Cartoon universe-little grey men

Agitprop said:
My brother attended a convention about sasquatches once and said a fist fight nearly broke out between proponants of the big hairy apemen theory and the hairy fairy from other dimension devotees. :D

WHOA! I knew it would happen, someday!
Some stories do tend to lean toward the "hairy fairy" side of the road.

Sightings and abductions should probably be kept apart, as we could be talking about at least 2 completely different categories, as your post implies. Still, respect is due the nuts and bolts crowd's take on alien visitation as well as the more esoteric interpretations.

Alot of the evidence of UFOs/possible alien craft is visual or photographic, and is recalled easily. Alot of abduction accounts are more in the realm of waking dreams, and are often only recalled under hypnosis.
Lumping the two together, or validating/invalidating the other because of the one is ridiculous.
I think there may be a tendency to do that with abductions: they sound crazy, the memories are hazy, they may be fantasizing things under the suggestion of the hypnotist, so therefore the entire thing is a myth, and so are the flying saucers.
What's REALLY crazy, is invalidating the whole thing because of a small study on sleep paralysis. It's such a cute, simplistic theory, and it certainly does not make room for all the characteristics of either phenomenon. Apparently, when dealing with the notion of non-human entities flying around in vehicles or abducting people, even the most rudimentary of hypotheses and theories INSTANTLY becomes a law.

There could be aliens who are flesh and blood as well as beings who are fully autonomous "tulpas", somehow symbiotically linked with humanity through dreams, as you suggest in an earlier post. Maybe there are even species who surf morphogenetic fields and settle into belief systems that resonate best with their particular temperments.

It's starting to look like a "Holographic Universe" around here!

Those involved in seriously looking at the esoteric and extraterrestrial should understand that these two forms likely have points of convergance and divergance.

Some people, yes, are capable of looking seriously at the subject!
spuriousmonkey said:
Just look in the mirror.

I don't see an accident when I do that. Are we talking about the same thing?
I actually see a very good-looking young man when I do that.

So. You lost the picture, did you?

And I was all prepared to show you the picture of my Pleaidean family arriving on the mothership!
What? Did you actually have DEFINITIVE proof of the accident you were talking about? Not just a blurry photo with little lights or smudges?