canaan or Palestine,or is it eretz yisrael?

Nimrod is a mythic figure, as is Abraham. Also, in the bible there are 3 generations between the two.

Ur, aka Sumer (5000ish bce - 1900ish bce) predates Babylon (1700ish bce - 539 BCE with a few breaks here and there) significantly. The Jews were freed by Cyrus king of the Persians when he conquered Babylon in 539 bce.

In 1800 bce the area was ruled by the Amonites.

Also there is good reason to believe the Jews were polytheists like everyone else before they caught monotheism from a renegade Aten priest named Moses.
M*W: Yep. That's the way I read it.
No peoples have a "right of return"; all nations are built on the blood of others. If Isreal is given a "right of return", then the natives must also be given a "right of return" to take over the New World and kick all non-native Americans out

And all the other countless lost civilizations
I'm not sure of your meaning here? Are you saying might makes right and therefor Europeans (that happen to be of the Jewish faith [many Germans]) have the right to take Palestinians homes?

I don't get your meaning?

What next? Blankets with smallpox?

I can almost see something similar happening in the future, probably wiping out most of humanity all over some bullshit mythical bullshit. To imagine that IF a Palestinian converted to Judaism (something I would do if I were Palestinian) they can move freely into Israel, probably buying thier old home back?!?!? What a f*cking bizzaro world they live in over there....
I'm not sure of your meaning here? Are you saying might makes right and therefor Europeans (that happen to be of the Jewish faith [many Germans]) have the right to take Palestinians homes?

I don't get your meaning?

What next? Blankets with smallpox?

I can almost see something similar happening in the future, probably wiping out most of humanity all over some bullshit mythical bullshit. To imagine that IF a Palestinian converted to Judaism (something I would do if I were Palestinian) they can move freely into Israel, probably buying thier old home back?!?!? What a f*cking bizzaro world they live in over there....

how could they buy back their old home? the Israelis probably bulldozed it.
What next? Blankets with smallpox?

just curious, how did the British accomplish that? especially in the late 1700's... sounds to me like another myth. anyone can answer that?
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just curious, how did the British accomplish that? especially in the late 1700's... sounds to me like another myth. anyone can answer that?

Small pox covers your body in oozing sores and the pus collects on your blanket and can infect the next person to use it.

The small pox on blankets debate is quite lively. There are some letters from a British officer which suggest it was tried at least once as a weapon.

For the most part though it seems mainly to have been accidental infection.

Most of the problem diseases like small pox are extremely infectious and people just didn't understand the spread of disease well back then, even the educated let alone trappers, missionaries, traders, soldiers and other assorted riffraff, er, I mean "settlers."

Even once the fact the you could use cow pox as an inoculate was discovered, the lack of sanitary conditions meant your inoculation was likely to go septic and kill you.
To imagine that IF a Palestinian converted to Judaism (something I would do if I were Palestinian) they can move freely into Israel, probably buying thier old home back?!?!?

That worries them

The religious parties in the Knesset are demanding that the government amend the law to make the Chief Rabbinate the only body authorized to deal with matters of conversion in Israel.

Interior Minister Eli Yishai, chairman of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party, warned that if non-Orthodox conversion is recognized in Israel, "there are hundreds of foreign workers and Palestinians who will take advantage of the Reform conversion in order to gain Israeli citizenship."

Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar, who heads conversions in Israel, along with Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger, held an emergency meeting at their office on Sunday, attended by the religious ministers and MKs, in order to formulate a response to last week's Supreme Court ruling affecting conversion.
It seems so interesting that someone who claims to be so anti-religion would favor the conversion to a particular religion. It probably has to do with the fact that Jews are now accepted by Westerners as 'white' while Muslim Arabs are seen as colored. Racial animosities seem to be the cause of most of the friction here.
i never thought about that.

Its hard to imagine today when plagues haven't struck in most people's life times just how devastating small pox and the other diseases like it used to be.

It was a devastating disease which killed many and left the survivors horribly scarred. The sores would get infected and you could easily die from sepsis or lose a limb from gangrene. (graphic pic)
Acquisition of Israeli Nationality
Acquisition of Nationality according to the Law of Return

On the establishment of the State, its founders proclaimed "...the renewal of the Jewish State in the Land of Israel, which would open wide the gates of the homeland to every Jew...." In pursuance of this tenet, the State of Israel has absorbed survivors of the Holocaust, refugees from the countries in which they had resided, as well as many thousands of Jews who came to settle in Israel of their own volition.

The Law of Return (1950) grants every Jew, wherever he or she may be, the right to come to Israel as an oleh (a Jew immigrating to Israel) and become an Israeli citizen.

For the purposes of this Law, "Jew" means a person who was born of a Jewish mother or has converted to Judaism and is not a member of another religion.

Israeli citizenship becomes effective on the day of arrival in the country or of receipt of an oleh's certificate, whichever is later. A person may declare, within three months, that he/she does not wish to become a citizen.

Since 1970 the right to immigrate under this Law has been extended to include the child and the grandchild of a Jew, the spouse of a Jew, the spouse of a child of a Jew and the spouse of a grandchild of a Jew. The purpose of this amendment is to ensure the unity of families where intermarriage had occurred; it does not apply to persons who had been a Jews and had voluntarily changed their religion.

An oleh's certificate may be denied to persons who:

engage in activity directed against the Jewish people;
may endanger public health or the security of the state;
have a criminal past, likely to endanger public welfare. of Israeli Nationality

So there you go. Convert and move and you are in! :)
No big deal, unless you are religious.