Child molesting vs. murder


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
I am watching Faux News (Why oh why?)and they are reporting that Wisconsin might require child molesters to have a green numberplate to easier identification for the public.

I was wondering, why not have a let's say black numberplate for murderers?

Also, whom would you rather have as a next door neighbour, a murderer (killed for money) or a child molester?
I am watching Faux News (Why oh why?)and they are reporting that Wisconsin might require child molesters to have a green numberplate to easier identification for the public.

Why not have "Child Molester" tatooed on their forehead? Wouldn't that be better than a plate on their car? I mean, they could walk somewhere, couldn't they ....and no one would see their car or the plate.

I was wondering, why not have a let's say black numberplate for murderers?

Ditto on my above comment.

Baron Max
Is it for just while they're on parole or probation or for the rest of their lives?
Is it for just while they're on parole or probation or for the rest of their lives?

Convicted child molesters are labeled, watched and listed in police files forever, and maybe longer!

And it seems that, as a society, we're permitted to hound them, drive them out of communities, drive the out of towns, ...and apparently it's all legal to do so.

Violent murderers can walk around free as a bird after they've served their sentences.

Baron Max
That's insane. If they've served their time and the system is willing to let them out of jail, they should leave them alone. If they don't trust them to live as normal members of society, they shouldn't let them out in the first place.

What's even more disgusting is that it's sex offenders in general who get hounded for the rest of their lives. If a guy urinates in public, he can be hauled in as a sex offender (in Califonia, at least). So he's going to get tagged, followed, has to register himself on a publicly available database and inform his neighbors for the rest of his life just because he had to take a whiz? It's also my understanding that a woman who urinates in public gets a warning or a citation. ("In public" means anywhere not designated a restroom. Even if you go behind a thick clump of bushes miles away from anyone and hold a towel up as a curtain, it's still considered "in public". All that has to happen is for someone to have seen you enough to know what you're doing, even if they don't actually see your anatomy.)
That's insane. If they've served their time and the system is willing to let them out of jail, they should leave them alone.

But that's a big part of the court sentence for child molesting ...that they must register themselves as child molesters in the community that they live. See? It's PART of the sentence.

If they don't trust them to live as normal members of society, they shouldn't let them out in the first place.

Exhaustive studies have shown that they'll continue to be sexually attracted to little kids, so...... What do you do with them?

If you say imprison them for life-without-parole, then I'd agree ....except why should we keep paying for their food and housing? Why not just execute them? Why does any society need people like that?

I didn't get your spiel on pissing in public? What did it mean?

Baron Max
I could see the good intention behind such an idea. But with it carries the inherent dangers. Our paranoia could end up having innocent people killed or harrassed, as you just know some idiot is going to see that number plate on a car and start harrassing, abusing or possibly killing the individual in it because of what the plates paints them as being, even if it is a case of mistaken identity.

What if the individual were married and their spouse also drove the car?

What if someone else were driving their car and they drove past a school accidentally, not knowing or realising that the true registered owner of said car was not allowed to be anywhere near a school?

And that's just for starters.

What if they have children or they lend their car to someone who has children and someone sees the car with the green number plates with kids in it and calls the police?

And why have relocation services for sex offenders, where they are to report to the police as a sex offender, but their identity is meant to be kept private so as not to face harrassment upon release from prison, only to be forced to drive around in a car with a number plate that is designed to identify you as a sex offender?
First let me say that I'm a sex offender everytime I step out the door, lmao I mean so many hot young females all walking around yapping and shaking their high school butts in our faces, who wouldn't be?

Now in regards to the topic I see no reason sex offenders must be harassed and attacked by coloring their license plates, infact I don't believe anyone can be a sex offender, it's complete nonsense. You can violate someones rights or cause them harm, but there is no such thing as a sex offense, it's BS. Look at other countries, they have no sex crimes because they know men get horney.
First let me say that I'm a sex offender everytime I step out the door, lmao I mean so many hot young females all walking around yapping and shaking their high school butts in our faces, who wouldn't be?

Now in regards to the topic I see no reason sex offenders must be harassed and attacked by coloring their license plates, infact I don't believe anyone can be a sex offender, it's complete nonsense. You can violate someones rights or cause them harm, but there is no such thing as a sex offense, it's BS. Look at other countries, they have no sex crimes because they know men get horney.

i see you post when you're drunk, we'll let this embarassment pass this once.
I could see the good intention behind such an idea. But with it carries the inherent dangers. Our paranoia could end up having innocent people killed or harrassed, as you just know some idiot is going to see that number plate on a car and start harrassing, abusing or possibly killing the individual in it because of what the plates paints them as being, even if it is a case of mistaken identity.

What if the individual were married and their spouse also drove the car?

What if someone else were driving their car and they drove past a school accidentally, not knowing or realising that the true registered owner of said car was not allowed to be anywhere near a school?

And that's just for starters.

What if they have children or they lend their car to someone who has children and someone sees the car with the green number plates with kids in it and calls the police?

And why have relocation services for sex offenders, where they are to report to the police as a sex offender, but their identity is meant to be kept private so as not to face harrassment upon release from prison, only to be forced to drive around in a car with a number plate that is designed to identify you as a sex offender?

Interesting, Bells. Now you're standing up for the rights of child molesters?

Baron Max
There is a slight logic behind the idea:

Except serial killers, a murderer usually doesn't kill for statisfying an URGE. But child molesters have a very strong sexual urge that can not be cured just by telling them: Be nice in the future. Unless we castrate them or put them on medication, that very hard to surpress sexual urge will exist and they still be dangerous.

Now one could argue, that unless they are willing to be on medication (decreasing sexual drive) or be castrated, the society should be warned about their closeness...
Max In California, at least, a man, AND ONLY A MAN, urinating in public, even if he tries to conceal himself, is committing a sexual offense according to state law. Does this merit lifelong tagging, lifelong prison, or execution?
I desire to have these drugs you speak of that will remove my need for female companions :( I asked my therapist and psychiatrist about them but they said I cannot be given these... I desperately hate myself that I cannot find a female, it would be far better to be placed on a thing that controls my desire than to have it at all.
Interesting, Bells. Now you're standing up for the rights of child molesters?

Baron Max

More for the rights of the poor soul who might be associated with them (eg their spouse or family member) who might have to use the offender's car. And I am not one to ever support anything that would encourage and make vigilante actions easier.

I can see the reason behind wanting such plates, but the dangers involved with having them in place could result in many innocent people being abused, assaulted or even killed.

darksidZz said:
Now in regards to the topic I see no reason sex offenders must be harassed and attacked by coloring their license plates, infact I don't believe anyone can be a sex offender, it's complete nonsense. You can violate someones rights or cause them harm, but there is no such thing as a sex offense, it's BS. Look at other countries, they have no sex crimes because they know men get horney.

Don't you just improve with time!

So you don't think a person who rapes a 6 month old baby is a sex offender? You think they should just be let off because they were just "horney"?

So do you think that because you can't get a date or a woman to show interest in you (reading your above statement, I really can't see why women run from you...:rolleyes: ), if you ever raped a woman or child, you would not be made to suffer the consequences of your actions and face the law because you were "horny"?
Use Pavlovian conditioning to cure child molestors. It's rather easy to make them even feel -terror- at the sight of a child.
What's even more disgusting is that it's sex offenders in general who get hounded for the rest of their lives.
Yes, the system requires a good deal more adjusting before it's ready to be used so harshly. I know a guy who was convicted of statutory rape in a Red State: He was 18 and she was 17 but her daddy didn't like him so he had him busted. The guy will be a registered sex offender in that state forever. Since he couldn't get work he moved back to California to live with his mother. When he dutifully went to register, the lady behind the counter looked at his records, burst out laughing and said, "Son, you're just a normal guy here. Welcome to the Golden State."
Exhaustive studies have shown that they'll continue to be sexually attracted to little kids, so...... What do you do with them?
And that is the difference between pedophiles and murderers. The vast majority of murders are crimes of passion: finding your spouse in bed with somebody, for example. I am convinced that most people who have been convicted of murder are less likely to do it a second time than the rest of us are to do it the first time. They've been through the experience and know what it's like when the passion wears off and they're staring at the results of their horrible deed. There's no way any of us can know what that is going to feel like.
If you say imprison them for life-without-parole, then I'd agree ....except why should we keep paying for their food and housing? Why not just execute them? Why does any society need people like that?
You can say that about any "capital" crime. You and I respectfully disagree on this, but I say that capital "punishment" is not punishment at all because once a person is dead the impact is pretty well lost on him. It's just institutionalized revenge, and revenge is arguably the worst of all human emotions. It's certainly the one that's responsible for a lot of wars. The last thing the government should be doing is setting an example for the common folk that revenge is ever acceptable.
But child molesters have a very strong sexual urge that can not be cured just by telling them: Be nice in the future. Unless we castrate them or put them on medication, that very hard to surpress sexual urge will exist and they still be dangerous.
There is some disagreement on this but many authorities insist that rape of any type is not about sex at all, but about control, or simply about violence. To support that thesis, some reports I've seen cited in the popular press indicate that castration does not stop the attacks but merely channels them into a different choice of weapon: violation with something too icky to think about. Not only do they not need a penis but they don't even need a libido. Rape is just a convenient way to commit a violent crime with a weapon that doesn't have a concealment problem.

I suspect the truth is somewhere in between. For some guys it's a sexual thing and for others it's not. If we could tell them apart we could castrate the former and lock up the latter (or in Max's case have a public stoning and sell popcorn) and feel fairly secure.
Isnt Prison designed to make murderers better? like, isnt the purpose to make people change their ways

Hence the name correctional facility.
So again the scenario: There is a new neighbour moving in next to you.You can choose:

1. A bankrobber who killed 2 while robbing a bank.
2. A child molester who molested a few kids.

Which is your choice?

I think I would choose the child molester, because I could make a better excuse for that...Also a murder is still a bigger offence than a molestation...

P.S.: We are talking about real molestation and not underage sex...