment, there ain't no such thing as right n' wrong.

And that's one of the reasons that the UN bullshit on "human rights" is such a fuckin' joke ....they can't enforce those rules, so nobody pays a fuckin' bit of attention to them if they don't want to.

Baron Max
Yes the UN is nothing but a money scamming, power hungry joke without any real authority. UN peace keepers being sent to protect areas only to be charged with raping children and young women, Now that’s keeping a piece for themselves.