Celestine Prophecy

Haven't read the book, but read the wiki entry on it. Nine new age steps? What the fuck.

It's trash that ignorant minds are attracted to. Bullshit for boring people. Spirituality is for the mediocre.
This is why you should read more books. The first thing you'll learn is that no book, no idea, nothing, can reach 100% of all humans on planet earth. In fact, some knowledge will only be understood by certain people, and thats how it should be. It's not for you to understand. It might sound elitist, it might sound arrogant, but it's true.
Stop using idiotic circular reasoning.
Learn something many people find quite convenient.
It is called LOGIC.

You are an elitist, and what you are saying is completely false. Too bad you do not know how to use LOGIC. Perhaps LOGIC was not meant for you as you continuously rant.

The writing in that book qualified as low quality with respect to what I described in above posts within this thread. There are objective qualities of good writing and bad writing. If you disagree with any portion of the analysis, point out objectively what you find to be good and bad. Eitherway, avoid illogical stupidity, and mornic presumptions about people as if they are not people.
I thought The Celestine Prophecy was a tremendously powerful book when I read it about 10 years ago, I actually found it very inspiring and very cultish; James Redfield almost started a new religion with that tome. I read his later works also but I couldn't finish the 3rd one because to me it was just The Celestine Prophecy V.3 too much of a good thing if you know what I mean.

After 7 years of being a SciForumite, I think if I tried to read it again I'd probably be sick.

Same here. When I was teaching Meditation...the book helped a lot of students to center themselves. If you are retired...this book is for you...as long as your check keeps coming and you are in good health.