Cancer cure, finally?

the key sentence once again was:

The researchers stress that further research is needed to determine if the engineered anthrax toxin will have similar effects in humans.

some things work in mice that don't work for humans...let's keep out fingers crossed
wooooo, ok now we can see your in a lot of pain here but maybe this will make you feel better: this is not a cure for cancer!, it just a treatment. There will never be a cure for cancer though the day will come when cancer is about a lethal as the flue (5% lethality rate and lower) I can put a good bet that this treatment does not work in all situations and does have side effects.
No Cure ?

Why do you think that there is never going to be a cure for cancer? That would be horrible if thats really the case. You really shouldn't have bursted my bubble.:(
Speculative, but if nanotechnology can come to fruition as envisioned, cancer could be fixed, cell by cell.

But for now, we use what we have, and this is good news, even if it's limited.
Do you know how much a single share of their company is going for, at the moment?

Edit: after looking through their site it appears as if the treatment is not a cure but merely a life extender, it looks as if TAP only doubles the life expectancies of a terminal cancer patient, which isn't bad, but it still isn't a cure. Correct me if I'm wrong.
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big drug companies

heck, "they" already have a cure for cancer, they just won't release it, because of all the billions they would lose on their very lucrative "cancer business".
Re: big drug companies

Originally posted by pumpkinsaren'torange
heck, "they" already have a cure for cancer, they just won't release it, because of all the billions they would lose on their very lucrative "cancer business".
Maybe I should spend some more time lurking before I jump in... ah what the heck!

Not a scientist, are you pumpkin? Or an economist. How much money do you think the pharma companies (whom I am assuming you mean by "they") make from NOT having a drug?

And socialized medicine - how will that pay for the research and devolpment of new drugs? Are cancer rates lower in the UK or Canada than in the US? Actually, each of these countries already pays for drug research via government grants to scientists in Universities and academic institutions.
Pay for development with production grants!!! production grants have given the USofA the best most advanced military force there is. And yes today other countiers are chruning out reseach results as fast as we are. Also think about how much of your insurance money goes just keeping those CEOs rich.
Maybe I should spend some more time lurking before I jump in... ah what the heck!

*** aw, what the heck...jump right in...the water's fine.

Not a scientist, are you pumpkin?

*** not much of one, nooooo....although i did major in biology/microbiology with a degree from that crappy midwestern institute of higher learning called: University of Iowa. (Go Hawks!)

Or an economist.

*** fat chance. i love spending money, too much ...however not on high-priced, exorbinant, out-of-this-world-amounts on current prescription prices!

How much money do you think the pharma companies (whom I am assuming you mean by "they") make from NOT having a drug?

*** you were correct in your assumption. and, just for the record, i happen to work for one of those BIG GUN pharmacy companies....and, i loathe everything about it, and, i feel i'm selling out, but, i need a job. they make quite a profit, trust me. and, you know it. i am not sure i understand your logic about "not" having a drug..can you clarify your intentions concerning that statement?

And socialized medicine - how will that pay for the research and devolpment of new drugs?

*** grants, loans, philanthropologists...govt. yeah. how about that. how did canada do it? same way... they need to lay off a bit of the unecessary research and procure the cure. too much busy work and not enough results.

Are cancer rates lower in the UK or Canada than in the US? Actually, each of these countries already pays for drug research via government grants to scientists in Universities and academic institutions.

*** i am missing your point here, sorry.
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
Pay for development with production grants!!! production grants have given the USofA the best most advanced military force there is. And yes today other countiers are chruning out reseach results as fast as we are. Also think about how much of your insurance money goes just keeping those CEOs rich.
What does the might of the US military have to do with medicine? I admit that production grants could be used to subsidize some of the costs in principle, but what kind of spending are you projecting? How would this be accomplished? Would they cover phase I, II and III clinical trials? Formulation? Toxicology? Insurance? Who would administer it? How would candidate drugs get chosen? Will they do trials on children, or just adults? Who would market them?

Socialized medicine does not equal the government developing drugs. Socialized medicine is the government handing out the drugs. Big pharma (or someone) must still make the drugs. Those drugs will only get made if there is a profit to be made in that drug. Now, I do not necessarily agree that that is the best system, but it is what we have. If you want to change it, first answer my questions above. Socialized medicine may (as may health cooperatives including insurance companies) be in a position to influence in a small way what prices the companies can charge for drugs, but if you look at the furrough over AIDS drugs, you will see that it is not that great. The companies will grant some small concessions, but in the end are there to make money. If they cannot make money, they will not develop drugs.

Universities are not in a position to make, test and market new drugs. Some may be working towards that, and it is an admirable goal, but will take decades to get anywhere near where the big pharma are. So until that time, my insurance/medicare/NHS fees will go to that fat cat. What happens at the moment is that discoveries in the lab get licenced to pharma, in the hope that some of the monies made can trickle back to the basic science labs.

Further (to get back on thread) - cancer is not one disease. What works for one form of cancer will probably not work for another form of cancer. Thus, one drug will not combat all forms of cancer. Even further, the apparently same cancer (from a clinical perspective) can have several different molecular basis. Again - no one drug will work.

But again - how much money are big pharma making by NOT selling a drug? It was alledged that they have a universal panacea waiting in their back pocket. If that was truly the case, they would be marketting it vigorously NOW. The Hospitals and Doctors are the ones making money from the sick now (i.e. their CEOs are getting rich - now that is a argument for socialized medicine), not the pharma companies.
i happen to work for one of those BIG GUN pharmacy companies
heck, "they" already have a cure for cancer, they just won't release it, because of all the billions they would lose on their very lucrative "cancer business".
So then you would know whether "they" actually do have a magic bullet that they are not selling. How does big pharma currently profit from the "cancer business"?

For the record - I work at an academic institution that is trying to lead the way from the lab to the clinic by having our own production and clinical trials units. We are in quite a unique position.