Catholic Religion Gets Waterboarded by Calvinist

A link to a link. That's a new one.
But this is the jist of it.

A Challenge to Catholics, Which Includes Arminians: Is the Book of Esther in the Canon of Scripture?

1. You can't just include Arminians like that.
What are they anyway?

2. I don't know the answer, but I'm sure that my parish priest does.
If I think of it, I'll ask him.
Sorry to take so long in giving you the answer to this conundrum, but Father Mulcahy is in Rome at the moment.
The Pope has called him in about the row concerning the relic of St Antoine's big toe.
A Challenge to Catholics, Which Includes Arminians
Arminians are Protestants. Who calls them Catholics???
What are they anyway?
Followers of Jacobus Arminius, a theologian of the Dutch Reformed (Protestant) church in the 16th century. Arminianism stands in opposition to Calvinism. I just read up on them so I could summarize the differences, but it just gave me a headache. I guess the Arminians believe that Christ died for everybody, whereas the Calvinists... well they believe something else, I'm not sure what.
Arminians are Protestants. Who calls them Catholics???Followers of Jacobus Arminius, a theologian of the Dutch Reformed (Protestant) church in the 16th century. Arminianism stands in opposition to Calvinism. I just read up on them so I could summarize the differences, but it just gave me a headache. I guess the Arminians believe that Christ died for everybody, whereas the Calvinists... well they believe something else, I'm not sure what.

I don't know either.

I'll do a deal with you.
Shall we just not find out?
that post just showed the general idiocy of protestant in my opinion really a protestant calling some one a heretic for being catholic.
that post just showed the general idiocy of protestant in my opinion really a protestant calling some one a heretic for being catholic.
The Catholics were no less idiotic. This was four hundred years ago. Europe hadn't quite finished sorting out the Reformation with a century and a quarter of non-stop religious war. Rationality is always in scarce supply among religionists, but when they take up arms against each other in the name of their imaginary gods they become cavemen.
The Catholics were no less idiotic. This was four hundred years ago. Europe hadn't quite finished sorting out the Reformation with a century and a quarter of non-stop religious war. Rationality is always in scarce supply among religionists, but when they take up arms against each other in the name of their imaginary gods they become cavemen.

well true but you have to admit a group of people condemning the faith they broke from as non christian when most of the knowledge and theology came from it is idiocy on whole other level
Father Mulcahy has just got back from Rome.
He had been sworn to secrecy to say nothing about St Antoines big toe, but he thought it would be ok to tell me.
Unfortunately, I have been sworn to secrecy, so I can't tell you what he said.

He says he doesn't know the answer to the book of Esther question, but he says he had a girlfriend called Esther once, before he became a priest.
He had a funny sloppy look on his face, so I went no further down that track.
Arminians are Protestants. Who calls them Catholics???Followers of Jacobus Arminius, a theologian of the Dutch Reformed (Protestant) church in the 16th century. Arminianism stands in opposition to Calvinism. I just read up on them so I could summarize the differences, but it just gave me a headache. I guess the Arminians believe that Christ died for everybody, whereas the Calvinists... well they believe something else, I'm not sure what.

Arminians are considered Protestants, but their theology is closer to Catholicism than it is Calvinism. If you are a Protestant now that does not identify what your beliefs are, these days Protestant is just an umbrella term; just like Pentecostal is an umbrella term. Groups within these umbrella terms have some similar beliefs, but they tend to disagree more than they agree.
Arminians are considered Protestants, but their theology is closer to Catholicism than it is Calvinism.
In my observation, Catholics and Protestants disagree much more over doctrine than over theology. The authority of the Pope as the delegated voice of God is a real deal-breaker.;)
If you are a Protestant now that does not identify what your beliefs are, these days Protestant is just an umbrella term
Where do the Orthodox fall in this paradigm? I assume you are one, since few Christians of other sects these days know a word of Greek.
In my observation, Catholics and Protestants disagree much more over doctrine than over theology. The authority of the Pope as the delegated voice of God is a real deal-breaker.;)

Yes, Popes being the voice of God is a real turn-off.

Where do the Orthodox fall in this paradigm? I assume you are one, since few Christians of other sects these days know a word of Greek.

I know some Greek, although there is quite a bit more for me to learn. I personally don't like to classify myself as a certain denomination because they are not very consistent. I do not base my beliefs off of preachers, but instead I try to interpret what the Bible says. I know you believe the Bible was only written by mere men, but you get my point.