Challenge: Establish that Christ/Bible/Christianity are the authorities on reality


Valued Senior Member
This is for the Christians primarily, others are welcome to post questions or comments.

Establish that Christ, the Bible or Christianity are the authorities on reality.

Establish that the Bible is superior to all other religious scriptures.

Establish that only Christianity has the full and correct understanding of reality.
So you are the authority on "how things really are"?

I think it's relative to what you believe. Having said that, I could tell you what I believe, but that wouldn't be a reflection of Christian thought, and I don't think there are many here who can offer that kind of insight, which is why I offered the above link. If I wanted to know what Christians thought, I would go where they gather, such as a Christian forum. This forum isn't notable for its theist perspectives, so your questions will probably garnish less than knowledgeable responses.
Establish that Christ, the Bible or Christianity are the authorities on reality.

Establish that only Christianity has the full and correct understanding of reality.
Given we know the Bible to be wrong on multiple things to do with reality it cannot be full and correct.
Establish that Christ, the Bible or Christianity are the authorities on reality.

Exhibit A: Christianity is among the top three most widely practiced religions in the world.

So, quite a few people accept that it has something useful to say about "reality".

Establish that the Bible is superior to all other religious scriptures.

Superior in what way?

Establish that only Christianity has the full and correct understanding of reality.

As opposed to what?
Superior in what way?

It is fairly common for Christians (of various denominations) to claim that all other religions (along with their scriptures and traditions) are (less or more) wrong - and that thus the adherents of those religions will face eternal negative consequences for adhering to them.

In that sense, the Christians consider the Bible to be superior to all other religious scriptures.

As opposed to what?

An incorrect understanding of reality.
Establish that Christ, the Bible or Christianity are the authorities on reality.
You are the authority of your own reality.Jesus teaches how best to utilize such authority, but being human, we are susceptible to our own humanity..
( make your own choices)

Establish that the Bible is superior to all other religious scriptures.
I personally have never claimed that..if fact i have argued for the benefits of an erring bible and have often wondered if there should be a re-canonization of the bible to include other religious texts..

Establish that only Christianity has the full and correct understanding of reality.
I have never claimed that either..
although i am sure i have inferred that I am the only one who has the correct understanding of this reality:cool:..(at least some bits:rolleyes:..)
You are the authority of your own reality.Jesus teaches how best to utilize such authority, but being human, we are susceptible to our own humanity..

How do you know that in particular Jesus teaches best how to utilize that authority?
Why not Mohammad or someone else?

I personally have never claimed that..if fact i have argued for the benefits of an erring bible and have often wondered if there should be a re-canonization of the bible to include other religious texts..

If you are adhering to the Bible at the exlusion of all other religious scripture (the Quran, the Vedas etc.), then you apparently believe that the Bible is superior to them.

On the grounds of what?
If I was going to choose a religion, it would probably be one that I am most familiar with and that is part of my culture--Christianity.
If I was going to choose a religion, it would probably be one that I am most familiar with and that is part of my culture--Christianity.
Why? Shouldn't you pick something you believe to be true, else why bother worshipping it? Everyone likes Santa, should you consider him? No, you know he doesn't exist.

If you're not interested in truth why bother?
This is for the Christians primarily, others are welcome to post questions or comments.

Establish that Christ, the Bible or Christianity are the authorities on reality.

Read it and decide for yourself.

Establish that the Bible is superior to all other religious scriptures.

Study them and compare them and decide for yourself.

Establish that only Christianity has the full and correct understanding of reality.

Since i don't believe God has revealed everything through His scriptures i do not claim that Christianity has a full understanding of reality.

All Praise the Ancient of Days
What is this???!

On numerous other occasions, Christians are all too ready to declare they are right and everyone else is wrong.

But when directly asked, they pull back.

Why is that?
We either don't have any Christian exclusivists here, or they are staying quiet about what they really think. The collective message then is that whether or not one believes that Jesus died for our sins is ultimately inconsequential to ones salvation.
What is this???!

On numerous other occasions, Christians are all too ready to declare they are right and everyone else is wrong.

But when directly asked, they pull back.

Why is that?

Because maintaining the illusion of unity strengthens the theist position. If they started arguing amongst themselves it would be game over, at least on this forum.
Because maintaining the illusion of unity strengthens the theist position. If they started arguing amongst themselves it would be game over, at least on this forum.

Why should it be game over if they started arguing amongst themselves?
Should not the best one, the true one prevail?
Why should it be game over if they started arguing amongst themselves?

Because it would do significant additional damage to their collective credibility.

Should not the best one, the true one prevail?

Imagine if, thousands of years ago, the same religion had popped up on two different land masses simultaneously. Imagine if, when James Cook landed in Australia, he discovered that the aboriginals were Christians? Now that would be something.

Instead we have different religions in different parts of the world. If only one of them is true, then billions of people are destined for hell because of geography. I mean seriously, what hope did the poor aboriginals have of learning of the crucifixion of Jesus? Weren't they worthy?