Catastrophies and Looting

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Blah, blah, blah. Let's go tsk, tsk about how some people suffering catastrophes are acting in ways we are sure we would not were we in their shoes...

aren't we great?

And let's continue not noticing that people, in our name, have been stealing for us for centuries.

Superiority based on delegation and forgetfulness.

let alone how callous it is to decide this is the topic of interest.
Bull. I live by the Bible. One of the Ten Commandments is "Thou Shalt Not Steal". That's good enough for me. Wealth has NOTHING to do with it. It's about character.

The Bible also forbids bearing false witness. You did this earlier in the thread when you said in CA looting does not happen when there are catastrophies.
The Bible also forbids bearing false witness. You did this earlier in the thread when you said in CA looting does not happen when there are catastrophies.

Do you have any clue what "false witness" is? It's not saying I didn't hear of any reports of CA looting. I never said it didn't happen. Overract much?:rolleyes:
Nope. Not gonna steal.

I though you said you were oaky with stealing food to survive. Besides, the biblical notion of "theft" likely does not include what you need to survive. If a poor person comes on to the farm and starts eating right off the tree, the biblcal rule was that that is not stealing. It was only stealing if he tried to put in in a container to carry it away for later.

Then again, we live in a land where there are graven images everywhere, we all do work on the Sabbath, and the Lord's name is taken in vain on the money. I am not sure biblical standards apply.
Do you have any clue what "false witness" is? It's not saying I didn't hear of any reports of CA looting. I never said it didn't happen. Overract much?:rolleyes:
But in this thread it was clearly pointed out to you that it did happen. So you have now heard, and yet your witness in the OP still stands. It's really a simple moral act to acknowledge when something like that is pointed out and correct both what one has said, which is no longer true and correct the false implications.

Or are you someone who interprets the Bible like a lawyer and tried to get out of as much as possible?
I don't believe you.

I don't either. You'd be surprised what good, honest people will do when they haven't eaten in a week.

Sandy, so if a major disaster hit your city, and you were without food to feed yourself and your children for a week. There aren't any store're saying you wouldn't throw a brick through a window to get a few tins of food to keep your family alive?
It's easy to hallucinate one's future hypothetical noble restraint. I am not sure asking the question in different forms will present Sandy with much of a denial challenge.
Hell - I'd steal stuff in a heartbeat... I'd start whatever I couldn't carry away on fire so nobody else could have it !

hee hee hee hee hee !

Mod Hat - Over and done

Mod Hat — Over and done

Doreen said:

I am not sure asking the question in different forms will present Sandy with much of a denial challenge.

It won't. Sandy has no use for good faith, as is evident by her role in this thread.

The problem is, of course, that the members of this community are not supposed to believe people as stupid as Sandy presents herself, and, furthermore, are prohibited by the rules from telling her exactly how stupid she's being. I cannot believe she is as genuinely naîve as her topic post suggests, and all she's contributed since then in this discussion is ... um ... what's the word? Oh, yes. Bullshit.

This thread is done. If anyone would like to have a responsible discussion of catastrophes and looting, especially one started from a perspective other than dangerous ignorance, I'll at least give it a chance. But this pathetic excuse for a thread is done.
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