Cellular Contact inhibition

for a cancer cure, i think they need to really be doing more research into the idea of "suffocating" the offensive cancer cells. i mean, so much of the cancer's cell's survival is based upon a adequate oxygen supply.

I agree with you in this context. imo though, the only way to beat metastasis of cancer would be a tailored gene therapy to that specific individual though. What do you think?

I know most chemotherapys are targeted at the apoptosis end of the cellular specrum; although some are actually targeted at the contact inhibition portion of cancer activity. If you could just get the little buggers to stop dividing and stop producing that nasty enzym that cuts through the basal lamina, you could basicly stop cancer in it's tracks.

I also know that individuals with strong immune systems can kill cancer cells very effectivly. Their immune systems killer T cells basicly pierce the cell membranes of cancer cells and burst them. So I think that modification of the immune response system might also be a very effective treatment for cancer.

What say you?