Cell's Cycle & Lifespan

It means that cells with shorter lifespan are mutated within their shorter lifespan & and acquires different proliferating characteristics to become immortal. Why then cancer is said to take several years to develop?
it takes several years for the unluck mutations in all the right places at the right times to happen. I would take several years of trying and luck to win the county lottery would it not?
Now I just complete:-

It means that cells with shorter lifespan are mutated within their shorter lifespan & and acquires different proliferating characteristics to become immortal. But it takes several years for the unluck mutations in all the right places at the right times to happen & develop into cancer/stimulate cancer. These initially mutated cancer become immortal due to that mutation & remains dormant till it is stimulated to become cancerous/maligent. Stimulation may be effected by carcinogens which may take years for this stimulation. Now is it correct?
Originally posted by Kumar
These initially mutated cancer become immortal due to that mutation & remains dormant till it is stimulated to become cancerous/maligent. Stimulation may be effected by carcinogens which may take years for this stimulation. Now is it correct?

no, once acquired the right mutations they are cancerous immediately i would say. If a tumor is malignant depends if it shows signs of metastasis and can induce angiogenesis. Tumors without their own blood supply never grow very big.

Let's see if fetus agrees somewhat.
If this initial mutation & therafere growth with angiogenesis is somewhat like fertilized ova attach to uterus wall, multiply & develop rapidly? If cancer cells aquire this type of property?
It depends what you mean by cancerous. A mole is not cancerous (usually) it does not grow nor metastasis but the cells have acquire mutations, are usually immortal or have divided at a unusual rate, but are limited by blood supply and cell bonding preventing growth further. Wouldn’t these cells be call sub-cancerous?
Thanks. Now it is clear that it may not be very important that any cell is mutated for the cancer cell, but more will be it induces for stimulation of growth & devlepment. Carcinogens can be responsible for both mutation & stimulation. Mutation for immorality can take place immediately but stimulation can take several years. Is it ok.

Now, How cells with shorter & longer lifespan (so multiplying capacity) can be related to extent of cancer occurance? I mean to say-- is shorter or longer lifespan cells have less or more possibility for development in cancer?
"Normal body cells grow, divide, and die in an orderly fashion. During the early years of a person's life, normal cells divide more rapidly until the person becomes an adult. After that, cells in most parts of the body divide only to replace worn-out or dying cells and to repair injuries.Because cancer cells continue to grow and divide, they are different from normal cells. Instead of dying, they outlive normal cells and continue to form new abnormal cells. "
If we study the above quote, we can note that:

1. During the early years of a person's life, normal cells divide more rapidly until the person becomes an adult--I think chances of cancer occurance during the early life except blood cancer are also much less then in aged person.

2. After that, cells in most parts of the body divide only to replace worn-out or dying cells and to repair injuries--I think on ageing at this stage the chances of cancer are much more.

We may now think that: Ageing may reduce the dividing requirement of cells unabling them to attain more longevity & exposure of carcinogens to these type of cells will naturally be for long time--increasing the posibility of cancer in these cells.

Does it mean that normal(or decreased) lifespan & increased multiplications of body cells will reduce the chances of cancer and opposite with the increased lifespan & decreased multiplications of cells?
Just decreased life span. Remember that the cells in a 50 years body have multiplied more times then in a 20 year olds, even though the 50 year old's cells are now multiplying much slower. The more divisions and age of the DNA sequence the higher the chance of errors.
Can you bit explian it in more detail. The normal capacity of cell divisions can be linked to the multiplying capacity of cancer cells--fast capacity>fast cancer growth & otherwise. But longevity in divisions by aging & otherwise may be more related to the getting mutations & stimulation of cancer.

Will it not be then better, if we encourage more & quick divisions of cells in normal health to avoid cancer & opposite when we aquire cancer??
Its the dividing of the cells that insures mutations, each division brings with it errors in the duplication of DNA, mutations build up, this is why old people are more likely to get cancer, not because of the senescence of the cells but because of how many divisions the cells have gone through already has made them riddle with errors. If you want to prevent cancer you want to reduce the rate of cell division! Reduce the intake of mutagens and carcinogens, eat a very low calorie diet to induce a lethargic growth rate in the bodies cells.
Thanks. If more & fast divisions are not related to early death of cells alongwith the errors(if not become immortal)? Btw, if the cells divide more & fast in old age OR less & slow?
aaaah you lost me there? You want the cells to divide less, think of it this way: cancer requires division if you could make your cells not divide at all then you could not get cancer period, you would also fall apart from tissue decay because cell division and replacement is the only thing prevent you from suffering total structural fatigue and failure like machines do.
Just see like this:

Normal Condition-- cells divide more & fast may leads to less chance of cancer as in early age, cells divide less & slow may lead to more chance of cancer mutation & stimulation.

Cancerous Condition-- cells divide more & fast may lead to more chance of cancer/metastatis, cells divide less & slow may lead to less chance of cancer/metastatis.

Is it ok. Pls tell me if normal cells in normal condition(not cancer) divide more & fast OR less & slow?
Is it ok. Pls tell me if normal cells in normal condition(not cancer) divide more & fast OR less & slow?

well the answer is dependent on the cells. Skin cells, intestinal lining and stomach cells divide rapidly and have short life spans per cell, neurons on the other hand divide very slowly and live for decades. If the skin and GI cells were like neurons they your skin would have crinkled up and fallen off long ago, your intestines and stomach you have dissolves away, without those cell constantly replacing the old damaged ones the whole organ would be compromised. If neurons replenished them selves that rapidly our memory would be wiped out on a monthly bases.
I am sorry, the question was:

Pls tell me if normal cells in normal condition(not cancer) divide more & fast OR less & slow [in old age as compared to early age.]?
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Originally posted by Kumar
"Normal body cells grow, divide, and die in an orderly fashion. During the early years of a person's life, normal cells divide more rapidly until the person becomes an adult. After that, cells in most parts of the body divide only to replace worn-out or dying cells and to repair.
What does it mean then?