Catholicism and Mexico


Registered Member
Concerning Mexico's massive problems, is it any surprise to you that most of the country is Catholic, and over run by drug lords? It's obviously not as simple as that, but isn't Catholicism supposed to be the true saving religion? Yet look at the fruits of Mexico, it's nearly like Hell on Earth wherever there is civilization, whether a boring Hell, Hell of ignorance, or Hell of violence.
if you talk with a catholic... yes it's the true saving religion

if you talk with a <insert a religion here>... yes it's the true saving religion
Yet look at the fruits of Mexico, it's nearly like Hell on Earth wherever there is civilization, whether a boring Hell, Hell of ignorance, or Hell of violence.
Why do you focus on Mexico? There are many places that would qualify as 'Hell on Earth' as you put it.
Concerning Mexico's massive problems, is it any surprise to you that most of the country is Catholic, and over run by drug lords? It's obviously not as simple as that, but isn't Catholicism supposed to be the true saving religion? Yet look at the fruits of Mexico, it's nearly like Hell on Earth wherever there is civilization, whether a boring Hell, Hell of ignorance, or Hell of violence.

No. Catholicism teaches that you work your way into Heaven by obeying Catholic (man-made) rules. The Bible teaches you get to Heaven by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Catholics think it is pious to be broke and sick. Christians think it's good to be prosperous in all things like the Bible teaches. Catholics think it's ok to drink. Christians know it's not. Catholics ignore bad behavior in their leaders--especially priests. Christians fire/throw out any pastor who misbehaves or shames the Word of God. There is a poverty mentality in much of Mexico. It has little to do with Catholicism.
No. Catholicism teaches that you work your way into Heaven by obeying Catholic (man-made) rules. The Bible teaches you get to Heaven by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Catholics think it is pious to be broke and sick. Christians think it's good to be prosperous in all things like the Bible teaches. Catholics think it's ok to drink. Christians know it's not. Catholics ignore bad behavior in their leaders--especially priests. Christians fire/throw out any pastor who misbehaves or shames the Word of God. There is a poverty mentality in much of Mexico. It has little to do with Catholicism.

Catholics are Christians.
Tradition (Catholicism) can be more powerful than the actual Word of God. People cling to tradition. Tradition can lead to demonic oppression. People become so taken in by it that they actually defile God. Tradition can destroy people. Benny Hinn is preaching on this right now. People bound by tradition will never experience the joy of the Lord. God said their tradition will send them to Hell.
Most Catholics do not openly accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Most have never been born-again like the Bible says they must to see the Kingdom of Heaven. Most think they have to work their way into Heaven and "be good people". This does not get you into Heaven just like eating a donut does not make you a cop.
And your tradition, of Jesus as a God, of not doing good works, of hoarding wealth while people are starving, is also leading you astray. Heaven is all around you, but you don't have eyes to see.
And your tradition, of Jesus as a God, of not doing good works, of hoarding wealth while people are starving, is also leading you astray. Heaven is all around you, but you don't have eyes to see.

:( WTF?
I am not astray. I am in His perfect will. I have no tradition, only the Bible. I do not worship Jesus as "a God". He is THE God. God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I do not hoard. I give 30% of my gross (more than any liberal) to charities of MY choice. I do plenty of good works on a daily basis but know it will NOT get me into Heaven. I also do not have to defend myself to liberals. There is NO reason to starve in the USA. We throw billions at losers. Heaven is where God reigns. It is NOT all around me. I have eyes. They are blue, perfect, and see just fine.
I thought Romney was your guy.

He is. For now. He's the best we have. He's not perfect or near-perfect like W was. He is a Mormon and has a history of being liberal on some issues. In the absence of someone better, I like him. How about you? Who would you support if Barack Hussein Obama was not running in 2012?
Bernie Sanders or Kucinich. I'd vote for the Democrat, of course, even if it was Clinton.
No. Catholicism teaches that you work your way into Heaven by obeying Catholic (man-made) rules.
Um no it doesn't. it teaches to get into heaven you must a. believe in christ and B. working at being a decent person. to a catholic believing in jesus and being a asshole doesn't net you heaven. you must believe and be good.
The Bible teaches you get to Heaven by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
catholic believe that too.
Catholics think it is pious to be broke and sick.
like the bible says
Protestants think it's good to be prosperous in all things like they think Bible teaches.
the bible says it is easy for a poor man to get into heaven that a rich man to get his camel through the head of a needle
Catholics think it's ok to drink.
it is in moderation
Protestants think it's not.
and that is their right but the bible makes no mention of drinking
Catholics ignore bad behavior in their leaders--especially priests.
the beuracracy does the faithful do not.
Protestants fire/throw out any pastor who misbehaves or shames the Word of God.
ted haggart and that dude who was found in the gimps suits and the dildo up his bum. what the protestants do they made excuses after excuse foe them.
There is a poverty mentality in much of Mexico.
No their isn't. why do think they try and run the border.
It has little to do with Catholicism.
first true thing in the post.

note sandy posts words has been editted by me to reflect the truth. any change of word is italicized and any addition are in bold.
Tradition (Catholicism) can be more powerful than the actual Word of God. People cling to tradition. Tradition can lead to demonic oppression. People become so taken in by it that they actually defile God. Tradition can destroy people. Benny Hinn is preaching on this right now. People bound by tradition will never experience the joy of the Lord. God said their tradition will send them to Hell.
Most Catholics do not openly accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Most have never been born-again like the Bible says they must to see the Kingdom of Heaven. Most think they have to work their way into Heaven and "be good people". This does not get you into Heaven just like eating a donut does not make you a cop.

the bible says jack shit about having to be born again that is an evangelical corruption of the faith.
Um no it doesn't. it teaches to get into heaven you must a. believe in christ and B. working at being a decent person. to a catholic believing in jesus and being a asshole doesn't net you heaven. you must believe and be good. catholic believe that too. like the bible says the bible says it is easy for a poor man to get into heaven that a rich man to get his camel through the head of a needle it is in moderation and that is their right but the bible makes no mention of drinking the beuracracy does the faithful do not. ted haggart and that dude who was found in the gimps suits and the dildo up his bum. what the protestants do they made excuses after excuse foe them. No their isn't. why do think they try and run the border. first true thing in the post.
note sandy posts words has been editted by me to reflect the truth. any change of word is italicized and any addition are in bold.

Why did you change my words?:mad: I never use the term "Protestants". You are either a Bible-believing born-again Christian or a denomination-follower. I have no label. I am just a Christian.
Your deceit does NOT reflect the truth.:mad:
Haggard was an Evangelical freakshow.
You don't understand the Bible so don't pretend you do.:mad:
The Bible says you must be Born Again to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Born again is a euphamism for spiritual transformation, the kingdom of heaven is the natural state of the world that people tend not to recognize until that transformation. Jesus was not much different than Buddha.