Chick tracts

lol Tyler.

I like the ones where they talk about why Catholics, homos, etc. are evil and why we should all love Jews. :p

<FONT FACE="GEORGIA" SIZE=3>Boy if Chick tracts are so gawdawful and bad and silly and hilarious... why do you attack them so much? Methinks you feel a bit threatened. Could that be it? They make you uncomfortable? What did the Roman soldiers do as they flayed Jesus with a cat-o-nine-tails? They mocked him. What was it that the rabble did to Jesus after they hung him on a cross? You got it... They mocked him.

Well, mock away... but understand... <FONT COLOR="#FF0000">your mockery is useless</FONT>.

Boy if Chick tracts are so gawdawful and bad and silly and hilarious... why do you attack them so much?


Chick tracts are so gawdawful and bad and silly

They are so appalling that you have to share them. It has appeal similar to those old war propaganda posters that go eg.
<a href="">
<img src="">

They are so absurd that they become tragically funny. Like shooting a clown.(Simpsons quote)
Voodoo that quote is a classic!!!

Chick tracks are so awful that I find them funny. Just read them! On the other hand the only one that only really got to me was the one about evolution.
Yes Eki, I feel threatened by complete stupidity.

Here's a little lesson in humour for you - when something's ridiculously stupid it can be hilarious that some people take it seriously.
Those post r good but people have to realize that in judgment day. what counts is your works, your faith is dead without works. What good is it if a hungry woman ask u for a bread and u say "Go on woman, and be glad and rejoice in Jesus name" yet not give her food to eat? Faith is nothing without works.

At the end ppl will say "Lord i cast off evil in your name, I sing and praise u in this church, etc." Jesus said "Depart from me u evil doers! Hungry u didnt feed me, lonely u didnt visit me. Depressed u didnt comfort me". Then ppl inturn will say "But Lord, since when did i ever see u depressed, or hungry, or lonely?" Jesus said in return "Whatever u do to the least of my brothers u do unto me.

Many so called christians are so focused on their carriers, job, self success, that they forgot the needy.

Everyday people starve to death, what do u do about it? Everyday people commit suicide because of depression, what did u do about it?

"A master asked one of his servant, "will u go work with me?" , the servant said "No, I will not", but later on went. Then the master went to the next servant and said "Will u go work with me?", then the servant said "Yes, I will", but later on didnt went. Who does the master favor?" The apostles said to Jesus "the servant who went"..
Jesus then said "Behold, sinners, prostitutes and tax collectors r entering the kingdom of God before them (pharisees, the hipocrites).

On the day of judgment, its what your good works that count...
Boy if Chick tracts are so gawdawful and bad and silly and hilarious... why do you attack them so much?

Because they're gowdawful and bad and silly and hilarious! Why do you think makes fun of Hentai and script kiddies? Why do I ridicule furry erotica? Why does MST3K ridicule bad horror movies? Why do stoners buy drug propaganda movies and watch them while toking up?

Well, mock away... but understand... your mockery is useless.

Everything's useless, Mike. Only some of us deal with it and some of us don't.

As for my fave, I know enough geeks to get a kick out of "dark dungeons" - also 'cause it sounds like really bad S&M pr0n - but I can't say it's my fave.

This is.
I can't see anyone stupid enough to fall for that stuff

I think someone needs lessons in Propaganda Class. Surely thay could do better
If you have never heard of God before and are subject to believing anything somebody presents to you as actual fact, chances are you'd fall for it.
Regarding Counslers post: WHAT!!!


*rubs eyes*


Just because he didn't accept Jesus as his savior means he went to hell. What about the Jews?
There's a chick tract explaining why Jews burn. Ditto Moslems.

Of course, in the chick tract, the Jew or Moslem inevitably sees the light when a Christian explains how their religions are lies.
A few favorites--Desert Island Chicks?

Creator or Liar ... this may be my all-time favorite. Pay special attention to this frame.

Going Home is another favorite of mine. This frame blew my mind the first time I read it, in a hotel room in Hawaii after being accosted by a slobbering, red-faced street preacher. The melodrama, the surrender to illness ... I've got about 6 months left--I know a few people who would deign to argue.

Big Daddy was the first Chick tract I ever came across, handed out for student-led prayers in Catholic school. (Take a note, school-prayer buffs!)

The other day I came across a tract of equal stupidity to Chick tracts, but I can't find the damn thing right now so I can't tell you who's responsible for it. But it does include a contract to sign and clip and carry in my wallet if I ever choose to pledge myself to Jesus.

Amazing, eh? Maybe I should sign in blood.

Tiassa :cool:
Aw, Mike

Boy if Chick tracts are so gawdawful and bad and silly and hilarious... why do you attack them so much?
Well, Mike, it's kind of like those commercials from PDFA. You know, "This is your brain, this is your brain on drugs"?

A Chick tract is the epitome of the statement: "This is your brain on religion". Chick tracts belong to one of the most dangerous kinds of religion. They are meant to be distributed anonymously, in an act of cowardice. They reduce Christianity to infantile politics. They teach supremacy and division.

Chick tracts deserve to be mocked. They are among the worst examples of Christianity available to the general public.
What did the Roman soldiers do as they flayed Jesus with a cat-o-nine-tails? They mocked him. What was it that the rabble did to Jesus after they hung him on a cross? You got it... They mocked him.
What was it Brian the Dog said? "I'll be out in the gazebo, since you're already up on the cross."

Something like that.

Think of it this way: You know those times when the effrontery of idiocy is such that you feel you must lash out at it? And you know how your Christian ethic is supposed to reel that in? Well, not all people bear that ethical responsibility, so when they see something worthy of their efforts to mock, they do so. The problem is this: you're getting all bent out of shape in defense of one of the most detrimental forms of Christian fundamentalism available. Does it not bother you that your brethren in Christ should feel it necessary to exploit your savior for divisive, childish propaganda? Does it not bother you that this kind of juvenile spite "brings people to Christ"? Will not the Devil seek to deceive the righteous? What, then, of an accusing, divisive spirit that beckons people "to Christ"?

One of the benefits of not having a doctrinal or dogmatic reason against mockery is that people can weigh the merits and still choose to stoop, bearing only their own conscience instead of a symptomatic projection of conscience.

The thing is that all who are not doctrinally bound to forgiveness ought to fight fervently against this propagandous menace, and those who are obliged to forgive ought to open their compassion and set their brethren along a more appropriate road.

In the end, most can point to the Chick tracts and say, "They started it."

I mean, those things are insultingly childish. This is the kind of stuff you use to tap the intellectual dregs of society in order to fatten the rosters. It's a con job, at best.

After all, it's designed to get a pledge to Christ before a person understands what that pledge truly means.

Tiassa :cool: