Case: c20 vs Atheists

Gravity said:
Wow Lori, here we are again. You judging me as ''actually very ignorant'', that you KNOW ''the one who does'', that "you're not listening'' . . . . and in the same message YOU tell ME ''you are so arrogant''.

Perhaps I am arrogant, but it clearly then takes one to know one sweetie.

And please, cut out the fake ''Love'' shit at the end of your rants. You are deeply confused if you think your words/actions can be as they are, but then that simply tossing that word at the end of it somehow reedems you or makes you non-judgemental!

I was talking about myself!!!!! lmao!!! Ok, so thanks for proving once again, that you're not listening!

I said that when you get to know Christ, it becomes apparent how ignorant you really know...compared to Him....and because of this veil of flesh. And gee Gravity, since you don't know Him, and I know that, how in the hell could I possibly be judging you? Is it just that you suppose that everything is about you?

And I do know Jesus. What is your point? Do you want me to lie? Would that make you happy?

So in actuality, I'm not being arrogant, just observant and honest.

And don't tell me what I can sign off with, or what words to type or to use. Are you kidding? I can say what I want to say whether you happen to like it or believe it or not. You don't believe anything I say, so why don't I just not talk at all. Or no, better yet, why don't you just tell me what I can and can not say, and I'll just regurgitate that verbatim for you.

And honey, you obviously haven't seen ranting. I could show you a rant, but I'm not gonna go there. I'm attempting in vain to have a discussion with you. It's impossible. There is something wrong with you that makes it impossible. I have sincerely tried my best to be honest with you and nice and polite with you and you have done absolutely nothing but maliciously attacked me at every opportunity. Shit, you don't even need a reason, you just make one up most of the time.

Whether you believe it or not, I do love you. And I would absolutely love it if you would yank your head out of your ass for long enough to have an intelligent, civilized conversation with me sometime, but I'm not gonna hold my breath.

*big wet sloppy kiss*


In spite of your loving comments of telling me to "yank your head out of your ass'' -- I honestly believe that your beliefs are in line with Al Quida -- just under a different ''holy book''. I've given you no ''maliciousness'' that wasn't inspired by your own actions, regardless of how subtle you think your venom and self-rightousness is.

Believe whatever you want of me. Know this, I honestly fear for the safety of my children in a nation becoming more dominated by your type of belief. I cry at the thought of another Dark Ages - with people like you who believe they are doing ''gods will'' calling the shots that will end up creating another hell on earth for our kids.

As a return for your arrogant two-faced ''big wet sloppy kiss'' -- in the words of our great leader Dick Cheney, please "Go fuck yourself".
Gravity said:

In spite of your loving comments of telling me to "yank your head out of your ass'' -- I honestly believe that your beliefs are in line with Al Quida -- just under a different ''holy book''. I've given you no ''maliciousness'' that wasn't inspired by your own actions, regardless of how subtle you think your venom and self-rightousness is.

Believe whatever you want of me. Know this, I honestly fear for the safety of my children in a nation becoming more dominated by your type of belief. I cry at the thought of another Dark Ages - with people like you who believe they are doing ''gods will'' calling the shots that will end up creating another hell on earth for our kids.

As a return for your arrogant two-faced ''big wet sloppy kiss'' -- in the words of our great leader Dick Cheney, please "Go fuck yourself".

Inspired by my own actions my ass. You readily admit all the time that you were a Nazi before you ever got a load of you just did once again in this thread.

Fear breeds hate breeds violence...and you're living proof...good thing for me it's only words.

The opposite of hate,

A Nazi? WTF are you talking about?

Fear can breed hate. But the fellow Christians of yours, the NeoCons turning our country into a Fascist-Corporate-Theocracy -- they are the ones who are going to usher in the end of the USA, in a Bible thumping bloodbath.

You breed fear and hate, cloaked in the illusion of love.
Gravity said:
A Nazi? WTF are you talking about?

Fear can breed hate. But the fellow Christians of yours, the NeoCons turning our country into a Fascist-Corporate-Theocracy -- they are the ones who are going to usher in the end of the USA, in a Bible thumping bloodbath.

You breed fear and hate, cloaked in the illusion of love.

Gravity, you sound as if you've lost your mind. You wanna talk about ranting? I'm talking about the fact that you are no better than a racist...the way you talk to me and the things that you attribute to me. The fact is that your fear and hatred against me existed long before we ever met, and I have done absolutely nothing to cause it. I have never threatened you or wished you ill will. As a matter of fact, I wish for something so much better for you than the fear and hatred that you have in your heart. I've told you before, it's a damn shame, and it's sad to witness. But dude, you're not going to lay that crap on me. You know as well as I do that it's not me who has threatened you...I love you...even though you hate me for no reason. I've never done anything but try to talk to you honestly.


We can each point the finger and accuse the other of having ''lost their mind'' I suppose. Wasn't it you that suggested you eagerly await your ''god'' coming and killing nearly everybody on the planet? Lori, that is truly psychotic no matter what mythological system you use to justify it.

You accused me of being a ''Nazi"! Do you even know what a Nazi is? Look it up, you'll find in fact that probably Der Fuhrer and you shared more in common than he and I.

Have to run and get some work done, but wanted to toss those two happy thoughts your way. Sweetie.
Gravity said:
We can each point the finger and accuse the other of having ''lost their mind'' I suppose. Wasn't it you that suggested you eagerly await your ''god'' coming and killing nearly everybody on the planet? Lori, that is truly psychotic no matter what mythological system you use to justify it.

No, it was me who said "motha fucka" referring to this sinful was you who replaced my words with "motha fucka's", referring to the people in it, so that you could of course take it personally.

You accused me of being a ''Nazi"! Do you even know what a Nazi is? Look it up, you'll find in fact that probably Der Fuhrer and you shared more in common than he and I.

Let me reiterate then, since you failed to get the most simple're a prejudiced bigot. Not exactly sure how you are towards Jewish people, but unfortunately real familiar with how you are towards Christians. Now do you understand?

Happy thoughts huh? Are you even aware of what you write? I have yet to witness one happy thought from you snookums.


Lori_7 said:
No, it was me who said "motha fucka" referring to this sinful was you who replaced my words with "motha fucka's", referring to the people in it, so that you could of course take it personally.

Oh, geez - yes. Sorry, you actually were referring to the world in a loving, positive and hopeful way then? Come on, so what you said "burn motha fucka'' referring to the entire planet (and therefore one would assume all life on it) and you said it in a hopeful way . . . and you can't see this as sociopathic behavior hidden behind a book/myth?

Let me reiterate then, since you failed to get the most simple're a prejudiced bigot. Not exactly sure how you are towards Jewish people, but unfortunately real familiar with how you are towards Christians. Now do you understand?

Uh - so for saying ''motha fucka'' I assume then that your phrasing is either because you are black, or else you are using a stereotypical hollywood way of mocking the speech patterns of some African Americans? So you are a bigot? Get off of it you judgemental bitch. I think of Judaism, Islam, Hiduism and more as being just as silly as Christianity - but I don't live in a nation dominated by them. So I worry about my own backyard. In addition to the fact that its pretty much Christians who control the most nukes - and are the biggest danger to the rest of us. Now do you understand?

Happy thoughts huh? Are you even aware of what you write? I have yet to witness one happy thought from you snookums.

Not towards you, but since you seem obsessed with anybody who DARES not beLIEve what you beLIEve -- please, take the time to track down everything I've written on the web. You'll find MOSTLY positive and happy stuff actually. Again - you see me venting here -- which probably actually results in me being even MORE happy and positive when I'm dealing with everybody else in my life! (So thanks!) I've had a great life so far. I lived in 11 states and 3 countries. I worked for over a decade as a competitive alpine skier in the winter, and wilderness guide in the summers - and a freelance writer year round. Had a really good time. Now I have my own successful computer business. Wonderful kids, wonderful wife and we have horses, sheep and even a great dog.

How about you? Work in a cubicle and live in an apartment or some suburban shithole?

Hey - thanks for the venting therapy, as usual!

I'm absolutely appalled. I don't think I've ever come across a more hateful or vile person before. You're absolutely hideous. And it's a mentality and sentiment just like yours that put the Jews in the gas chambers, and it's pretty f'ing apparent that if you had your way, you'd have me and anyone else who called themselves a Christian in one too. I truly feel sorry for you...for it's apparent that for all of your travel and occupation and life experience, you've learned absolutely nothing of worth...for example how to treat others with respect. If it werent' for your paranoid insanity, I would mistake you for a spoiled rotten five year old brat.

And yea, whether you like it or not, or agree with it or not, I'm actually looking forward to the day when God destroys this sin-filled and fucked up world, and my own tainted flesh, and replaces it with an eternal one of joy, peace, and love, and without any sin, suffering, or death. Call me crazy, but that sounds pretty damn good to me. And I would call you crazy for wanting to cling to this wretched world...but I guess given your personality and sentiment, you do fit into it rather nicely.

I was referring to a song..."the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire...we don't need no water let the motha fucka burn...burn motha fucka, burn".

Yes, Christians control the nukes...lmao. You are not only hateful, ignorant, prejudice, and bigoted, but an absolute paranoid nutcase. I personally am just thankful that you yourself do not have a finger on some red button somewhere.

Obsessed huh? Really? Gee Gravity, are you sure you're not exagerating? After all, this is a religious discussion forum right? Hm...yea, last time I checked it was. And if you actually read what I posted you would know, like everyone else out here knows that I would be the last person to shove religion down someone's throat. I know's detrimental and wrong to even try and so I don't. I know and I say out here repeatedly that the only way that someone can get to know God is to want to. And I can't make anyone want to do something that they don't want to do. I also don't think it's daring to not believe what I believe at all....if you don't know God...if you've never had a personal spiritual interaction with Him that's changed you and changed your life forever, then I think it's absolutely rational and logical not to believe what I believe.

And I'm really glad that some good comes out of the hate that you spew at least you can spare some others who are closer to you. Though I doubt it. I'm sure that the moment someone dares to disagree with you, or believe something different from you, that you proceed to treat them the same way you treat me.

Do you have any idea how pathetic it is to see you trying to brag about your life? What is your point exactly? What are you desperately trying to prove with your little pathetic list of accomplishments? That you're a "good" person? lmao. Keep trying...but I think that your words and the sentiment behind them speaks for your "worth". I mean look, you have all of that to be thankful for, and you're still a hateful, paranoid, immature, disrespectful and prejudice bigot. My advice to you might be to focus a little more on the inside as opposed to the outside. But that's just my opinion.


Lori_7 said:
You're absolutely hideous. And it's a mentality and sentiment just like yours that put the Jews in the gas chambers, and it's pretty f'ing apparent that if you had your way, you'd have me and anyone else who called themselves a Christian in one too.

Good grief, can you read you self-rightous SOB? Everytime I try to tell you anything, you freak out even more. I'm a PACIFIST, I don't even own a gun. I went to school for 3 years in Germany and I've BEEN to fucking Dachau and Auschwitz and cried on the floors of the death rooms - and I don't appreciate you trying to compare me disagreeing with you to Nazism. You have no GODdammed idea what you are talking about! YOU support and represent the forces that could bring about a new 3rd Reich. Hitler said he was doing the work of God as well . . . just like Bush.

And yea, whether you like it or not, or agree with it or not, I'm actually looking forward to the day when God destroys this sin-filled and fucked up world, and my own tainted flesh

And you keep accusing others of Nazism. You are the type of person who is embracing a suicidal foreign policy because you WANT the end of the world. Which is sick, sick, sick!

And don't ever speak of children to me again, because you obviously are not a parent - or are not a good one. I fear for my childrens future because of people like you.

I would fight and die for peoples RIGHT to be Christians, Muslims, Hindu's, Atheists, or whatever. But I'd fight and die for our right to also be free from the shackles of having any religion pushed on us in the form of laws, wars, mis-education and etc . . . I don't hate your religion, I hate those who promote a view which encourages the David Koreshs of the world, the Kool-Aid suicides, 9/11 pilots, and ''Holy'' wars. You may think those are the lunatic fringe -- but even if you honestly have no such intention yourself, you come across as a fundamentalist of the Al Quida stripe . . . just under a different book.

Please - read the above words 10 times if you need. I never raise my hand against another, I give to good charities with my $ and time, I'm a loving parent and an honest businessman --- but you clearly see me through the lenses of your own pride and judgement. And so, indeed you become a safe flashpoint for my fear and frustration about seeing the world slip perhaps into a 2nd Dark Age -- not only because of fundamentalist religions, but they are one of the most effective ways to getting people to fight and die for darker political and economic interests. Religion is an excellent way for the rich to keep the poor for slaughtering them, and to motivate the poor to go fight for them. You are a tool.

Good luck.
I think you both have two very different views, obviously. On one hand Lori is all for the end of sin and flesh due to her belief that God will have a better place prepared for her and other christians. Gravity, on the other hand, doesn't share the same faith nor beliefs as Lori, therefore is outraged at such a statement.

I think you both are passoinately trying to defend what you each believe. Since Gravity does not believe the same as you, Lori, I can see his outrage concerning your comment about the end of the earth and the shock horror of your being excited about it. To him this is no better than say Jim Jones who convinced his followers that they would all meet up in a better world after their death--that mass suicide is the answer. Knowing you like I do, Lori, if someone would suggest such a mass suicide in the name of God and Love etc.. you wouldn't see eye to eye with it. In the same light, when you shared your view of wanting the world to end- I'm sure the suggestion of it ending was pretty much of a "huh? are you crazy, I have kids, a spouse, a life , goals-how could you want such precious things to end" because Gravity doesn't have the same faith as you he wouldn't have the same comfort as you when you made such a statement. To him it's the end of the world thus, the end of his life, his wife's and children. Perhaps that is why he is so outraged and vomiting all over the place with anger is because he doesn't understand how anyone could feel that way about life--this is the only life he believes he has--that his life is not eternal--but will end with his last breath forever. Probably for Gravity his family and friends lives are precious to him and something he would want to hold onto and not end.

Gravity, I know Lori fairly well, and I can attest that she is not a Jim Jones, David Koresh etc supporter. I myself, do not share Lori's faith-- but, I'm not outraged by what she says because I don't think she's trying to plot the destruction of the world. She is simply referring to what the bible talks about how the world will end, by fire. Which to her means it's an end to all bad things and nothing but love and happiness for eternity for all who dwell in heaven.

As I've said before I'm not a christian-- so I could care less who knows Jesus or not. But, I have to say this as I read you questioning Lori's sincerity about loving and caring about people here. Lori has expressed those things about the people here at this forum when she and I have talked via msn messenger. She genuinely cares and it's not a front. She didn't ask me to come out here and say one thing in her defense. For that matter she didn't ask me to come out here and say anything at all. I did it because the things you are accusing her of is not accurate and I can say this because I know her.

Lori is not a sociopath, but, I'll admit, I see how you can be upset over people making such comments-- but, as I said she's saying them in reference to a prophesy in the bible and for her an end to sin- not that she would want to be the one to press the red button to nuke the planet. If she believed such things she would be running about killing others and then committing suicide.
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No, it was me who said "motha fucka" referring to this sinful was you who replaced my words with "motha fucka's", referring to the people in it, so that you could of course take it personally.

Ah!! alas, spoken like a true christian!. :p

Gravity said:
Good grief, can you read you self-rightous SOB? Everytime I try to tell you anything, you freak out even more. I'm a PACIFIST, I don't even own a gun. I went to school for 3 years in Germany and I've BEEN to fucking Dachau and Auschwitz and cried on the floors of the death rooms - and I don't appreciate you trying to compare me disagreeing with you to Nazism. You have no GODdammed idea what you are talking about! YOU support and represent the forces that could bring about a new 3rd Reich. Hitler said he was doing the work of God as well . . . just like Bush.

I can read just fine. H A T E spells hate...yea, got it. Pacifist huh? Well is that right? And who was it that told you that you needed a gun in order to hurt someone? Your skiing instructor perhaps? More people are hurt more often and more deeply by the prejudice and hateful words of bigots like yourself than from guns. The tongue can be quite a dangerous weapon, and you've had yours pointed right between my eyes. You cried on the floor of the death rooms...well good, that gives me some hope. But let me tell you something, the same hate and fear and prejudice that you have towards apparently anyone who claims to be a Christian is the exact same hate and fear and prejudice that the Nazi's had towards the Jews. Fear breeds hate breeds voilence...take a look in the mirror. You are so sure you have me all figured out that you do not seek to understand me at all. You understand nothing about me, and you don't care. As long as you get to hurt me, you're happy.

So, while we're on the subject, would you mind telling me about these "forces" that I support and represent? Because I was unaware of the fact that I represented and supported any forces, but since it seems that you know all about me then would you please enlighten me as to what these forces are? Thanks.

And you keep accusing others of Nazism. You are the type of person who is embracing a suicidal foreign policy because you WANT the end of the world. Which is sick, sick, sick!

I am the "type" of person huh? What "type" is that exactly? White? Female? Middle class? Obsessive/compulsive? Left-brained? Right-handed? What "type" of person am I exactly? Again, I've never classified myself, cause you know, I'm too intelligent to do that to people. I know that everyone is unique and I look at people as individuals. But since it seems that you're not that intelligent, maybe you can enlighten me, myself, as to what "type" of person I am exactly. As a matter of fact, why don't you tell me all about myself...every last little thing. And just maybe while you're doing it, it will occur to you what an absolute idiot you're being.

And excuse me but did you say foreign policy?!?!?!? ROFLMAO!!!!! Foreign policy?!?!?!?! Dude, wtf are you talking about foreign policy????? lmao. Man, you are sooooooo lost. Foreign policy? Foreign policy? What? roflmao...foreign was a good one. Thanks for the laugh...I needed one.

And don't ever speak of children to me again, because you obviously are not a parent - or are not a good one. I fear for my childrens future because of people like you.

Children, children, children. And now folks, the magic Gravity will look into his crystal ball and tell me what kind of parent I am. Gravity, you have fear and hate...I have peace and which one is dangerous? I'm in no way afraid of you but you are afraid of me to the point of paranoid delusion...which one is dangerous? "People like you"...well, Archie Bunker, I would have you know that I would never hurt a fly. You on the other hand stand to serve as a really poor role model for those kids that you say you love so much. If you really love them you won't teach them to hate like you do, and you won't let them see how paranoid you are...after all, you're supposed to be their're supposed to be strong and righteous.

I would fight and die for peoples RIGHT to be Christians, Muslims, Hindu's, Atheists, or whatever.

Why on earth would you do that if you see all Christians as such a huge threat to you and your children's future? You would fight for their right just so you can turn around and fear them and hate them because of it? That makes no sense. Why would you defend something that you see as such a threat?

But I'd fight and die for our right to also be free from the shackles of having any religion pushed on us in the form of laws, wars, mis-education and etc . . . I don't hate your religion, I hate those who promote a view which encourages the David Koreshs of the world, the Kool-Aid suicides, 9/11 pilots, and ''Holy'' wars.

So would I and so do I.

You may think those are the lunatic fringe -- but even if you honestly have no such intention yourself, you come across as a fundamentalist of the Al Quida stripe . . . just under a different book.

No I don't think those are the lunatic fringe. I know that the path is compare that to the number who claim to take His name. I've seen the damage that this can do. I see it in you. I've seen, shit, I've experienced the destruction that the "other" side can cause...I've heard the lies that can kill...I've believed some of them myself...I have killed.

Apparently I am the lunatic fringe...the born again...the girl who thinks she talks to Jesus...yea, she's crazy all right. And I do not in any way shape or form come across as some terrorist fundamentalist...the fact is that you have no idea how it is that I come across because you're too busy telling me all about who and what and how I am to even notice. You have prejudiciously labelled me that way according to absolutely nothing I've ever said...contrary to everything I've ever attested to. You have no idea what my intentions are. Why? Because you don't care!!!! You want them to be what you want them to be only because it serves your selfish intentions...those being to hate me because I love Jesus. Well you can just hate me all day long and I'm sorry, but it's not going to change my intentions into what you want them to be.

Please - read the above words 10 times if you need. I never raise my hand against another, I give to good charities with my $ and time, I'm a loving parent and an honest businessman --- but you clearly see me through the lenses of your own pride and judgement.

I see the words on the page...uh, hello, you've been pretty damn loud and clear with the hate, Mr. Warm Fuzzy. Maybe you feel the need to keep reiterating what a "gee whiz lovey dovey" guy you are in "real life", because you know damn well that all you've done is spew hatred out here in cyber-land.

And so, indeed you become a safe flashpoint for my fear and frustration about seeing the world slip perhaps into a 2nd Dark Age -- not only because of fundamentalist religions, but they are one of the most effective ways to getting people to fight and die for darker political and economic interests. Religion is an excellent way for the rich to keep the poor for slaughtering them, and to motivate the poor to go fight for them.

Have you by chance ever heard me talk about organized religion at all? the hell are you talking about? Dude! You are so f'ing lost, it's sick. You know, if this is how you're going to be, why don't you spare the rest of us the strife of having to listen to your paranoid rants, and just go build yourself a bunker or something? Cause if you will notice, the only one around here who's looking for a fight IS YOU. Or better yet, why don't you lose the hate, and stop looking for a fight. Maybe you could actually have a nice conversation with someone??? Who knows? Maybe you could actually learn something new???? You never know...stranger things have happened. I can only hope. Nope, not true...I can pray. Oh dude, you better watch out...I'll put the Jesus voodoo on you and before you know it you'll be all lovey dovey and humble and shit...praying and talking to God and learning all kinds of what an ass you're being to me. And then you can come out here and tell us all about it, and some stupid hateful mf'er who doesn't know what he's talking about can jump your ass and accuse you of being a delusional sociopathic murdering know, because you love that would be

You are a tool.

You are an athelete. lol. Which explains a thing or two.

Good luck.

Fuck luck...I've got Jesus.

Love you,

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Just woke up, headed out to school with kids. Lot of typing for early in the morning there Lori! I must say it gives me pleasure to have worked you up a bit. Amazing that you seem to still only run in circles and not process things even with all that ranting though.

Your comment: ''your an athelete. lol. Which explains a thing or two'' speaks volumes about your B&W limited view of the world? Its sad that you apparently have never met any people who can do more than one thing! Yep, I grew up ski racing - raced in Europe full time for three years in High School. Competed through College, and then kept skiing in the winters full time for 12 years after that. And, went to culinary school after college (two degrees, thank you) and was a Chef for a bit (burn out work though) and as a freelance writer have had several hundred articles published (not big $ but lots of fun), and have my own computer/networking business. But hey if it helps something fit inside that snooty little head of yours to boil it down to one word ''athelete'' - then go for it.

Hey, fuck luck . . . I've got Shiva!
Wow, and here I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, Gravity. I truly had thought your anger was due to your thinking Lori was ready to cause a "holy war". When it's now more than evident to me you're just looking to push buttons and tick someone off because doing so brings you great pleasure.

I must say it gives me pleasure to have worked you up a bit.

I must say this speaks volumes about you ;)

You've done nothing but spit venom and try to build yourself up as this well rounded, educated, loving father, and husband who really doesn't bitch like this in the real world--all the while putting Lori down and ASSuming she is uneducated and lives in an apartment (like that's a bad thing anyway???)

Lori hasn't come out and told you so I'm going to-- She is very educated and oh my with a degree too and has a fantastic two story home great car etc..--and she accomplished this all by herself. She volunteers her time in helping people of all walks of life--and believe me she goes all out for them--in fact right now she has offered her home to take in someone that is need due to financial situations. She is in the process of writing a book at which I have had the privilege of reading some excerpts and must say it's very well written.

Funny how she hasn't bragged about her success yet you keep feeling the need to brag about yours. Also, you are stereotyping Lori. She doesn't believe in the organized religion like most christians do. You are so focused on building yourself up and putting Lori down that you fail to comprehend that she doesn't fit into that stereotypical mold you keep trying to put her in.

But, Lori, now that you know Gravity's goal is to "work you up" just consider the source and don't dare take anything this guy says to heart
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Oh good grief Heart - she has reaped what she has sown. Do you think I just randomly picked her out? There are lots of Christians on this forum and others. I came to this forum because its the *SCI*forum, seemingly the exact opposite place you'd expect to find all this talk of mythology - and yet she and C20 were the two folks who have hammered more than anybody else with it, and so yes . . . it then became satisfying to give it back.

My ''building myself up'' has actually been motivated by DEFENDING myself against constant character attacks. What you've seen in this thread has just been the endgame, where certainly my reason has been far more overshadowed by my anger.

Such is life.

But please get off of your almighty sounding judgements . . . telling us both *how it is*.
Reaped what she's sown? Dude, she has done nothing but try to explain her beliefs to you because you keep unmistakably placing her in a mold she doesn't belong in--this is a RELIGIOUS debate sub forum-- it only stands to reason that people of various beliefs are going to guess what--talk about their faith.

I realize this is, however the reason this religion debate section was created in the first place is because a longgggg time ago this forum, which was under the name exoscience, changed their format--others had asked Porfiry if he'd put the religious section in because they didn't want to read about religious debate (things which Lori had posted). Thus, the religious section was birthed due to Lori. If you don't want to read about the mythology then don't read it--there are plenty of other sections here which you can read from.

I don't agree with everything the christians say either, Gravity, but I'd like to think as a whole we can disagree and still get along without throwing venom about. What's so wrong with that?

Pardon me for intruding upon the conversation, Gravity. First, like I stated, Lori is a friend of mine-- I truly came out to defend her because of all the mean things you were spewing out--not only mean but incorrect. When I reread your last post at that time, I had thought ohhhhhhh this guy isn't really being a punk--he's truly convinced that Lori is some whacked out crazy person because he thinks she's promoting holy wars and shit (which she isn't). SOOO, I have a very bad flaw-- at times I like to make peace.. So I butted in in hopes that peace could be had because I was so convinced that you were sincere and misunderstanding what Lori was saying. I know-- I was crazy to try to bridge such a thing among two people-- but, when you came back and took pleasure in being mean --I most definitely butted in because Lori is my friend. That's what friends do-- Mean people suck and there is no call for it so yes, I made a stand of how I saw it.

My ''building myself up'' has actually been motivated by DEFENDING myself against constant character attacks.

Oh, I see. Hmm..but, then why did you find it important while "defending your character" to try to belittle Lori in the same breath? Here let me put your quote for you.

I've had a great life so far. I lived in 11 states and 3 countries. I worked for over a decade as a competitive alpine skier in the winter, and wilderness guide in the summers - and a freelance writer year round. Had a really good time. Now I have my own successful computer business. Wonderful kids, wonderful wife and we have horses, sheep and even a great dog.

How about you? Work in a cubicle and live in an apartment or some suburban shithole?

Is this how you defend your character by comparing who has the most successful life by assuming yours is the better and painting a less successful life for Lori than that of your own?

But please get off of your almighty sounding judgements . . . telling us both *how it is*.

Hmm.. calling the kettle black, Gravity?
Lori is a friend of mine-- I truly came out to defend her

Ahhh. So you are certain to be truly objective and even handed here?

*Yawn* . . . . please.

You are right about one thing though, I need to be spending more time in the more SCI parts of the SCI forums - and Lori needs to go hang out someplace like:

So I'll unsubscribe from this thread. And you can take that however you want (probably with a self-rightous little victory dance?) :cool:

Ahhh. So you are certain to be truly objective and even handed here?

Actually, you made a very valid statement, Gravity. When I read your posts to Lori yesterday I was angry at how someone could say some of the things you did. So yes, I'm sure my original intent was that out of the friendship I have with Lori. However after rereading the last post you had made at that time- I honestly believed that you were sincere and angry because you thought Lori was going to cause a holy war which you said she was capable of. If all I did was defend Lori only and not be objective then I would have never given you the benefit of the doubt.

It's sooooo attractive when you do that

You are right about one thing though, I need to be spending more time in the more SCI parts of the SCI forums - and Lori needs to go hang out someplace like:

All I was trying to say is can't we all debate and still be civil? Which would apply in any part of Sci forums.

So I'll unsubscribe from this thread. And you can take that however you want (probably will a self-rightous little victory dance?).

I'm not asking nor suggesting that you unsubscribe, Gravity. Not in the least and getting you to do so in order to engage in a victory dance is crazy. I'm not that type of person, Gravity.

I happen to think we all can learn from the other even if we disagree. The only thing I had a problem with is the venom spitting.