Celestine Prophecy


Refined Reinvention
Valued Senior Member
I read the first chapter, and it reads like crap. It's an irritating read, but I am drdging through it to see what they talk about.

I guess it is so irritating becasue the dialogue is horrendous. The plot and storyline might well be decent. But the characterizations and dialogues. WTF? Do humans really act this wack? Do you not just want to throw up everytime you read one of their cheesefest lines?
Yes, it's a horrible book. Even worse, people try to pass it off as a "handbook to enlightenment".

To quote Skinwalker, "It's all poppycock!"
its acually not a stupid book if you understand it at a deeper level.... i would suggest reading his new book the celestine VISION befor reading the older one... it is alot easier to understand for people new to teh concept he gets into alot deeper thoughts in his first book ebaucse of first hand exerpainces of people and himself... its ahrd to understrand peoples first hand experiancrs... from a readers point of view... but in the celestine vision is collective.... and there are many sources fromwhich he gatherd his work..... its more for everyone and giuves you a greater over view

and yes they do act that wack.. people all the people in that book are people that have been abused at a younger age treated horrably.. and all the intence emotions and energy they have produce there actions at a younger age....
cool skill said:
I read the first chapter, and it reads like crap. It's an irritating read, but I am drdging through it to see what they talk about.

I guess it is so irritating becasue the dialogue is horrendous. The plot and storyline might well be decent. But the characterizations and dialogues. WTF? Do humans really act this wack? Do you not just want to throw up everytime you read one of their cheesefest lines?

It's not for your mind to understand. It's not a book for closed minded people, or for materialists, or for people who aren't spiritual. If you are spiritual, for real, then if you are supposed to understand it you will, but if you can't understand it then it's not for you.
Ember-To-Inferno said:
its acually not a stupid book if you understand it at a deeper level.... i would suggest reading his new book the celestine VISION befor reading the older one... it is alot easier to understand for people new to teh concept he gets into alot deeper thoughts in his first book ebaucse of first hand exerpainces of people and himself... its ahrd to understrand peoples first hand experiancrs... from a readers point of view... but in the celestine vision is collective.... and there are many sources fromwhich he gatherd his work..... its more for everyone and giuves you a greater over view

and yes they do act that wack.. people all the people in that book are people that have been abused at a younger age treated horrably.. and all the intence emotions and energy they have produce there actions at a younger age....

Once again, you cannot pass a book around and expect everyone to understand it. I'll say it again, a book like this is instinctive, you'll understand it immediately, or you wont. It's not for you if you dont. If you do, then you'll likely continue down that path.
Ember-To-Inferno said:
and there are many sources fromwhich he gatherd his work.....

Please show these "sources". And before you say "blah blah blah" you never read it, etc. I did read it. The whole horrible thing.

While it could be a pretty good fantasy book if it was re-written by a better author, it has no basis in fact, and if the author is insinuating that, then he should be arrested for fraud. (Like a few other of those "new age" authors.
Ember-To-Inferno said:
and yes they do act that wack.. people all the people in that book are people that have been abused at a younger age treated horrably.. and all the intence emotions and energy they have produce there actions at a younger age....
Wrong. They are not people. They are characters in a book. They have been very badly written. The bad writing of the characterization/dialogue gets in the way of the actual storyline and plot. They act wack for one reason only. The writing is terrible.
My friend loaned it to me. I haven't even been able to open the cover, let alone read it.
TimeTraveler said:
It's not for your mind to understand. It's not a book for closed minded people, or for materialists, or for people who aren't spiritual. If you are spiritual, for real, then if you are supposed to understand it you will, but if you can't understand it then it's not for you.
I did not say I did not unserstand it.
I said I did understand it, and it reads like crap.

The phrase in itself "It's not for close minded people" is an extremely close minded phrase. There is no such thing as books for open minded people and books for close minded people. Books ae for everybody. There is a story with specific intentions of the author.
Blatantly ignorant comments such as claims that the books was meant for specific people is the most closed minded thing anybody can say. Your ignorant attitude is the opposite of open minded.
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cool skill said:
I did not say I did not unserstand it.
I said I did understand it, and it reads like crap.

The phrase in itself "It's not for close minded people" is an extremely close minded phrase. There is no such thing as books for open minded people and books for close minded people. Books ae for everybody. There is a story with specific intentions of the author.
Blatantly ignorant comments such as claims that the books was meant for specific people is the most closed minded thing anybody can say. Your ignorant attitude is the opposite of open minded.

Saying books are for everybody is like saying calculus, algebra, or math books are for everybody. Different people respond to different books. This book is not for you, you can say because the guy is not a good writer and okay, point taken, but different people people respond to different books in different ways, there is no book that is for everybody.

If you read Aynd Rand, for example, you might read the exact opposite of this style of book, and some people say Ayn Rand reads like crap. You understand right?
the syntax might not be the best, but redfield does make a lot of sense in 'the celestine prophesy'.

it was an attempt to draw the general public into an adventure (albeit a poorly written one perhaps) that promotes ways of making a better world.

those of you who are complaining about the book without even reading beyond the first chapter are not credible critics of the work. it actually presents very practical methods for ordinary (as opposed to specifically academic) types of people to reflect on the ways that they see the world around them and the ways in which they manipulate the earth, animals and other human beings for power and selfish reasons.

it certainly has made a significant impact on a lot of people's lives and has healed many relationships and broken people world-wide.. this is a known fact.

you may not like the book, but it has done more good than bad. it is the beginning step for a lot of people to access the idea of the merge between science / spirituality / politics / philosophy... it is paradigm shifting in that respect.. and no one can deny the impact that it had on mainstream western countries as a best seller. there is a movie being made right now based on the novel.

like it or not, it's positive in its overall message and is not 'junk-new age' which is at best 'wishy-washy' paperbacks made for a quick buck with no sound basis in any of the doctrines / concepts discussed previously.

that being said, i didn't get into the 10th insight or any of his other books...

can't wait for the movie to come out.. we need more things like this to shift the course we're on as the cancer of this planet - raping earth and destroying her with our greed and corruption... using fossil fuels, out for number one etc...

anything that can help us to re-align with positive, sustainable values should be welcomed, whether it is excellent literature or poorly written magazine articles.. if it touches people and shifts their thinking to be more altruistic.
I have not read Rand. But I know bad writing when I see it. There is no such thing as a book for one person and a book for another. Some people might like the book. Some might not. Far be it for you to arrogantly presume something is for some people while not for others.

The whole ignorant "you do not understand and you will not understand and that is the end of it" attitude is the opposite of what I would consider to be reasonable.

Sure the dialogue was terrible, and the character design was terrible. But the story might well be interesting for different people. The writing has room for improvement. Fluidity is important. I posted this thread because of my frustration with the bad writing. Characters do well to have some solidity and realism. Characters should not be just a bunch of barbie dolls with no personality.

This reminds me of when I used to read a series that was so extremely well written. Then, another writer took over, and turned all the characters into lamo fakos. They had no realistic human qualities just like the ones in Celestine Prophecy.

Oh no CS doesn't think the characters have personality. Perhaps the book is not for him. Give me a break, and get serious. You can read different books, and have different critiques about them without getting so irrationally defensive. There are alot of really good books with certain minor bad qualities. Invalidating a book all you want if need be, but refrain from invalidating the readers.
Saying books are for everybody is like saying calculus, algebra, or math books are for everybody. Different people respond to different books. This book is not for you, you can say because the guy is not a good writer and okay, point taken, but different people people respond to different books in different ways, there is no book that is for everybody.

If you read Aynd Rand, for example, you might read the exact opposite of this style of book, and some people say Ayn Rand reads like crap. You understand right?

regardless, using this kind of reasoning, you would say that then these people are just not meant to understand calculus, algebra, or math books? It takes time to learn, to say something is that natural is most likely BS, and furthermore it sounds like an excuse from someone who failed a math class, and reasoned it as "I just wasnt meant to do math!"
I thought The Celestine Prophecy was a tremendously powerful book when I read it about 10 years ago, I actually found it very inspiring and very cultish; James Redfield almost started a new religion with that tome. I read his later works also but I couldn't finish the 3rd one because to me it was just The Celestine Prophecy V.3 too much of a good thing if you know what I mean.

After 7 years of being a SciForumite, I think if I tried to read it again I'd probably be sick.
regardless, using this kind of reasoning, you would say that then these people are just not meant to understand calculus, algebra, or math books? It takes time to learn, to say something is that natural is most likely BS, and furthermore it sounds like an excuse from someone who failed a math class, and reasoned it as "I just wasnt meant to do math!"

At least I did not fail English. Once again, creative writing requires a different style of thinking completely from algebra. What I'm saying is some people naturally have math ability with numbers, and some people naturally have the ability to manipulate letters, symbols other than numbers, but both are accurate for prediction if based on solid principles.

Math works in game theory, math works in chess, you have to use math just to do basic tasks, but these talents don't really teach you how to deal with people if you only have logic with no communicative ability.

have not read Rand. But I know bad writing when I see it. There is no such thing as a book for one person and a book for another. Some people might like the book. Some might not.

This is why you should read more books. The first thing you'll learn is that no book, no idea, nothing, can reach 100% of all humans on planet earth. In fact, some knowledge will only be understood by certain people, and thats how it should be. It's not for you to understand. It might sound elitist, it might sound arrogant, but it's true.

Some people are meant to understand calculus and algebra. Some people are meant to understand this specific book the Celestine Prophecy. Some people are meant to understand certain types of music. No one is designed to understand everything.

Pythagoras used math to communicate. I suggest you study the links and connections between Pythagoras(math), and the Celestine Prophecy. http://mathsforeurope.digibel.be/Pythagoras5.html

So yes, the world is encoded in a matrix of numbers, it's also encoded in a matrix of letters, in general reality is simply a bunch of symbols, and it's all encoded. If you are of a math mindset, you'll understand that language. If you are of a Celestine Prophecy mindset, you'll understand that language. No one understands from all languages, if you don't get it, you can't.

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I thought The Celestine Prophecy was a tremendously powerful book when I read it about 10 years ago, I actually found it very inspiring and very cultish; James Redfield almost started a new religion with that tome. I read his later works also but I couldn't finish the 3rd one because to me it was just The Celestine Prophecy V.3 too much of a good thing if you know what I mean.

After 7 years of being a SciForumite, I think if I tried to read it again I'd probably be sick.

His ideas were not new. The intention is/was not to create a "new" religon, but ot bring humanity back to it's roots. Many of these ideas existed in the past and come from ancient societies and tribal societies, these are not new ideas, just a repackage of some of the oldest yet wisest ideas. Like I said, you can know all the math with numbers you want, but it will not make you a more efficient being if you focus only on objects outside of yourself, like cars, and clothes, and makeup, and other material objects which don't even exist.

The way to be an efficient being is to learn to co-exist with nature, if sci-forums cannot help people become better versions of themselves, well then science is useless or perhaps useful only or our continued self destruction. In the end, we evolve or we die, as a species, as a planet, and perhaps even as a universe.

Life is like a gathering at he Olympic festival, to which,
having set forth from different lifes and backgrounds, people flock for three motives.
To compete for the glory of the crown, to buy and sell or as spectators.
So in life, some enter the services for fame and others for money,
but the best choice is that of these few who spend their time in the contemplation of nature,
and as lovers of wisdom. =
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It has been a few years since I read the novel but I think that I remember it was an enjoyable read.
As to a fiction writer starting a religion I assume that L Ron Hubbard is still the only novelist with his own sect.
the syntax might not be the best, but redfield does make a lot of sense in 'the celestine prophesy'.

it was an attempt to draw the general public into an adventure (albeit a poorly written one perhaps) that promotes ways of making a better world.

those of you who are complaining about the book without even reading beyond the first chapter are not credible critics of the work. it actually presents very practical methods for ordinary (as opposed to specifically academic) types of people to reflect on the ways that they see the world around them and the ways in which they manipulate the earth, animals and other human beings for power and selfish reasons.

it certainly has made a significant impact on a lot of people's lives and has healed many relationships and broken people world-wide.. this is a known fact.

you may not like the book, but it has done more good than bad. it is the beginning step for a lot of people to access the idea of the merge between science / spirituality / politics / philosophy... it is paradigm shifting in that respect.. and no one can deny the impact that it had on mainstream western countries as a best seller. there is a movie being made right now based on the novel.

like it or not, it's positive in its overall message and is not 'junk-new age' which is at best 'wishy-washy' paperbacks made for a quick buck with no sound basis in any of the doctrines / concepts discussed previously.

that being said, i didn't get into the 10th insight or any of his other books...

can't wait for the movie to come out.. we need more things like this to shift the course we're on as the cancer of this planet - raping earth and destroying her with our greed and corruption... using fossil fuels, out for number one etc...

anything that can help us to re-align with positive, sustainable values should be welcomed, whether it is excellent literature or poorly written magazine articles.. if it touches people and shifts their thinking to be more altruistic.

You are precisely right. The book does that. it does exactly that. Problem is, not many people can understand from that book, and even more don't want to understand.
i read the whole muhfu thing.

even as far as new age garble goes, it is weak. some of the books on those subjects can be pretty entertaining (the purpose of a novel)....bad author, weak plot, formulaic as hell.

'nuff said.
regardless, using this kind of reasoning, you would say that then these people are just not meant to understand calculus, algebra, or math books? It takes time to learn, to say something is that natural is most likely BS, and furthermore it sounds like an excuse from someone who failed a math class, and reasoned it as "I just wasnt meant to do math!"

That's not true. Some people are better at math than other people. Multivariable calculus is not for everyone.