changin' ur genes

There are tons of things we don't know yet about life and the human body.

We still don't know why some people experience very severe pain even after a small injury while other people are apparently very resistant to pain, even after a big injury.

The experience of pain after injury and why it differs so much between people (like I said, I am convinced that some people feel almost no pain even after big injuries) is still a mystery but scientists HAVE to figure it out if we want to make life better for everyone.
The interesting part is that when we observe a person in pain our own bodies produce the same chemical pain response as the person suffering the injury. That is the basis of "empathy", the ability to place oneself into the shoes of another.

AFAIK, empathy is a function of the "mirror neuron system" which can be found in many mammals.
Mirror neuron system is a group of specialized neurons that “mirrors” the actions and behaviour of others. The involvement of mirror neuron system (MNS) is implicated in neurocognitive functions (social cognition, language, empathy, theory of mind) and neuropsychiatric disorders. MNS discovery is considered to be the most important landmark in neuroscience research during the last decade.

IMO, it is an evolved survival mechanism and is present and displayed very early in life.

Examples of empathic mirror neuron response are;

Salivating when watching someone eat a delicious morsel
Wincing when watching someone else hurt themselves

Child copying parental behavior

Mirror neurons. Imitation has always been a powerful learning tool. The human brain is enabled with different mechanisms that allow us to imitate actions. Babies are capable of reproducing facial expressions, and as adults, we imitate basic behavior. Laughter can be spread, we can cry while watching a sad movie… It seems like we have the capacity to feel what others feel, empathize with them and understand their feelings. What happens in the brain for this to happen? The answer is mirror neurons. In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about mirror neurons. What are they? How do they intervene in education and empathy? Why is emotion contagious?

Learning interspecies (sign) language

R I P........ were a wonderful person.
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Weird phenomena should be studied rigorously by scientists, because they can be windows to new discoveries.
For example, if some advanced seemingly incurable cancers disappear on the themselves without an apparent reason, they should increase the curiosity of scientists on whether there is an underlying actual cause for this phenomenon that can be exploited (like a mutation that these tumors might share).

Ok there might be data suggesting that microbes or simpler biosystems like viruses, or even proteins can perform complex computations, or individual cells can estimate the position they need to go and migrate during embryogenesis. There might also be (hypothetically speaking) evidence that telepathy or ghosts exist.
An average person will accept that telepathy exists or ghosts exist based on the data that supports it, or microbes make complex mathematical calculations or quasi-calculations.
But really competent scientists just make the assumption that since telepathy or ghosts don't exist, or microbes don't make calculations or quasi-calculations, lets go study more in depth what is the cause of these new observations.

After all, microbes are just biochemical systems that interact with other biochemical systems. What is more likely to you? That microbes make complex computations, or they are just a part of a larger system? Does a drop of water that falls on a mountain has an inner compass and make complex calculations to find a river and eventually find its way to the ocean, or it is just a part of a bigger system?
Does a drop of water in the ocean calculates its position, or it just belongs to a bigger system?
After all, microbes are just biochemical systems that interact with other biochemical systems. What is more likely to you? That microbes make complex computations, or they are just a part of a larger system? Does a drop of water that falls on a mountain has an inner compass and make complex calculations to find a river and eventually find its way to the ocean, or it is just a part of a bigger system?
Does a drop of water in the ocean calculates its position, or it just belongs to a bigger system?
That's where the prefix "quasi-" applies.

Chemical reactions are not conscious (decison making) responses, but they don't need to be.

As Bassler shows, bacteria recognize specific chemical attributes (chemical words), which leads to chemical reactions and in certain cases "quorum sensing" in (biochemical) bacteria.

This has nothing to do with intentional decision making, the chemical responses are mathematical functions based on chemical values and potentials. It is a purely deterministic function. But it can appear to be a form of (unconscious) quasi-intelligent behavior.

However the results can be the same as performed by intelligent decision making.

Hence the term "quasi".
a combining form meaning “resembling,” “having some, but not all of the features of,”

(IMO, it has resulted in the assumption by early hominids of intentional gods being responsible for natural phenomena from observation of apparent intelligent behavior in natural phenomena)
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well, if you mean that microbes, or cells of any type can sense that they are packed in an overcroweded environment, this is a fact. They can sense the scarcity of nutrients and feel the dynamical forces from their neighbouring cells and this leads to a decrease in proliferation rates. I would call this proto-intelligence or even a form of real intelligence.

However, i don't understand what this has to do with the Universe being quasi-intelligent or the process that makes those cells in the quasi-intelligent.
well, if you mean that microbes, or cells of any type can sense that they are packed in an overcroweded environment, this is a fact. They can sense the scarcity of nutrients and feel the dynamical forces from their neighbouring cells and this leads to a decrease in proliferation rates. I would call this proto-intelligence or even a form of real intelligence.

However, i don't understand what this has to do with the Universe being quasi-intelligent or the process that makes those cells in the quasi-intelligent.
Because there is no true motivation or intent in mathematical functions. True motivated intelligence requires a conscious brain and nothing in the universe can have a brain except for biological organisms, even as they start as purely chemical patterns probabilistically self-organising into bio-chemical molecules and evolving greater sensory abilities and neural information processing networks.

Lets begin with the regular patterns which frequently and spontaneously form throughout the universe and on earth and often emerge from otherwise chaotic conditions. The physical Universe clearly displays an ability for self-organizing quasi-intelligent self-referential functions.

These self-organizing patterns are a clear sign of a mathematical aspect to the physical properties and the physical interactions of everything.

The table of elements is a perfect example of the mathematical self-organizational nature of atoms. We can qualify and quantify all known elements and we even have been able to mathematically create elements which cannot exist in nature due to their inherent energetic instability. But which proves that human mathematics are indeed functionally accurate to predict naturally mathematically emergent phenomena.
The first element discovered through synthesis was technetium—its discovery being definitely confirmed in 1936. This discovery filled a gap in the periodic table, and the fact that no stable isotopes of technetium exist explains its natural absence on Earth (and the gap).

OUR ability to force the manifestation of Higgs bosons from the Higgs field proves that even at the most subtle level human mathematics are functionally efficient. It just takes a lot of energy like the Cern collider.

Chemistry is the mathematical physical foundation of all observable physical objects and displays a clear mathematical function in the formation of all expressed physical patterns throughout the universe, including the formation of galaxies.

The identified universal constants (i.e. E = Mc^2) are equations of mathematical relationships between physical values and their inherent energetic potentials to do work.

Thus IMO, we can say that all natural phenomena occurring throughout the universe display a mathematical aspect and a mathematical potential to perform work. A quasi-intelligent mathematical ability.

This allows us to conclude that universal values and functions display inherent predictable quasi-intelligent behaviors, completely removed from any intentional or motivated creativity. It is a purely probabilistic but predictable deterministic behavior.

This is at the purely chemical level throughout the universe. But the process of these creative mathematical processes also results in the formation of bio-chemicals, such as hydrogen, carbon, etc.
Biochemistry, sometimes called biological chemistry, is the study of chemical processes within and relating to living organisms.[1] Biochemical processes give rise to the complexity of life.
Descending to earth.
Scientists believe that about 25 of the known elements are essential to life. Just four of these – carbon (C), oxygen (O), hydrogen (H) and nitrogen (N) – make up about 96% of the human body. ... These four elements are found in the basic structure of all biochemical molecules.
Apparently, during the formation and evolution of earth there occurred an hospitable environment which was responsible in the formation of bio-chemical molecules, self-organization of cells, and the chemical ability to copy themselves. This is how dynamic living organisms emerged, displaying quasi-intelligent abilities, the proto types to the evolution of sensory receptors, neural information distribution networks, central information processing, and the eventual emergence of conscious motivational intelligence.

All fauna have quasi-intelligent mathematical biological patterns. Daisies and Sunflowers follow the Fibonacci Sequence in the formation of petals and seed distribution. These abilities are a result of natural selection for efficient collection and distribitoion of solar energy through photo-synthesis, a very mathematical process.

Many flowers and plants can "sense" the position of the sun in the sky and follow its path.
Flowers that track the sun are called heliotropic or phototropic flowers. Heliotropic flowersactually turn their blossoms to face the sun while phototropic flowers grow toward the sun.
IMO, all these natural abilities are mathematical precursors to true intelligence.
If the phenomenon of intelligence is to be viewed as a spectrum of phenomena, what is the underlying mechanism which created such a phenomenon in the first place? What lies at the base of the phenomenon of intelligence? All living systems, including the subsystems of advanced biosystems, exhibit some level of intelligence as defined in the present work. The question then must be asked: may inorganic, non-living systems exhibit intelligence?

This is where I make the distinction between quasi-intelligent purely mathematical behavior and the emergence of fully intelligent motivated survival behaviors.

Note that there are several types of motivated intelligence. Octopy and Cuttlefish are sentient, intelligent, motivated organisms, but they have nine brains and are completely alien to say, mammalian organisms, except for the fact that they too are invertebrates, i.e. extremely vulnerable to predation.
Their motivated physical abilities and behavior are uniquely adapted to aquatic survival.
Deep-sea thinkers
Octopuses and their kin (cuttlefish and squid) stand apart from other invertebrates, having evolved with much larger nervous systems and greater cognitive complexity.
The majority of neurons in an octopus are found in the arms, which can independently taste and touch and also control basic motions without input from the brain.
Octopus brains and vertebrate brains have no common anatomy but support a variety of similar features, including forms of short- and long-term memory, versions of sleep, and the capacities to recognize individual people and explore objects through play.

I mention these as examples of completely divergent evolutionary paths leading to similar intelligent abilities and behaviors, in mutually exclusive environments.

But none of this requires a supernatural motivated intelligent "helping hand".
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So you mean that the existence of natural laws (and their ability to be described mathematically) means the universe is quasi-intelligent?
So you mean that the existence of natural laws (and their ability to be described mathematically) means the universe is quasi-intelligent?
Not quite. I said the physical universe acts in a quasi-intelligent, i.e mathematical manner.

It acts mathematically and presents quasi-intelligent behaviors, such as self-organization into specific patterns. Make sure you understand the fundamental definition of "quasi" .
1: having some resemblance usually by possession of certain attributes.
The attribute being a functional mathematical language, but not a brain, or conscious awareness, or intent......difference!

I do agree that we might identify these early abilities as examples of proto-abilities.

p.s. these abilities are peculiar to Eukaryotic, but not Prokaryotic organisms.
Eukaryotic Cell vs. Prokaryotic Cell. ... Eukaryotic cells contain membrane-bound organelles, such as the nucleus, while prokaryotic cells do not.

in cellular structure of prokaryotes and eukaryotes include the presence of mitochondria and chloroplasts, the cell wall, and the structure of chromosomal DNA.
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Not quite. I said the physical universe acts in a quasi-intelligent, i.e mathematical manner.
E=mc^2 acts in a mathematical manner as well. What is the difference?

Btw microbes in overcrowded environments decrease their proliferation rates if they sense scarcity of nutrients or physical pressure from surrounding cells. This is a result of negative loops caused by simple chemical signals. I think that low glucose concentrations activates an Oxidative phosphorylation enzyme and thus as aresult another enzyme inhibits a cell division initiation reaction that i don't recall. Its just 2 simple chemical steps. This is not due to mathematical functions or rocket science. It is however connected to mathematics the same way that everything can be described in mathematics, no different than the fact that E=mc^2 and reflects the fact that the Universe is governed by some physical laws that can be described mathematically.
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E=mc^2 acts in a mathematical manner as well. What is the difference?
E = mc^2 is a mathematical equation. Every physical change in the universe appears to act in a mathematical manner as a result of inherent consistent value potentials and functional abilites.

I used physical to indicate the physical reality which we can observe. If we're talking metaphysical, any mathematical function would be less obvious, no?
Chaos theory.
Chaos theory, in mechanics and mathematics, the study of apparently random or unpredictable behaviour in systems governed by deterministic laws. A more accurate term, deterministic chaos, suggests a paradox because it connects two notions that are familiar and commonly regarded as incompatible.
Personally, I believe that mathematical values and functions are essential at all hierarchical levels of expressed or unexpressed potentials, but as I don't have the ability to defend it, I am loath to make a definitive statement in that respect.
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