Chicken or penguin?

Who would win in a fight between a chicken and a penguin?

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Those of you who have witnessed a cock fight know that a rooster will win even without the knives. They are savage and brutal. Just like a dinosaure.
Chickens are one of the most elite fighters in the animal kingdom lbs for lbs. That's not a joke. They have huge sharp spurs on their feet they dig into their adversaries with surgical precision. Even with a big size advantage a penguin would be opened up like a can of soup in no time at all.

Do you have a pic? The spurs our rooster had were not huge and sharp. I know the spurs they attach to fighting roosters are. But those are not their natural spurs.
Fighting roosters often fight with their natural spurs.
It's more ideal for the purists because more of a fight can take place, a lucky kick from a lesser cock can end a fight when blades are involved, when they fight with their natural spurs it's more like what a rooster fight naturally is supposed to be, and the superior specimen is likely to prevail.

I might be overstating their lethality a little, but the natural spurs are still pretty deadly weapons, far superior to anything a penguin has.

And most significantly they know how to use them.

It's possible your rooster had his bluntened down or sawn off, or else he was from a wuss breed with weak spurs.

What about The Penguin in Batman? Surely, chickens cannot compete with the underground Penguin Take-Over?
As I was bloody well saying.... before being ripped to another thread...( this is serious stuff to me)

The Penguin is gonna eat the chicken..forty fucking kilos of angry, inpeneterable, frosty death!
The little chooky spurs won't even draw blood through the coarse matted ( minus sixty degrees rated feathers), let alone the fat and muscle,..keep it real!
I'd have to go for the penguin too. Yes the rooster might have the weaponry but penguins have the steadfastness, guile, intelligence, perseverance and stamina to see the cock to its death. Plus, no one really knows a chicken's motives as they're always being questioned (Why did the chicken cross the road), unlike the penguin who's well known for being the heavyweight champion of the small, aquatic, non-flying Southern Hemispheric bird.