

Salam Shalom Salom
Registered Senior Member
Is it moral? If so, why? If not, why not?

Of course, this is assuming that the people eaten died of natural causes

So don't bring murder or something into this. If a person dies of natural causes, is it moral to eat him or her?

From a liberal point of view, they of course think it's perfectly acceptable.

Nobody is being harmed, and all that nonsense

But for us normal people, do you think it's moral?
we have people who eat people, and they find it ok, there was that man who advertised in a local paper for a young guy to eat, surprisngly people replied and he was arested for murder.
Aids, cancer, gonorrhea, syphilis and other highly infectious diseases are also considered ways of dying through "natural" causes. Who would want to digest that persons remains???:shrug: Also you never know sometimes what a person has died of to begin with , do you. However , if it were a life or death situation and the other person was already dead and I need to eat, I would then eat them to save myself as well as anyone else that was with me. I really don't think those that have already died would really care if their remains saved others do you?:shrug:
Of course cannibalism is immoral. It's a disgusting practice exhibited by savage members within uncivilized cultures. Certainly, no civilized community would welcome such a beastly concept, for a variety of indisputable reasons.

Kadark the Fiery
Why won't cannibals eat divorced women?
They're very bitter.

Why do cannibals prefer eating readers to writers?
Because writers cramp but readers digest.

What did the cannibal do after he had dumped his girlfriend?
Wiped his ass.

Did you hear about the cannibal who passed his uncle in the woods?

Two cannibals just finished a big meal and one turns to the other while rubbing his stomach with his fist and say, "You know, I just ate my mother-in-law, and she still doesn't agree with me!"

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other, "Does this taste funny to you?"

When do cannibals leave the table?
When everyone's eaten.

The first cannibal asked the 2nd cannibal, "Aren't you done eating yet?" The 2nd cannibal replied, "I'm on my last leg now."

Did you hear about the cannibal who loved fast food?
He ordered a pizza with everybody on it.

One cannibal to another: I never met a man I didn't like!

What is a cannibal's favorite type of TV show?
A celebrity roast.

Have you heard about the cannibal restaurant?
Dinner costs an arm and a leg.

Where do cannibals shop for fine furniture?
Eatin' Allen's.

What do cannibals eat for dessert?
Chocolate covered aunts.

What is a cannibal's favorite game?
Swallow the leader.

What do cannibals make out of politicians?
Bologna sandwiches.

What did the cannibal get when he was late for dinner?
The cold shoulder.
hahahaha nice jokes Cosmic.

I see nothing wrong with it, you want to eat a dead a dead aids victim and get aids yourself, meh, no skin off anyone else's nose.
Morality and species


Having not yet responded to your general inquiry about morality, I recognize that I am applying a context of morality that you may not have encountered before. To the other, you might well be familiar with this aspect of morality.

We start with a consideration of Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis, more popularly known as Mad Cow Disease. This frightening condition came about because we were feeding cows to cows. The prions causing the disease in cattle were a result of cannibalism.

The risks of eating human flesh on a regular basis, therefore, would appear to include diseases brought on by prions. In this sense, regular cannibalistic consumption would qualify as immoral, as it could, if widespread, endanger the perpetuity of our species.

However, I'm not going to make a moral argument about cases of extreme demand, such as the famous story of the South American football team. In some cases, you do what you absolutely must, and there really isn't a moral question about it.
Actually, I think it is more a question of is it ethical or unethical vs. moral or immoral. I really don't think it is moral or immoral. I do think it is unethical to eat people unless there is a need.
Well, i can't speak for anyone else here, but the thought of eating anyone who was a living human makes my skin crawl. There are however, some sexual conditions linked with eating people, and even some entire cultures used to influence them quite often, leading to many sicknesses. One well known one, would be brain destroying diseases like Kuru and Creutzfeld Jacob Disease, and have been themselves linked to the same phenomena we observed from cattle catching Mad Cow Disease. Some cultures, even enjoyed drinking each others blood upon death. Whilst this may be linked to many of the bedtime stories concerning vampyres, there are again sexually-related conditions which explain them as diseases of the mind.

I stayed on topic of sexual references here see, because the resident OP seems to have some difficulties understanding some of the finer things like cannabalism and sexuality. Whilst I may not like the notion of cannabilism, I do not dare to begin to understand the complexities behind how someone can, without resorting to sexual or disease like natures, but only in this case, and this certainly doesn't indicate it as being immoral, but just abnormal behaviour. Morality isonly involved when we deal with stable minds. Whatever the hell that means.
A friend of mine had to have his leg amputated. He kept it so he could have a barbecue and see what it tastes like. It's still on ice though, we're all waiting for the big day.
Of course I'm aware that there may be health risks in cannabalism, but I was merely asking whether or not it's moral, not whether or not it's healthy.

Whether or not it's ethical can depend on the situation. Is it ethical and moral to eat another in a survival situation, where one is desperate and must survive? I'd argue that it's ethical but not moral.

However, I meant it to be like this: is it moral to eat others, assuming they died of natural causes, on just any old day? For it to be a widespread practice, and even to open up restaurants offering Human meat?

Could this not end hunger? As disgusting as I find it, it would provide with plenty more food:shrug:
Well, even if it is an alternative to world hunger, ITS NOT HEALTHY! It wouldn't work. Moral or immoral, ethical or unethical, Its not an option to use humans to feed humans. Sickness and disease would be widespread.
Ever see the movie ALIVE, based on a true story about the plane crash in the mountains. They were left there so long they started eating the dead ppl.
I can't remember how many of them survived.

Personally, I don't think I could ever bring myself to do it and would just end up starving to death.