Casual Sex

Originally posted by dixxyman
Compliment noted and stored. No you don't go to hell if you have sex with your married parner Dude. Otherwise should you engage in such activities outside of marriage you would be commiting adultry or fornication...not a pretty word....and should you die before repenting you would be elegible for an eternity in hell.

That's assuming hell exists. And i didn't mention marrige. I mentioned love.
It's their decision.

I don't think its healthy...mainly because people get "attached" to one another...and then end up having all these complicated feelings. Anyways, it's their choice. I do believe sex should be part of a loving shouldn't be done just because your hormones are raging. If you think it's right, be my guest. If you think it's wrong, then you have morals.
Besides that, who wants to have sex with their friends? Okay...ewww.
It has been said thatlove overcomes all...except the law of God which forbids all sexual acts outside marriage.
If there is a god(completly different debate), and he doesn't want us having sex outside of marridge, I'm sure its becuase he knows something that we've only begun to understand.

Everone has said that you should only have sex with some one you love. Let me ask you this. Doesn't sex cloud up your emotions and open up needs that make you vunerable and easily fooled, confusing love with lust?
Lust can only last so long, it eventualy ends.
Love can last for ever if you make it last forever.
Originally posted by dixxyman
It has been said thatlove overcomes all...except the law of God which forbids all sexual acts outside marriage.

In your view of morality, are all other acts involving physical pleasure outlawed by the Almighty? Or is it just sex outside of marrige.
"Doesn't sex cloud up your emotions and open up needs that make you vunerable and easily fooled"

yeah love does that too. most people are like that all the time anyway. especially teenagers ;)
Speaking as a teen, I certainly don't beleive teens should be sexualy active. What say you all. At what do you think an average a person is ready for sex?
When they're ready to bare the responsibility for any children concieved. Then they become adults.
there is no such thing as casual sex...

except with a prostitute, because you are likely never to see him or her again. Take this as a rule, no matter how cold people can be, where sex is involved between two people, the heart and emotions are at least to a small degree involved also. Also, I know some people that say they have a f*** buddy but remember that a f*** buddy is still usually a close friend no matter how otherwise unhealthy the relationship might be and to have sex with someone in my experience, you have to have a connection with them, chemistry and romantic feelings about them. Still, for all I know maybe you don't have to have romantic feelings for them, just sexual ones, but I don't think this is likely or generally the case with people that have casual or any other kind of sex.