Cannibalism discussion

Is cannibalism wrong if the people eaten consent to be eaten?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • No

    Votes: 13 61.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 9.5%

  • Total voters
Not in Germany, Russia, Somalia, Cambodia New Zealand and many other countries. A lot of countries do NOT have cannibalism as a law written at all. The most you can be charged with in some countries, is disturbing the peace of the dead. Cambodia recently release a group of prisoners they were holding for Cannibalism because they found they had nothing to charge them with since Cannibalism is not illegal there.

Even here in the states, there are 20 states with no specific law against cannibalism. Only a law against descration of a corpse. But that is a seriously grey issue.

And, he wasn't charged with murder, initially. He was charged with manslaughter. Which technically, is what it was. He slaughtered a man for the purpose of eating him. But because outside sources put pressure on the German government to retry the case, he was sentanced for murder on the second go round, but with much media attention from outside sources.

All witnesses to the man prior to that incident, said he was sane and competant with no history of mental illness. Which is why Miewes wasn't charged with murder. A jury couldn't come to agreement, since the man did consent.

At least if you are going to try to retort, check your facts first.

Yes, cannibalism is taboo. Mostly for religious reasons and because we believe the human body to be sacred even after dead. But if you are going to donate organs to help someone else live, couldn't you consent to having your flesh donated to feed the starving?
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But if you are going to donate organs to help someone else live, couldn't you consent to having your flesh donated to feed the starving?

That is an excellent question, worthy of its own thread. I mean, why not?

Even if you take next of kin wishes into account, let's say they agree?

What rational (or even irrational) reason is there not to allow this? Do the different holy books proscribe it or are they silent on the subject?

Are we left with possible disease transference, such as prions?

So what is everyone's thoughts on this? :shrug:

A. Deserving of it's own thread?
B. Continue discussion here?
C. Dismiss entirely?

I would like answers from several people, this question is not just posed @Liebling, but if another thread is to be started, I think s/he should have the opportunity to do so, since the idea originated here...
Whatever anyone else wants to do with it.

Honestly, every time I say it no one can give me a rational answer really. And I've posed it a dozen different ways in different places.

If you can consent to be an organ donor, why can't you consent to letting your meat feed a starving family? If all the viable organs have been lifted, why throw out perfectly good muscle tissue? Protein is protein. It can save lives.
Honestly, every time I say it no one can give me a rational answer really. And I've posed it a dozen different ways in different places.


Protein is protein. It can save lives.

Well, I will attempt to find the time to devote to this and start a thread, probably in EM&J. That is usually a good place to get spirited debates off the ground.

This issue should be addressed...
The most you can be charged with in some countries, is disturbing the peace of the dead.

You are really into cannibalism aren't you.

And, he wasn't charged with murder, initially. He was charged with manslaughter. Which technically, is what it was. He slaughtered a man for the purpose of eating him.

Nice attempt to equivocate the terms, but slaughtering a man for the purpose of eating him is called murder.

outside sources

Ah the conspiracy.

All witnesses to the man prior to that incident, said he was sane and competant with no history of mental illness.

Yay! Hearsay! FYI, asking some one to kill and eat you is not sane.

Which is why Miewes wasn't charged with murder.

That was corrected wasn't it.

because we believe the human body to be sacred even after dead.

Speak for yourself "we" boy.

But if you are going to donate organs to help someone else live, couldn't you consent to having your flesh donated to feed the starving?

No, you can't. Get over it already. No body want to eat you.
If you can consent to be an organ donor, why can't you consent to letting your meat feed a starving family? If all the viable organs have been lifted, why throw out perfectly good muscle tissue? Protein is protein. It can save lives.

Ummmm, bump?

No one is interested in this topic? Could save thousands - millions of lives!

But that is only logic - lots more to it, of course... :confused: