Can't religions get together and agree?

The majority of art previous to the 20th century had religious content, either Christian, Muslim, Buddhist etc., or derived from classical mythology.

Primitive art is almost exclusively religious in content.

And some of the best music and architecture is religious in nature. IMO, European cathedrals are among the most beautiful buildings ever erected.
Can't be certain, because the art remains, and the purpose behind it was not written down.
But art historians usually interpret primitive art as stemming from religion.
Do you disagree with them?
Give examples.
If you mean agree as in "agree to coexist," yeah.

If you mean agree as in "agree with each other's arguments," I'd say no, it's not possible.

I don't understand what you mean by saying that the conflict hurts both parties. I mean, look at politics. Democrats and Republicans don't always agree, but nobody thinks Democracy is stupid because the political parties don't see eye to eye.

Saying that disagreements about what kind of God there is weakens the idea that God exists is like saying that disagreements about what kind of Foreign Policy the US should pursue undermines the idea that we should have a foreign policy of some kind.

Ultimately, though, you get two groups who are trying to uphold what they see as the most important thing in the universe. Obviously, when that much is at stake, compromise is difficult.
The division between different religions is a hinderance to their acceptance.

After all, if people of God reject the beliefs of another sect, and in fact condemn them. why should anyone believe any of them?
Why don't religions have a big conference and thrash out their differences?

be certain, them of religious belief are not the last word; across the board!

they will either square up with reality or be extinct

the kids will be doing the judging

the truth will rock 'all beliefs' from their dominion

as for the art; people give of themselves for Love; had nothing to do with the pictures other than the religious leaders had the majority of the peoples money and used it for their pleasures; rather than the good of the people

eg.... how much did the statue of david or even the sistine chappel cost? how many could have been fed, clothed, housed with that money? (which is what community funds are for; not buying some bishop a new mansion with all the art they commissioned)
And some of the best music and architecture is religious in nature. IMO, European cathedrals are among the most beautiful buildings ever erected.
Yeah, multiple gods could be seen as different aspects of God, I don't think we will ever agree but we could at least accept each other. We were all left to the unknown anyway.
The division between different religions is a hinderance to their acceptance.

After all, if people of God reject the beliefs of another sect, and in fact condemn them. why should anyone believe any of them?
Why don't religions have a big conference and thrash out their differences?
No Captain .
Everyone wants to be right and everyone else is wrong .
Religion is there to control your soul, home, business and of course your wallet . There is no religion without wanting your monies......:) .
The division between different religions is a hinderance to their acceptance.

Only for those who need an excuse to reject God. It is a flimsy excuse too.

After all, if people of God reject the beliefs of another sect, and in fact condemn them. why should anyone believe any of them?

If that wonky logic stood then people would not vote for political parties in their national elections because there was more then one party and the different parties where proposing different policies on how the nation should be run.

Why don't religions have a big conference and thrash out their differences?

Because the only motivation would be conformity and submitting the world to a dictatorship of 1 belief.

First it is imposable for mankind to do so. And second if such a religion did gain the official control of world religion that would not cause an atheist to suddenly believe in God, nor would it cause all those who had strong views on faith to change their beliefs and submit to it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days