I could never take loaded questions like that without attacking the question and questioners. The "Al-Qaeda" label is deceptively misapplied in Iraq, by the US media, by the present White House, and by 2-bit me-too Iraqi militias. Hillary obviously had other difficulties than mine, having supported an unpopular war at the outset.
The plain truth is perilous to broach regarding Iraq, as with the Israel litmus-tests. There are so many things in our national dialogue that the public has been fed such a load of shit about, that serious people need considerable time and opportunity to gently educate. I don't believe that the public can't handle the truth in the long term. But in the short term, I know that the US public can't handle the unvarnished truth, without falling into programmed, insincere herd outrage at heresy. Sometimes when in ignorant company, smarter people must bite their tongues so as not to offend.