Charity: The Christian cause that has the right to precedence over every other


"Jews/Xians/Muslims" are nought but titles, they don't actually mean anything other than names to identify bodies. If I told you I was muslim, then you would respond to me as such without needing to know if i actually muslim.
The OP gives a good idea of what you term people "so favoured by god.
I used the three Abrahamic religions as an example, as they are the ones I'm most familiar with. When I use one of these as an example, they are also representing any theist religion based on worshipping some deity/deities whose existence cannot be proven.
Muslims are just as bad as Jews, Xians, etc. about believing what they believe and sitting on their high horse looking down at anyone who doesn't believe what they do.

Now if those people were atheist they would still be favoured by god.
The question is; would atheists do what McGarry and his co-workers do, for the same reasons.
But if they never accepted Christ as their savior, they would go to hell. I don't see how that and 'god still favors them' can coexist.

I agree with you. To me, that is not what religion is about.
Seems to be the only thing you agree with me on, which is quite suprising given your otherwise adamant defense of faith based religions.

Obviously this conflict is more than bickering, and
it is more than just being about who is right. It would appear that the whole bible is more or less dealing with this conflict. I doubt it is as simple you would like to believe.
Whoa. I never said the bible was as simple as I thought. Far from it. In fact, the complexity, contradicting scriptures and little hints here and there(denoting to me that it was just written by man w/no divine intervention) is the reason I debate against its (and Christianity's) validity as a whole.

His followers aren't arrogant, if they are, then they cease to be his followers.
This can be understood by reading the OP.
Oh yes they are. They just don't realize it. Of course the bible supposedly teaches humility, but I've met very few humble Christians. I've met quite a few ignorant ones, but not many humble ones.

A doctor is a doctor on two counts, one, he is academically qualified, two, he cares about healing the sick. If the doctor decides to murder his patients what happens, he is struck off, meaning he is no longer a doctor, despite being academically qualified. He could still practice his skill, he could still call himself a doctor, but he is not a part of the medical proffession, that which he strove for. He is now independant.

Uh, what does that have to do with in response to what I wrote?

Muslims are just as bad as Jews, Xians, etc. about believing what they believe and sitting on their high horse looking down at anyone who doesn't believe what they do.

Here is a quote from the OP;

"We tend to forget that charity comes first," wrote Thomas Merton, the inspiring monk who died forty years ago this month, "and is the only Christian 'cause' that has the right to precedence over every other." McGarry and his co-workers understand those words and live by them."

But if they never accepted Christ as their savior, they would go to hell. I don't see how that and 'god still favors them' can coexist.

Where does Jesus or God say this?
I think the point is that if you are truly charitable, then there is an element of pure goodness in your character. That goodness is what you are judged on, not what you believe or don't believe.
In short, action speaks louder than words.

Sometimes as children become teenagers they rebel against their parents, sometimes claiming to hate them. But as they grow older, and that adolescent spirit of rebeliousness becomes pointless and obselete, they realise that they do in fact love their parents, and did do all along.

Belief is futile, if not acted upon.

Seems to be the only thing you agree with me on, which is quite suprising given your otherwise adamant defense of faith based religions.

I'm glad we can agree on something.
My defense is not of faith-based religions, but pure religion as espoused by scriptures.

In fact, the complexity, contradicting scriptures and little hints here and there(denoting to me that it was just written by man w/no divine intervention) is the reason I debate against its (and Christianity's) validity as a whole.

But then your debateing stops when the opponent doesn't agree with your understanding. :)

Oh yes they are. They just don't realize it. Of course the bible supposedly teaches humility, but I've met very few humble Christians. I've met quite a few ignorant ones, but not many humble ones.

You misunderstood me.
From a scriptoral perspective, humility is a qualification.

Uh, what does that have to do with in response to what I wrote?

It shows that you cannot be a proper doctor unless your actions (professional in this case) are in accordance with the gigantic body which governs medical practitioners.
