Chemical evolution:

In my Post #62, I simply pointed out that that abiogenesis is NOT part of the theory of evolution...that they are two separate areas of Science study.
And you are wrong in that assertion.


Self-organization, also called (in the social sciences) spontaneous order, is a process where some form of overall order arises from local interactions between parts of an initially disordered system. The process can be spontaneous when sufficient energy is available, not needing control by any external agent. It is often triggered by seemingly random
fluctuations, amplified by positive feedback. The resulting organization is wholly decentralized, distributed over all the components of the system. As such, the organization is typically robust and able to survive or self-repair substantial perturbation. Chaos theory discusses self-organization in terms of islands of predictability in a sea of chaotic unpredictability. [/quote]
Self-organization occurs in many physical, chemical,
biological, robotic, and cognitive systems. Examples of self-organization include crystallization, thermal convection of fluids, chemical oscillation, animal swarming, neural circuits, and black markets.
Last edited: of life,led to early replicator molecules.

Chemical origin of life
The chemical origin of life refers to the conditions that might have existed and therefore promoted the first replicating life forms. It considers the physical and chemical reactions that could have led to early replicator molecules.

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Please provide evidence that I am "wrong in that assertion".
See above.

Everything in our life has only mathematical patterns.
How can it be that mathematics, being after all a product of human thought which is independent of experience, is so admirably appropriate to the objects of reality?
Albert Einstein…
One evening a few years ago, I was with friends from the college at the backyard of the college, and talking about the relationship between science and mathematics. One of my friends’ friends made a comment, “Science does not explain objects, it just describes them.” That made me utterly surprised because I was pretty sure that mathematics and science were the best languages to explain what is happening in the universe.
That night, I saw that most of the people don’t believe that “Mathematics is the beautiful language of the universe.” In other words, for them, mathematics is not an explanation of the universe and nature. I think that approach is normal for them, because the real mathematics is an abstract concept, not a tangible thing that you can smell, touch or eat. And being an abstract makes mathematics deep and mysterious. However, everybody agrees on that a human being can develop himself anytime. And there is no upper limit to numerical abilities of a human being. First, they discovered the fire to get warm. Then needed a light in their house and they invented electricity and the bulb. When they need to talk to someone who is 10000 miles away, they just invented the Internet. Behind all these inventions, there was mathematics.
Of course, the universe can not speak or think. However, we, the people, can read the universe. Because there are so many scientifically and mathematically inclined people can read the universe and find answers and then describe the universe and nature. We, the normal people, can also use our imagination as an apparatus in order to read the universe, and also nature. If we can read, hence something is written. In order to write, a language is always needed. So, the universe should have a language. The letters are circles, triangles, hexagons, etc… Or this language just contains patterns.
Everything in our life has only mathematical things. For instance, I love watching documentaries about wildlife. The narrators are always telling us many animals have stripes or patterns for the purposes of camouflage. But why do a leopard or a cheetah or a tiger have particular designs? Enigma codebreaker Alan Turing -you can watch the nice movie “The Imitation Game” to see his life- had a mathematical theory about leopard’s spots. He had an idea that the patterns on animals can be explained by mathematics 60 years ago. *1
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There is nothing to "See above" that supports your claim that I am "wrong in that assertion".
Like your cohort, paddoboy, you are merely Trolling.
Trolling meaning refuting your mystical inferences. theory of,develop into different life forms.

Is there a connection between abiogenesis and evolution?
Biology Origin of Life on Earth Abiogenesis
1 Answer

Alan P.

Apr 21, 2016
Abiogenesis is the theory of how life could develop from non-living materials. Evolution is the theory of how existing life could develop into different life forms.

Both abiogenesis and evolution deal with the development of new life forms. The difference is in the starting conditions.

Trolling meaning refuting your mystical inferences.
And of course you will refuse to provide any Direct Quotes of any Posts authored by me making any "mystical inferences".
Again, paddoboy, you are simply Trolling...Casting Aspersions...your usual MO.
And of course you will refuse to provide any Direct Quotes of any Posts authored by me making any "mystical inferences".
Again, paddoboy, you are simply Trolling...Casting Aspersions...your usual MO.
:D I have supplied all quotes. and again, I'll let records and our peers speak for anything else. :p Take it easy old friend!!
And of course you will refuse to provide any Direct Quotes of any Posts authored by me making any "mystical inferences".
Again, paddoboy, you are simply Trolling...Casting Aspersions...your usual MO.

:DI have supplied all quotes. and again, I'll let records and our peers speak for anything else. :p Take it easy old friend!!

My Post #62 : "If you understand abiogenesis so clearly, then why are you compelled to introduce "evolution" into the equation?
You seem to be conflating an unexplained hypothesis, abiogenesis - life from non-life, and an actual scientific theory that begins with the premise that life already exists."

Would you please point out the "mystical inferences" in my Post #62 quoted above?
Would you please reference the Post #'s where you "supplied all quotes"?

My Post #62 is the only Post I made in this Thread until you began TROLLING me with your Post #70 where you Cast Aspersions by stating : "In actual fact, it appears to be you...conflating the unsupported myth of ID with the logic of extrapolation back to the obvious...Abiogenesis."

Shakes Head
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My Post #62 : "If you understand abiogenesis so clearly,
I didn't say that. I understand it enough along with other science to realise its the only scientific explanation for the emergence of life. Conflating again dmoe?
then why are you compelled to introduce "evolution" into the equation?
This thread is entitled "chemical evolution.
You seem to be conflating an unexplained hypothesis, [abiogenesis - life from non-life, and an actual scientific theory that begins with the premise that life already exists."
As per my link, I'm pointing out an obvious connection and refuting your silly conflation.
Would you please point out the "mystical inferences" in my Post #62 quoted above?
Would you please reference the Post #'s where you "supplied all quotes"?
Already done...
My Post #62 is the only Post I made in this Thread until you began TROLLING me with your Post #70 where you accused me of "conflating the unsupported myth of ID with the logic of extrapolation back to the obvious...Abiogenesis."
And I was correct and spot on, but if you believe I am trolling :rolleyes: report me.
My Post #62 : "If you understand abiogenesis so clearly, then why are you compelled to introduce "evolution" into the equation?
You seem to be conflating an unexplained hypothesis, abiogenesis - life from non-life, and an actual scientific theory that begins with the premise that life already exists."

Would you please point out the "mystical inferences" in my Post #62 quoted above?
Would you please reference the Post #'s where you "supplied all quotes"?

My Post #62 is the only Post I made in this Thread until you began TROLLING me with your Post #70 where you Cast Aspersions by stating : "In actual fact, it appears to be you...conflating the unsupported myth of ID with the logic of extrapolation back to the obvious...Abiogenesis."

Shakes Head
dmoe - one doesn't have to believe the bible as Holy Writ to realize there are wise words here and there in it. Most apt here at SF and concerning one inveterate slanderer/troll in particular: Proverbs 29:9
I didn't say that. I understand it enough along with other science to realise its the only scientific explanation for the emergence of life. Conflating again dmoe?

This thread is entitled "chemical evolution.

As per my link, I'm pointing out an obvious connection and refuting your silly conflation.

Already done...

And I was correct and spot on, but if you believe I am trolling :rolleyes: report me.
...shakes head more...???

My Post #62 was directed at Write4U, in response to his Post #60 - YOU KNOW THIS

Your Post #133 is complete nonsense - YOU KNOW THIS

As per the links given and ignoring the provocative nonsense....
The chemical evolution of life, via Abiogenesis, is the only scientific answer we have.
We though are still not fully familiar with the exact pathway, but that does not invalidate the fact that Abiogenesis, [either locally inspired or Panspermia] is the only scientific answer.
Any hopeful, heart warming, myth of some form of ID, is just that and totally without scientific support or merit.
The adoration shown towards James Tour and the letters after his name, is offset by no other then his own questionable, silly statements [as already shown] of telling his "congregation, presumably to keep the faith so to speak] that even if any forthcoming evidence was discovered, supporting Abiogenesis, it would not shift him and his literal devotion to the bible and all that it claims.
That's about the state of play at this time.
one doesn't have to believe the bible as Holy Writ to realize there are wise words here and there in it.
Sure there are! But are they divinely inspired words? :D
And that alone does not validate in anyone's language, a book written in an obscure age by obscure individuals, inspired by some magical deity, or whatever.
As per the links given and ignoring the provocative nonsense....
The chemical evolution of life, via Abiogenesis, is the only scientific answer we have.
We though are still not fully familiar with the exact pathway, but that does not invalidate the fact that Abiogenesis, [either locally inspired or Panspermia] is the only scientific answer.
Any hopeful, heart warming, myth of some form of ID, is just that and totally without scientific support or merit.
The adoration shown towards James Tour and the letters after his name, is offset by no other then his own questionable, silly statements [as already shown] of telling his "congregation, presumably to keep the faith so to speak] that even if any forthcoming evidence was discovered, supporting Abiogenesis, it would not shift him and his literal devotion to the bible and all that it claims.
That's about the state of play at this time.


There you go, Paul, er...paddoboy
Another 14.5 minutes long video.......
How did life begin? Abiogenesis. Origin of life from nonliving matter.