Challenge: Establish that Christ/Bible/Christianity are the authorities on reality

Because it would do significant additional damage to their collective credibility.

But why would they be concerned about their credibility (individual or collective)? They are already sure they are right, and they don't really care whether anyone believes them or not.

Imagine if, thousands of years ago, the same religion had popped up on two different land masses simultaneously. Imagine if, when James Cook landed in Australia, he discovered that the aboriginals were Christians? Now that would be something.

No, they would be just aboriginals. :eek::(
What is this???!

On numerous other occasions, Christians are all too ready to declare they are right and everyone else is wrong.

But when directly asked, they pull back.

Why is that?

because you stereotype.
The Christian Bible reads like a feat accomplished and it is a glorious triumph of wrong information, but for some tribal history. Its foundational sections on cosmology and the origins of life have been shown to be as wrong could be. Life forms were not made all at once, as is, immutable.

It all came from man’s need for satisfaction, and that was what produced the error in thinking that life and substance could only have come from a higher life, with no “and so on”. They had gone one simple level upwards, which was in the complete wrong direction, to answer complexity with but more complexity and in effect had doomed their own argument beyond repair.

But they could no longer care, for it had taken root for several millennia. Only now do we see the opposite and correct direction, that complexity is reducible to its simpler and simpler constituents. Yet, the blindness to what is found and known within and beneath continues, they still wishing for the above and beyond that is neither found nor known, having been declared invisible, a necessarily infinite regress of Intelligences to account for each in the chain of them that they had suddenly broken off right away for no reason than the simplicity of satisfaction of what had previously been a much lessor case of dissatisfaction in the first place.

Turn around. If man’s intelligence cannot be explained without more behind it then all the more God’s cannot be. Wrong way on a dead-end cul-de-sac.
It is fairly common for Christians (of various denominations) to claim that all other religions (along with their scriptures and traditions) are (less or more) wrong - and that thus the adherents of those religions will face eternal negative consequences for adhering to them.

In that sense, the Christians consider the Bible to be superior to all other religious scriptures.

An incorrect understanding of reality.

This is why the road is narrow and so few Christians get to make it to there promise lands . They inadvertently brake one of there own commandments . They covet . They covet there God
I believe the Christians are praying for your souls. That is why you have not heard from them. This is just a belief; it can not be substantiated. It seems that you each have a belief about what Christians believe. But the fact is that no two people can think alike.
(Thank God.)

So the Bible means different things to different people. It is a mirror of your soul and a guide. Is "The Big Bang" the "Mind of God the Father" touching "the void of space" or
"The Holy Spirit" to form "The Universe" or "The Son of God", etcetera? That is entirely
up to you - It is what you believe.
Establish that Christ, the Bible or Christianity are the authorities on reality.

Establish that the Bible is superior to all other religious scriptures.

Establish that only Christianity has the full and correct understanding of reality.
Christ, Bible or Christianity are just another face of authority that other proper religions(for the few ones are just made to keep personal interests) share.

Bible is a good religious scripture... but it does not let us make up the view that other religious books are just a wastage of time... so nobody but god himself only can tell what is superior...

Currently Christianity is understanding what it's leaders are trying to teach their followers... We can't go with it's leaders with blind eye considering their history of deeds up till now.