

Valued Senior Member
It seems that there is an abnormal amount of catastrophizing concerning potential climate change.
and now the question:
It seems that there is an abnormal amount of catastrophizing concerning potential climate change.
and now the question:
It seems lately like there is more denial than alarmism. And the reason for that is pretty straightforward - $$$.
It seems that there is an abnormal amount of catastrophizing concerning potential climate change.
and now the question:
There is actually understandable frustration with the "stuff you, I'm alright Jack"attitude, of some with regards to human induced climate change and how such "contribution" is speeding up the effect.
It seems that there is an abnormal amount of catastrophizing concerning potential climate change.
and now the question:
1] Do you mean by proponents? Or by opponents?

2] How do you determine 'abnormal'? The threat here is the potential crash of the Earth's ecosystem and loss of the food chain up to, and including, mankind. There was a fair amount of catastrophizing about nuclear mutual annihilation too. Arguably, it too was warranted.
Scientists link climate change to melting in West Antarctica
A new study has for the first time presented solid evidence that human-caused global warming is linked to melting of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Scientists already knew that periodically changing winds in the region have caused an increase in warm ocean conditions around key glaciers in West Antarctica, and that this is causing them to lose ice. But they did not know whether changes in the winds could be linked to global warming. The new study shows that changes in the winds have indeed been influenced in part by warming climate, along with shorter-term natural variations in climate. The findings are published today in the journal Nature Geoscience.

"Sea-ice concentration and drift data that support the findings of this study are available from the National Snow and Ice Data Center ( and, respectively). ERA-Interim reanalysis data are available from the ECMWF ( Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature data are available from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Climatic Data Center ( Seabed data are available from the British Antarctic Survey ( Climate indices are available from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earth System Research Laboratory ( CMIP5 simulation data are available from the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis ( CESM simulation data are available from the National Center for Atmospheric Research Climate Data Gateway ("
Catastrophizing has two parts:

Part 1: Predicting a negative outcome.

Part 2: Jumping to the conclusion that if the negative outcome did in fact happen, it would be a catastrophe.

Ok: That's what I'm seeing.
It seems that there is an abnormal amount of catastrophizing concerning potential climate change.
and now the question:
You don't mess with Mother Nature. It's all interconnected. It's like the Waltons. Take their money because they have too much but you're messing with the overall system.

Next time someone may not start a new company. They'll leave it up to you to do the work, you aren't as innovative as they were and pretty soon everyone is a "worker" and there are no businesses and everyone is working for the government.

Watch out what you wish for.
Catastrophizing has two parts:

Part 1: Predicting a negative outcome.

Part 2: Jumping to the conclusion that if the negative outcome did in fact happen, it would be a catastrophe.

Ok: That's what I'm seeing.
Still not sure what your thesis is.

Do you think it's unwarranted?
Do you think that, perhaps, if enough people are made aware of the dangers, we might actually be able to mitigate it? That would make it warranted, wouldn't it?
Do you know how many times the west antarctic ice sheet has melted>
Do you know when the west antarctic ice sheet has melted?
Do you know the results of the melting of the west antarctic ice sheet?

Were you assuming that the west antarctic ice sheet is permanent?
Sure, Earth will survive. Many of us would kind of like to see a more close-to-home outcome though. Like, us surviving. I'll bet the flora and fauna that were extincted by the last climate change would have preferred that too.

But again, I am guessing at your thesis. I will try to withhold further comment until you make a statement about your position on the issue.
Do you know how many times the west antarctic ice sheet has melted>
Do you know when the west antarctic ice sheet has melted?
Do you know the results of the melting of the west antarctic ice sheet?

Were you assuming that the west antarctic ice sheet is permanent?
Go read the highlighted bit, and stop professing your obvious "stuff you, I'm alright Jack" bias.
Here let me show you...."that human-caused global warming is linked to melting of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet".
You don't mess with Mother Nature. ...

A) I do, I plant trees where there weren't any for at least 180 years, and maybe longer (the first homesteader here, Alonzo Dennison, was said to have homesteaded on the edge of the forest)---( not sure exactly what that means---he most likely plowed the floodplain of the Iowa river, and grazed his cows and horses into the woodland---which he cut down for housing and fuel?---His nephew had quite a reputation for using a 10 oxen team to pull stumps out of other farmers fields)
B) I am part of mother nature---I was bred and born on this planet, the child of countless generations who were also born and bred on this planet...Could I be anything but part of mother nature?
A) I do, I plant trees where there weren't any for at least 180 years, and maybe longer (the first homesteader here, Alonzo Dennison, was said to have homesteaded on the edge of the forest)---( not sure exactly what that means---he most likely plowed the floodplain of the Iowa river, and grazed his cows and horses into the woodland---which he cut down for housing and fuel?---His nephew had quite a reputation for using a 10 oxen team to pull stumps out of other farmers fields)
B) I am part of mother nature---I was bred and born on this planet, the child of countless generations who were also born and bred on this planet...Could I be anything but part of mother nature?
It's hard to respond to nonsense, so I won't.
Go read the highlighted bit, and stop professing your obvious "stuff you, I'm alright Jack" bias.
Here let me show you...."that human-caused global warming is linked to melting of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet".
Need I point out that you DID NOT answer the questions?
A) I ain't got a "stuff you" attitude---never did---never will
B) Have I ever claimed that anthropogenic atmospheric forcing had no effect on the ice caps?
It seems that there is an abnormal amount of catastrophizing concerning potential climate change.
and now the question:

Hmm, I happen to think that the climate change ''deniers'' are the more hysterical ones. lol Like Trump, for example - he is trying to silence research that will further explore climate change dangers, and to that I'd have to ask...why?
Sure, Earth will survive. Many of us would kind of like to see a more close-to-home outcome though. Like, us surviving. I'll bet the flora and fauna that were extincted by the last climate change would have preferred that too.

But again, I am guessing at your thesis. I will try to withhold further comment until you make a statement about your position on the issue.

Need I point out that our ancestors/we have survived many climate changes?
my position is simple---I believe that catastrophizing is silly and is usually done by people who are ignorant of the effects of paleoclimate changes.
beyond that:
I suspect that the climate changes brought on by our entering into this current ice age was instrumental to our evolution into the genus Homo.
Though, that could just be coincidental?
Need I point out that you DID NOT answer the questions?
A) I ain't got a "stuff you" attitude---never did---never will
B) Have I ever claimed that anthropogenic atmospheric forcing had no effect on the ice caps?
Need I point out that your so called questions do not deserve an answer.
It certainly seems like a "don't care" attitude to me....
Hmm, I happen to think that the climate change ''deniers'' are the more hysterical ones. lol Like Trump, for example - he is trying to silence research that will further explore climate change dangers, and to that I'd have to ask...why?

"deniers" / "alarmist"
2 sides of the same coin

black vs white
most people live in the unmentioned grey area.
Need I point out that your so called questions do not deserve an answer.
It certainly seems like a "don't care" attitude to me....
Your response seems like an embracement of willful ignorance to me....
