Can't religions get together and agree?

Captain Kremmen

All aboard, me Hearties!
Valued Senior Member
The division between different religions is a hinderance to their acceptance.

After all, if people of God reject the beliefs of another sect, and in fact condemn them. why should anyone believe any of them?
Why don't religions have a big conference and thrash out their differences?
They would be giving in to another religion and would make them seem less powerful. To control a group of people with a belief system you must always be the right one to belong to and if there are others then your faith is going to be challenged by your own followers as well as the rest.
A consensus among all people is the road to stagnation.

Think about it as a political ideology. Do you really want the government to be completely bipartisan? Then who will represent other points of view?

That does not mean that religions cannot work together. They can and they have.
A consensus among all people is the road to stagnation.

Consensus among people has nothing to do with it. The word of god is the word of god. There can only be one right religion. And, if that one religion cannot prop itself up by the word of that god, then they are all wrong.

So far, religions are batting a thousand.
The division between different religions is a hinderance to their acceptance.

After all, if people of God reject the beliefs of another sect, and in fact condemn them. why should anyone believe any of them?
Why don't religions have a big conference and thrash out their differences?

because then they would have to admit that what they've been doing for 1000's of years was wrong, and their egos couldn't take it. besides, what would they do with all of their hate? i guess they would still have gay people to take it out on...

My feeling about people who don't get religion is that they are like people who don't have music or people who don't have art.

As the two latter have become increasingly commercialised, I think that they have also been trivialised and dehumanised, but that is a different argument.

Without a sense of religion you are missing out on one of the things that make people human.
A consensus among all people is the road to stagnation...That does not mean that religions cannot work together. They can and they have.
This. It is in part because of the diversity that religion keeps changing and adapting to the times. Diversity is healthy.
And, merely because the world's religions don't agree to a common statement of faith does not mean they can't work together and co-operate. We don't have to agree on everything to be friendly to one another, you know.
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After all, if people of God reject the beliefs of another sect, and in fact condemn them. why should anyone believe any of them?

I don't.

because then they would have to admit that what they've been doing for 1000's of years was wrong, and their egos couldn't take it

My feeling about people who don't get religion is that they are like people who don't have music or people who don't have art.

I love music and art. I play the guitar create my own music and have a deep appreciation for the best players, not the ones who make the most money flipping their hair around.

Without a sense of religion you are missing out on one of the things that make people human.

Bull. In fact this statement is so absurd and back ass that it straight pisses me off.

Religion is the very attempt to try and separate us from what we really are.


It is an attempt to place us above the animals and the rest of nature and claim that we are somehow above the natural world.
It is an attempt to place us above the animals and the rest of nature and claim that we are somehow above the natural world.
Not all religions do that. Honestly, I know of only a few that explicitly take that position.
Not all religions do that. Honestly, I know of only a few that explicitly take that position.

True, I merely brushed with the wide brush that the Captain was using.

But the major players do. So either way it's a ridiculous statement to make of the non-religious.
I think Polytheism has the potential to accept one another. As long as the other polytheists respect that the other guys God is equally as valid as their own. Back when civilization just beginning this was the way people from different cultures worked with one another.
Back when civilization just beginning this was the way people from different cultures worked with one another.

Until the Greeks and Romans came along. They kinda dicked everyone in that regard, "Oh hay, guise. Yeah...see, your gods are really ours. Just not completely accurate perceptions of them. Let us help you out..."
Cue the legionaries, crucifixions, tax farming, etc. etc.

Other polytheistic societies were more accommodating. But more of because of their tribal social organisation. Celtic tribes largely recognised the validity of each others' deities...because each tribe had different ones. There's somewhere between 250 and 300 recorded Celtic gods and goddesses. It'd have been utter chaos if they didn't budge one way or another. And even then, there was a ridiculous amount of infighting. Germanic and early Italic tribes were similar, again because of their tribal social structure.

Of course, modern pagan revival groups (neopaganism) is a different story entirely. They're very accommodating of other deities and means of worship, especially the more eclectic neopagan religions.
My feeling about people who don't get religion is that they are like people who don't have music or people who don't have art.

As the two latter have become increasingly commercialised, I think that they have also been trivialised and dehumanised, but that is a different argument.

Without a sense of religion you are missing out on one of the things that make people human.

I am very glad to not be human & quite content with myself. Being without religion does not result in me missing anything worthwhile.
Odd tho that you liken lack of religion with lack of appreciation for art. Far fewer humans much appreciate art than do not. In my experience, the more religious someone is, the less they care for art. Some even despising it.
The majority of art previous to the 20th century had religious content, either Christian, Muslim, Buddhist etc., or derived from classical mythology.

Primitive art is almost exclusively religious in content.