Chief exorcist says Devil is in Vatican

Just keep in mind that he belongs to an organization who's entire thinking/logic is based on irrationalities. So what would you expect from such people anyway? :shrug:
I'm kind of half-way-house with an idea of a real beast with mind-influencing electric field emmination. You never know. :shrug:
I'm kind of half-way-house with an idea of a real beast with mind-influencing electric field emmination. You never know. :shrug:

Hmmm... Well, in your case, perhaps you should go and talk to that guy. Although I think a mental health professional could do you a lot more good...
I'm kind of half-way-house with an idea of a real beast with mind-influencing electric field emmination.
Why would the devil need to use electromagnetism and not simply magic?

You never know. :shrug:
That's just stupid logic. By that logic we should believe in everything we can imagine no matter how stupid the notion. After all 'you never know'.

Nah, I ain't interested in math
You aren't interested in anything rational.
The attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II by a Turkish gunman in 1981 and recent revelations of "violence and paedophilia" committed by Catholic priests against children in their care was also the work of the Devil, said Father Amorth, who has written a book about his vocation, Memoirs of an Exorcist, which was published recently.

Father Amorth, who is the president of the Association of Exorcists and fought as a partisan during the war, has previously claimed that both Hitler and Stalin were possessed by the Devil.

It seems more that he is attempting to excuse certain behaviour and blame it on the devil instead of laying responsibility on the actions of the indivduals themselves.
I bet this guy is real popular in the Vatican. :) I am sure he has some interesting stories to tell. As I understand it the previous Pope participated in an exorcism. I wonder how that turned out. At the time the Vatican was very mum on the subject.
It seems more that he is attempting to excuse certain behaviour and blame it on the devil instead of laying responsibility on the actions of the indivduals themselves.
No, I take offence at that. I'm a cryptozoologist (who's presently seeking sponsors for the 'dog suicide bridge' investigation in Scotland) and really think that large unknown non-carnivorous cryptids do exist. If the Vatican knew about this fact, which will happen in the not-too-distant-future imo, then their longheld beliefs will require re-evaluating.
Do you believe that the devil made those priests sexually abuse those children? And if it is the devil, does that mean the priests should not be held responsible in any way and a simple exorcism would result in a 'cure'?

Lets say that this is the stance the church takes against priests who abuse young children. Do you think it would suffice for them to have an exorcism and be done with it? Should they not go to jail then? After all, if they did not do it and the devil made them do it...

To me, the Church appears to be using 'the devil' as a scapegoat for the shortcomings and abusive behaviour of some of their priests.
Nah, I ain't interested in math

You should go check it out, a little maths blew your premise away. Just like it did with your flying ray episode, just like it did with you thinking you could spot one using an IKONOS image,... just like it proved that guy was IKONOS was fobbing you off, ....

You really do need to pay more attention to the numbers.
When I heard this story on the BBC I thought to myself 'well there is one who has sipped a little too much alter wine' but who knows maybe there is a devil afoot. I mean how else can we explain this:

An inquiry into child abuse at Catholic institutions in Ireland has found church leaders knew that sexual abuse was "endemic" in boys' institutions.

"Cardinal Sean Brady, the Primate of All Ireland, admitted that he attended meetings in 1975 when two teenage boys signed oaths of silence while testifying in a Church inquiry against Father Brendan Smyth.

The priest was later uncovered as the most notorious child abuser in the Irish Catholic Church, carrying out more than 90 sexual assaults against 40 youngsters in a 20-year period.

Survivors’ groups say the revelations show the cardinal colluded in the cover up of Smyth’s crimes – which, they say, allowed the cleric to continue offending - and say he must quit immediately.

Cardinal Brady has refused to go, however, because he said he acted promptly against Smyth but did not have the authority to turn him into the Gardai.

The latest scandal to convulse the Catholic Church comes as allegations emerging in Germany have forced the Vatican to forcefully defend the record of Pope Benedict XVI over his handling of a paedophile priest in the 1980s.

Read more:
It seems more that he is attempting to excuse certain behaviour and blame it on the devil instead of laying responsibility on the actions of the indivduals themselves.

Exactly my view.

The Catholic church is still in self denial that they as a body have full responsibility for the actions of individuals within that body.

Perhaps a bit of Penance would be in order.
As a little sign of sorrow, the Pope could spend a year wearing sackcloth.