Chemistry plus Biology = Abiogenesis:

Is petal growth an expression of growth function?
its DNA sets up a naturally evolved efficient growth function in accordance to a universal mathematical exponential function.
Its DNA does not deal in functions. It does what it does empirically, without abstraction.
On the other hand, if an explanation has flaws in the theoretical description, it is not even a working hypothesis to start with.
In the standard creationist arguments, everything after the word "if" is bs.
Either way - if you can't be bothered to go into detailed counterarguments, just give it a rest here.
The detail of the missing transcript is enough for one post. No one can go into detailed argument with the contents of a damn video without putting hours and pages into it - that's why frauds use video: it puts the work on others.
The detail of you declaring the obvious and common sense to be "laughable" is telling. So is the evocation of the old canard about chance-built peptide strings, apparently from the video. But digging that bs out of a video and refuting it from its assumptions would take an evening, not even counting watching the damn thing in the first place.
Video without written and accountable argument is a charlatan's medium.
I see that style all the time in your perennial arguing with someone else in the political sub-forums
And since style is all you've got, misrepresenting mine seems important to you. Certainly more comfortable for you than argument of your own.
Meanwhile, your attempt to frame my requirement of a transcript as a demand for a spoon fed summary is noted - the recourse to personal attack is automatic with creationists, and never without misrepresentation. That's how creationists roll.
You lost me here. lol
My apologies wegs! We did have another obviously female member here who was forever forthcoming with reputable professional science data from renowned science figures, when some contentious point was being discussed. Her name was tashja! Sorry for the mix up! :oops: Gee, my old mate /s are going to have some fun with that boo boo :p

I have also been absent for a while, after finding another forum, but decided to return after a request from exchemist. :p.
Q-reeus - are you religious? Sorry, I became active here again recently, and have just run across your posts. It would help me with context. :smile:
wegs, check out my p1 #2, and p3 #53. I was a sort of fundamentalist Christian for quite some years, going from one Zionist Christian outfit to another. Neither one accepted e.g. Trinity, eternal torment in some Hell, and similar stupid mainstream Christian dogmas I would never have swallowed. Eventually though the weight of evidence, internal contradictions in the bible, and external evidence esp. archeological, left me no honest choice but to abandon it totally. No other religion offered any real handle on reality either. I became agnostic, heading towards atheism. But decided to review ID arguments in depth, while also looking at accounts of claimed supernatural events of all sorts (I put UFO's under that label). The outcome was a conviction there has to be some other realm of existence transcending our physical one.
One hypothesis is that originally there was such an abundance of mineral riches and favorable environmental conditions that it became chemically "necessary" for life to emerge. That is not as speculative as it sounds.
Spontaneous generation isn't exactly something that science can prove...yet so sounds to me, like it can only be considered speculation.

But, there's the matter of maggots forming out of what seems to be ''nowhere,'' in a pile of rotting meat. Hmm. :rolleye: But, that might have a verifiable explanation that I'm too lazy to seek. lol

Ernest Schoffeniels Schoffeniels

This just became clear to me. In a deterministic universe certain conditions make it deterministically necessary for a spontaneous original self-referential result.

If Life is a deterministic necessary condition by the presence of sufficient available conditional values and functions, then the universe will respond as it must by spontaneously creating a self-assembled pattern which answers to the mathematical necessity and our conception of requirements of Life.

In other words, are you suggesting that a "determined "universe is the only idea whereby abiogenesis makes sense?
wegs, check out my p1 #2, and p3 #53.

I was a sort of fundamentalist Christian for quite some years, going from one Zionist Christian outfit to another. Neither one accepted e.g. Trinity, eternal torment in some Hell, and similar stupid mainstream Christian dogmas I would never have swallowed. Eventually though the weight of evidence, internal contradictions in the bible, and external evidence esp. archeological, left me no honest choice but to abandon it totally.
I went through this.

No other religion offered any real handle on reality either. I became agnostic, heading towards atheism. But decided to review ID arguments in depth, while also looking at accounts of claimed supernatural events of all sorts (I put UFO's under that label). The outcome was a conviction there has to be some other realm of existence transcending our physical one.
I'm not agnostic, but I lean in agreement with you, on that I'm fairly ''convicted'' in that there is a higher power, who for me, is in the form of a personal God. (unlike Deism, I mean)

Don't mean to derail the topic, but now I see where you stand, and your posts (and the ad homs slung at you lol) will make sense.
"purpose" implies a consciously motivated intent.
Got that. No disagreement

causal motivation
No no no its physics

greatest satisfaction (the swimming pool

No no no - lowest point, no satisfaction involved

no conscious intent involved

OK, so why bring it up?

It is a mathematical imperative that water subject to gravity must run downhill.

No no no, it's physics

In doing so it unconsciously generates a kinetic energy

No no no, unconsciously implies the happening is running loose from a entity which has a ability to be conscious

generates a kinetic energy

True but but but better expressed, I think, changes POTENTIAL energy in KINETIC energy which we can harness, via various processes, into STORED energy (batteries) and DIRECTLY USEABLE energy

All this is a result of unconscious

No no no, already covered

quasi-intelligent behavior

No no no, not looks like, don't call a spade a shovel, give it its name PHYSICS

No no no, no behaviour, try happenings

of the universe and its physical/mathematical potentials.

No no no, NOT the Universe (the Universe is just stuff). Lay it at the feet of the operating system my ol' friend PHYSICS

Did I use to many no's?

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My apologies wegs! We did have another obviously female member here who was forever forthcoming with reputable professional science data from renowned science figures, when some contentious point was being discussed. Her name was tashja! Sorry for the mix up! :oops: Gee, my old mate /s are going to have some fun with that boo boo :p

I have also been absent for a while, after finding another forum, but decided to return after a request from exchemist. :p.

Looks like I missed some good discussions.
Taking into account the positive nature of Abiogenesis, including the as yet unknown pathways, and the very informative videos here showing the true science, and the advances, its painfully obvious [well painful for our ID supporters] that the "god of the gaps" keeps getting smaller and smaller and smaller, with absolutely nothing supporting their ideas and misinformation lies.
So, in other was inevitable? I wonder why, though.

''Renowned?'' Well, then. lol

Inevitably? Wonder why? Wonder no more

Ingredients available and suitable conditions became available

How about that?

How did the Sun appear?
How did planets form?
How did galaxies form?
Etc etc......

Ingredients available and suitable conditions became available

PHYSICS - opportunistic system

I haven't really heard it explained like this ...''opportunistic.''
from the OP.....
My contention based on mainstream science is that Abiogenesis is the only scientific answer to how life first started in the universe. It certainly to the best of our knowledge was not created from or at the BB. The BB was the evolution of space and time [as we know them] at a time of t+10-43 seconds. From there and though a process that was a result of decreasing temperatures and pressures, and expansion, our first atomic nuclei was created at around 3 minutes. 380,000 years later, temps and pressures were such that the first light elements of hydrogen and helium were constructed. Still no life!!!

From there, stars, galaxies etc started to form...time frame around 400 million years post BB...still no life. From there the story gets more familiar and far more validated with eventually the formation of life from non life....or Abiogenesis. Again there is no other scientific answer. In other words, at one time there was no life, then there was.

While we certainly are still rather ignorant as to the exact process of Abiogenesis, we are just as certain that it is the only scientific answer.

An interesting account at WIKI.....

starting with...."Origin of life" redirects here. For non-scientific views on the origins of life, see Creation myth."

"Abiogenesis, or informally the origin of life, is the natural process by which lifehas arisen from non-living matter, such as simple organic compounds. While the details of this process are still unknown, the prevailing scientific hypothesis is that the transition from non-living to living entities was not a single event, but a gradual process of increasing complexity that involved molecular self-replication, self-assembly, autocatalysis, and the emergence of cell membranes.[9][10][11] Although the occurrence of abiogenesis is uncontroversial among scientists, there is no single, generally accepted model for the origin of life, and this article presents several principles and hypotheses for how abiogenesis could have occurred".

And an interesting account here......
"Blind faith" in chemical evolution? Guess who hasn't read the scientific literature!

Here's 78 scientific papers from the abiogenesis literature, that demonstrate conclusively that "blind faith" doesn't apply. Instead, what applies is direct experimental confirmation that the postulated chemical reactions WORK, and work under the prebiotic conditions postulated to have been present on the early Earth ...

List of 78 papers at link......

The best that can be said for any non scientific answer or religious/ID myth, is that the BB and our laws of physics including GR, say nothing about the time at t+10-43 seconds. In other words the BB tells us how the universe/spacetime [as we know them] evolved at that t+10-43 second point. But again as indicated, any answer is simply based on unsupported myth.
Scientifically speaking though, we do have reasonable scientific speculation at that time and it is pretty well summed up here.....
...for water to run downstream in the direction of greatest satisfaction...

Of all the woo things Write4U posts, this has got to be the woo-ist. (And that's saying a lot.)

Yes, that's right. In "Write4U's science 101", Water is motivated by satisfaction.

- there are four humors in the body.
- the brain's primary purpose is to cool the blood.
- the sun is a chariot of fire crossing the sky.
You realize that Pi is a function of probability theory.
No it isn't.
For one, Pi is not a function; it is a constant.
For two: while any constant can be used in any theory you like, saying such a constant is a "function of that theory" is just word salad.
If Life is a deterministic necessary condition by the presence of sufficient available conditional values and functions, then the universe will respond as it must by spontaneously creating a self-assembled pattern which answers to the mathematical necessity and to our conception of requirements of Life.

You should probably know that there are plenty of belief systems where God is not conscious or sentient. They are often called things like "Force of Nature", or "First Cause".

What you espouse is the same thing, but you couch it in word salad instead of being honest with yourself about your belief in such a God.
I haven't really heard it explained like this ...''opportunistic.''

Was the least anthropomorphic word I thought of

Stuff happens - reason? - because stuff happens - cause - physics - why - because? - just because

It is totally circular

MY reasoning WHY it is totally circular?


We have no way to crack open the ALWAYS. Not even a Planck's length crack. WHY?

MY reasoning? ALWAYS EXISTED is such totally closed fixed unchangeable system BECAUSE it has reached a point where no further changes are possible

Was there a period before our current state when possibilities existed? Unknown

Have we reached a point where no further changes are possible? Unknown

''Stuff'' does happen, but that's a lot of stuff to happen rather abruptly...suddenly. Going from nothing to life? Hmm.

Until we know more though, to be continued...
''Stuff'' does happen, but that's a lot of stuff to happen rather abruptly...suddenly. Going from nothing to life? Hmm.

Until we know more though, to be continued...
I would contend abruptly in the context of
1/ the billions of processes occurring
2/ the period (in truth unknown) over which the processes occured

Also from nothing to life, well not exactly

More like Bolt being born and going on to be the fastest runner - gradually

''Stuff'' does happen, but that's a lot of stuff to happen rather abruptly...suddenly. Going from nothing to life? Hmm.
Presumably the precursor is lipids forming "bubbles" that contained hydrocarbon chemistry long enough, in close enough proximity (as opposed to freely diffusing in the ocean), for complex organic (though not living) chemistry to occur.

Eventually, some moderately complex molecules combined in ways that made more of themselves. These spread rapidly (still not life).

Even more eventually, some molecules got so complex that they could encode blueprints of themselves.
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