Case: c20 vs Atheists


Shiny Heart of a Shiny Child
Registered Senior Member
Case of the Atheists vs C20 - Petitioned by Medicine*Woman

Initial Response by c20H25N3o: Make your petition if you must. You will have to provide hard evidence. I'm sure James R is an intelligent guy who will see that you are trying to ban me because you do not like me talking about my faith because it is not your faith. By trying to ban me you are saying, "See our God is bigger than yours because we can ban you and shut you up". Go for it.

The Prosection :M*W: You haven't provided any hard evidence for what you preach! It's your constant preaching without providing evidence for debate. Didn't you read the rules about preaching? I don't care what other people believe. As long as they don't preach, I enjoy reading what they write -- in fact, I may learn something I didn't know. There is no way I am trying to say "my god is bigger than your god," since I don't believe in the existence of a god. Again, you lie and you preach. We all know about christianity on this forum. We don't need your constant preaching. If we wanted to be christians we would be christians. Most of us have been christians and we saw the truth. Christianity wasn't the truth. Why do you continue to preach about your delusional God?
James R. c20's delusional preaching is becoming quite annoying. I pasted the rule for him about preaching on sciforums, but apparently c20 hasn't read it, nor has he provided any scholarly evidence to back it up. c20 is not able to debate matters we present to him. He just preaches and pushes christianity even more. His posts would offer genuine topics for debate if he would just provide the evidence. Failing that, his fate is in your hands.

Witness For the Defense: Lori_7

Evidence, evidence!!! You guys are like broken records! And what evidence may I ask do either of YOU offer up for anything you believe?????? Where is YOUR evidence??? A Christian can refer to the Bible just as you can refer to any book or website. A Christian can refer to personal experience regarding a spiritual interaction or phenomenon just as anyone else can, including an abductee, a telepathic, a lucid dreamer, or the like. A Christian can refer to the same events and things of this world and offer up an interpretation of them, or an understanding of them according to their own perception, just like you can. You want to act as if YOU are unbiased??? HA!!! Everyone is biased. Everyone has their own limited perceptions and their own paradigms. The only being who's opinions and offerrings are unbiased is God Himself. As a matter of fact it is your own bias which is causing you to post this ridiculous request regarding c2o in the first place.

If you will actually read the forum rules that you posted *handing you some eyeglasses and a hooked on phonics textbook*, they were created to prevent flaming behaviour. Now look at c2o's behaviour. Nope, no flaming there. I would have to say that c2o is probably the most mild-mannered, humble, and meek poster out here. Maybe you should petition to have me banned, or yourself banned, or snake banned or probably anyone else before c2o.

You say that c2o does not answer your questions, and that is a lie. He answers your questions honestly, respectfully, and in accordance with what he has been taught through life experience, the Holy Spirit, and the Bible. He does not claim to be right all of the time. He values the opinions of others, and says so often. And he in no way shape or form belittles anyone, says he's better than anyone else, or tries to shove his beliefs down anyone's throat.

What's the matter MW? Been thinking about Jesus lately? Is it bugging you? I can't imagine why you feel so threatened by c2o, as he has never voiced a threat of any kind or anything even close to it. So what exactly is making you feel so threatened?

C20's Plea - Not Guilty

Defense statement:

This is a religion forum. The main debate here is between atheism and theism. I have written what I have written with a clear conscience and without malice. I happen to have a belief in God. Plain and simple. I see God in the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ who is the one spoken of in the Holy Scriptures as authorised by the Vatican in Rome. It is this Jesus whom I have been speaking of. Jesus as you know is the central figure at the very heart of Christianity, the faith I profess. I profess my faith here because the title of the forum is 'Religion' of which Christianity certainly comes under as a category in the context of a message board forum. I have found that from the outset I have been attacked here on SciForums for talking about my faith in a Sub Forum entitled 'Religion'. I have not deleted any of my posts and anyone may judge how I have been treated for themselves for professing my faith in God albeit in a Christian context. As Lori_7 quite rightly points out, we have Christian churches everywhere we go. It is the largest faith in the modern world today. At the heart of Christianity is the figure Jesus. What would you have me speak of? I talk about the life and death and ressurection of Jesus Christ and I try to put it in a modern day context so that people may understand what Christianity is all about. It is about love. We say God is Love. We defend our God when He comes under attack, not because we feel He needs defending, but because it grieves us to here it. In defending God we are soothing our own spirits which find the blasphemies that are uttered an abomination. God blesses us in our faithfulness. I tell you this but you deny me. You say I am delusional. I tell you I am not. I believe that you dont believe me. I know that you do not believe me. But what of it? What is that to me? Should I stop talking about Christianity in a Religion sub forum because you and a few others do not believe me? I do not need others to support me here, to justify me. I do not need to provide evidence as you put it. I am not here to provide evidence to you or anyone else! Who do you guys think you are? This is a free forum available to the public but you treat it like it is your personal domain. You do your best to make people feel uncomfortable expecially people professing a Christian faith. I have put up with much patiently as others will testify. I am called a hypocrite when I have a different point of view as someone else! Why because I am a Christian? What Christians aren't allowed the same rights as other people now? Christian's arent allowed to have a different view as someone on here without being called a hypocrite? What rubbish. Grow up a bit. Wipe the cack out of your eyes. You are just forum post monkeys. Just like me. Everyone's opinion has gotta be respected right? That means mine too folks. You guys do not own this website as much as you like to think you do, it is run by David Watanabe in Melbourne, Australia who I would like to thank for making this website available to us. Thank him too yeah? And let's be nice. It is free after all.

Let James R decide.
My conscience is as clear as a bell.


c20 :m:
pavlosmarcos said:
c20, your sentence guilty as charged.

That's a verdict not a sentence.
A sentence would be like "C20 you are banned for 1-Infinity seconds"
I'll wait for James R to decide. He is the moderator.


SnakeLord: Ah.. Christians, always wanting to play the role of martyr. :bugeye:
M*W: Where there is possible guilt -- there is likely a possible defense.
I must say though, you do seem to display the traits of a sociopath, c20.
I think fahrenheit had it right when he posted this.

Glibness/Superficial Charm
Language can be used without effort by them to confuse and convince their audience. Captivating storytellers that exude self-confidence, they can spin a web that intrigues others. Since they are persuasive, they have the capacity to destroy their critics verbally or emotionally.

Manipulative and Cunning
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They dominate and humiliate their victims.

Grandiose Sense of Self
Feels entitled to certain things as "their right." Craves adulation and attendance. Must be the center of attention with their own fantasies as the "spokesman for God," "enlightened," "leader of humankind," etc. Creates an us-versus-them mentality

Pathological Lying
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and able to pass lie detector tests.

this is a excerpt, you are displaying some traits.
it appears to me c20, that you've somewhat shot yourself in the foot, with this post.
you have sentenced and found yourself guilty, well I've come to think of you as an amoeba for you lack of any intelligence, so you proved that.
but really your more like a flea, frigging irritating.
how I wish I had some flea spray.
and before you say I hate you, as i've said I dont know you to hate you, but I can dislike the way/what you write, and as thats just preaching and psychoanalizing people, I think I'm entitled.
Medicine Woman said:
SnakeLord: Ah.. Christians, always wanting to play the role of martyr. :bugeye:
M*W: Where there is possible guilt -- there is likely a possible defense.
I dont think so M*W, he's put all his cards on the table and lost.
he is really what we all believe, him to be.
guilty guilty guiltyguiltyguilty
mis-t-highs: I dont think so M*W, he's put all his cards on the table and lost. he is really what we all believe, him to be.
guilty guilty guiltyguiltyguilty
M*W: No doubt! What I meant was when someone is guilty of something they need to find an alibi. In his losing case, his only excuse is he defends himself with the bible and christianity. Therefore, the verdict is guilty as charged, and the sentence is death by ignorance.
In defence of C20 I would like to offer the court some evidence:

I offer you examples A, B, C, D and all the way to Z 100 times over, that show the problem not to be one of 'excuses', but instead one of ignorance.

His level of intelligence is highly questionable, and as a result, one should find him innocent merely because he has no ability for anything other than preaching. We've all seen how he cannot distinguish what a question is, and how he fails to comprehend most statements and sentences.

I would ask the court to indulge that he not be hanged just yet, but that the medical team be given a chance to analyze and study this specimen as much as modern day science will allow.
I would not necessarily question his intelligence, but he obviously has a stong faith, he is unmoveable in his beliefs, so how should he be able to discuss?

Also, I do not base my beliefs on simple personal preference, I normally take biological, anthropological, physical and historical facts as a basis for my arguments.
And yes, I am biased. To find truth, you need to be biased, just as someone who rather clings to elaborate lies and anachronism.

Whatever you do with C20, I think he is a pitiful existance.
I must ask. Why does everyone want c20 banned for his belief?

I'm hardly one to show support for c20 and his beliefs, but why ban him for not believing as we athiests do?

Personally I find him to be a hypocrite and a hateful bigot, but that's just me. If he is to be banned for his beliefs, it would only be fair and correct that we also be banned for our beliefs. We hold our views quite strongly, why shouldn't he hold his faith just as strongly.

Having said that.... Yes he preaches constantly, and that is against the rules of this forum and annoying as hell. c20, if you've been warned about preaching, why do you persist in continuing in this manner? I'm sure that even you can discuss religion and not preach. Many others do, so maybe you should follow their example and not preach in this forum. If you persist in being a religious gimp, then that is your choice. We on the other hand do not want you to preach to us. If you can't respect that, then don't throw a hissy fit when you face the consequence of your own actions.

c20 said:
I am called a hypocrite when I have a different point of view as someone else! Why because I am a Christian?
I don't call you a hypocrite because you're a Christian. I call you a hypocrite because you profess love and tolerance, when in reality you hate and are a bigot. There are many non-Christians who are also just like you in that regard and they, like you, are hypocrites.

c20 said:
What Christians aren't allowed the same rights as other people now? Christian's arent allowed to have a different view as someone on here without being called a hypocrite?
Now you have a small inkling of what homosexuals go through every day of their lives. Sucks not to be allowed the same rights, doesn't it? Sucks to be different to everyone else, doesn't it?

This is amusing. Here you are saying that your rights have been infringed, when you have stated in other threads that homosexuals should not be given the same rights as everyone else because they are different and because you find them abhorrent. And here we are, in the religious forum, where fellow members find you abhorrent for your views and beliefs and you are crying foul. Maybe I should turn your own argument on you and tell you that you should tell us how you would benefit all of us by having the rights you think you deserve? Isn't that the argument you used for homosexuals? That they should be able to show to society how they would benefit the whole by being homosexual before they are allowed any rights? Well c20, maybe now is the time for you to show to us how you being a Christian would benefit all of us in this forum, before you are allowed any rights and before you are allowed to remain a member. Just a heads up though c20, from what I've read so far in the responses to you in this forum, no one, with the exception of Lori, appears to be buying your argument, so this should be very difficult for you. It's horrible to be different and treated as such isn't it c20? Consider this a taste of your own medicine, if you will. Hmmm... maybe there is a God after all... scratch that... maybe one does get what one deserves in the end, and c20, you deserve it all. :)

Should you be banned? I vote no. If you continue to preach, then yes because you are willingly breaking the rules that govern the rest of us, but even though you are a hateful little specimen of a man, you should be allowed to have your faith.
Bells: I must ask. Why does everyone want c20 banned for his belief?
M*W: NO ONE wants c20 banned for his BELIEFS -- it's the PREACHING that is annoying. Oh, poor c20, he's such a victim -- of his own doing! We've all tried to debate c20, but he refuses to debate. We've asked c20 direct questions we wanted him to answer, but he couldn't answer them. Then he posts asking others to find the answers for him! On sciforums, members who are of other faiths or of no faith at all should debate the issues or simply not reply to a post that angers them. We are still waiting for his answers to our questions. How long must we wait?
Ahh ok. Ermm I did mention the preaching thing in my previous post... At least I think I did. Anywho... Personally I know if he keeps up the preaching, I'll just ignore him... pretend he's not there.

As to how long you must wait? Heh.. good luck. There are still many questions that I've asked him that he's completely ignored, simply because he knows that if he answers them truthfully, he will realise that he is a bigot. So he doesn't answer them. Cowardly yes, but still amusing to watch. In short my dear MW, he won't answer the questions because he simply can't. He either does not know the answer or he's scared to answer them lest they betray his true feelings.

Yup he's a god botherer of the most annoying kind but the court should be merciful as religion is, as we know, a thought disorder.

Dee Cee
Yeah, I'd fight with my life for peoples right to believe any sort of mysticism they want. But the guy sounds like walking cliche - spouting the same circular arguments constantly. Of course he got banned it would just help feed is ''woe is me the persecuted xtian'' BS. But if he stays . . . any chance of putting a cliche-filter on him? :)

Maybe the dude is really a troll who is actually purposefully sounding like a lobotimized Pat Robertson?
For myself - I came to this forum to discuss religion with those who also have a religion. Perhaps to refine the fine points of my religion with like-minded friends. Instead what I have found is non-religeous hecklers flaming and attacking Christians to the point where like-minded Christians cannot have a decent conversation.

I, for one, think it is quite appropriate for C2o, or anyone else, to express their views without fearing reprisal and insult as the atheists on this forum are wont to do. I have never seen C2o flame anyone, but I have seen (and been the target of) many flames, primarily from the so-called prosecution on this thread.

What is the old saying... Oh yes - Physician Heal Thyself. Or maybe for this lot, it would be more appropriate to say - He who smelt it, dealt it!
America is a society where non-theists are the openly discriminated against minority, so whining about heckling and such from beLIEvers always seems a bit insecure. But anyways, the point of this sub-forum I think is to keep religious debates at least mostly confined to one section of Sci-Forums. Or do you think its cool for C20 to tell us all we are going to hell (though you don't think thats a ''flame'' it seems) but not ok for us to debate the message and messenger?

Maybe you want a Christians-Only discussion forum? That would be fine with me, see if they will make one for you.