Can you spell "medication," Billy? A study of prescriptions to toddlers, etc.

ADHD exists, but it's grossly over-diagnosed. Easier to blame the mental health of your child than your parenting, I guess.
ADAH - my favorit ADAH study found that just letting the kids run around resulted in the vast majority of "ADAH" kids functioning better than those medicated.

Its way, way, way over diagnosed.

"Autism/aspbergers" seems very popular these days now that it can be milked.

Personally I am very suspicious of any cluster of vague symptoms disease that suddenly has a spike in diagnoses, especially when there are new treatments.

Having 3 children I can tell you that "bi-polar" is perfectly normal, particularly if they get into the sweets.

I would never go with any psychological diagnosis without really solid evidence of a serious problem and a solid second and maybe third opinion, particularly with kids that young. A lot of psychology is still just opinion and there is very little research on very young children. Also, young children react differently to psychotropic substances. For example they found SSRIs helped with depression in teens, but increased the rate of suicide - oops.

If there was a problem I would reevaluate frequently since their brains and personallities are very fluid at that age.
swarm whats really interesting about the treatment for bipolar though is that if the person doesnt HAVE bipolar lithium will have no effect at all. SSRI's (and other anti depressants) can lead to euphoria in those who dont have depression but not mood stabilisers
swarm whats really interesting about the treatment for bipolar though is that if the person doesnt HAVE bipolar lithium will have no effect at all.

Actually that's not entirely true. They discovered lithium because there were some abnormally peaceful Texas boarder towns were it was naturally occuring in the water. However, it does have a far more dramatic effect in the bipolar people which it is effective in. Also lithiun isn't the only thing they give bipolar people.

Unfortunately I think they may over do it trying to eradicate any deviation and ending up with them feeling flat and then going off the meds and having boom and crash again. I've discussed this with people who purposefully short their meds to keep some sparkle. I can't say if this is safe or anything to be recommended, its just something they did and said they liked better.

Unfortunately bipolar still doesn't have very effective treatments and a lot of bipolar people end up suicides. :(

SSRI's (and other anti depressants) can lead to euphoria in those who dont have depression but not mood stabilisers

The initial dose of a SSRI can lead to a mild euphoria in most people and in Europe they are semi popular as a poor man's recreational drug. Too high a dose in normal people can give one seratonin syndrom though which is quite unpleasant and in extreme cases can be fatal.

However, toddlers and small children have emotional roller coasters naturally. One second they are happy spazzes the next something breaks their little hearts. This isn't bipolar, its just immature emotional control. Now maybe if they seemed to be stuck in one mode for an extended period or only flipped from one extreme to another I might start to become concerned, but just bouncing up and down emotionally is what they do. I would be very cautious of heavy diagonsis so young without seriously obvious symptoms and concuring opinions.
swarm do you have a family history of bipolar though?

If a child of MINE started to show symptoms i would be quite concerned because there is a strong family history of clinical depression in my family
A family history would definately be a factor to consider since there seems to be a genetic component, but I would still be leary at the toddler stage. Also, I would check to see if it was sex linked as that can be a factor sometimes too.

Pretty soon they should have genetic testing to help with that.

2 problems with your post

1) firstly i dont think any "gene" for depression (of any sort) has been identifided. Family history is well established but a genetic test? i doubt it in the near future, not to mention that in the case of clinical depression especially there is the problem that it is more than likly a combination of enviromental and genetics

2) there is an issue with genetic testing currently and thats the manipulative way insurance companies use it to rachet up the premiums to unaceptable levels. If your talking about having it done on a child do you really have that right? say you find a breast cancer gene in your 2 year old daughter but she never goes on to develop the disease, but STILL cant get life insurance ever because you took that choice out of her hands
1) firstly i dont think any "gene" for depression (of any sort) has been identifided.

Evidence for Linkage of Bipolar Disorder to Chromosome 18 with a Parent-of-Origin Effect

New Bipolar Disorder Risk Gene Identified (Slynar)

A high-density genome scan detects evidence for a bipolar-disorder susceptibility locus on 13q32 and other potential loci on 1q32 and 18p11.2

2) there is an issue with genetic testing currently and thats the manipulative way insurance companies use it to rachet up the premiums to unaceptable levels.

This is an entirely different issue all together.
I don’t mean to sound like a conspiracy theory type but I think all these diagnoses and push is just part of the entire capitalist system of pharmaceutical companies and treatment providers exploiting people for financial gain and most of the people who put their children on these medications do so when practical parenting would cure more than medicines. Of course we don’t like in the times like Lassie or father knows best and where adults medicate themselves with smoking, drinking, sex, shopping, and many other such therapeutically “treatments” so it’s no wonder our children need a way too since they aren’t old enough to drink, smoke, have sex, or the money to consumer shop.
oiram, im sorry but as someone who has experianced both chronic depression and server acute clinical depression i compleatly disagree
Yes but you did so as an adult? I’m not saying that children don’t get depressed but not in the way adults do. Adults suffer more depression on average because when they get old enough to realize the truth on so many fronts that life really sucks, its depressing.
incorrect, i was suffering depression for as long as i could rember. The problem was understanding what depression WAS as a young child and diognosing it. However once i started taking anti depressents it was really easy to work out that what i had been feeling all through childhood was NOT normal and i wish i had been treated way back when it first started
oiram, im sorry but as someone who has experianced both chronic depression and server acute clinical depression i compleatly disagree

Disclaimer: Fist I am not trying to troll or cause argument

I’m not sure what the differences are between chronic depression and acute clinical depression.

Is acute clinical depression a simple depression and Chronic meaning reoccurring?

What Major depression?

I knew someone who was diagnosed with Major depression with psychotic features, and placed on heavy anti-depressants and finally after time walked away from the everything and stopped taking meds as seems no to depressed anymore, maybe a little psychotic at times but who isn’t these days.
major depression is clinical depression

I forget the name for chronic depression but it is slightly less server than clinical depression but streches over years

However its worst when chronic depression is coupled with clinical depression, it carries the highest risk of suicide
Not that you’re a doctor but I am just curios

What’s acute mean, not as serious right?

So if someone has clinical depression then that also fits major depression? If so why have a classification of major depression?

Also if someone has any type of depression with psychotic features does that mean the depression causes that or that they are also psychotic.
um acute and chronic have nothing to do with serverity. For instance SARS (server ACUTE respitory syndrome) and COAD (chronic obstructive airway disease) are both VERY serious. APO is acute pulmonry odema and will kill if not treated straight away
Not that you’re a doctor but I am just curios

What’s acute mean, not as serious right?

So if someone has clinical depression then that also fits major depression? If so why have a classification of major depression?

Also if someone has any type of depression with psychotic features does that mean the depression causes that or that they are also psychotic.

Acute = Rapid onset, short duration.

Chronic = Gradual onset, long duration.

i would have finished with that but my partner wanted me to do something else:p
a chronic syndrome tends to be something you will live your life with, acute are the rapid onset illnesses which are either treated really rapidly or kill you. Trauma can be concidered an acute illness, shock definitly is. Anaphalaxis and asthma both have acute excibations of the illness

Oh and BTW im not a doctor but i AM becoming a paramedic:p
I have a friend, let's call him Klint, who was "diagnosed" with bipolar disorder and put on behavior-altering medication...

at age five.

These pills were a strict part of his life for about ten years, in which he did nothing more than violently defy authority and make trouble, all the while taking the pills and seeing no effect but hormonal imbalances which caused him to become overweight.

A few years ago his parents noticed that when doctors experimented with him not taking his prescription, his self esteem, mood, hormone levels, etc. dramatically improved. They concluded not that the pills didn't work, but that his treatment was over.

He still hasn't lost the weight, but now that he's off the pills, he no longer feels the need to act out and against those who medicated him. He still firmly believes that the prescription was the result of overworried parents attempting to label regular child-like behavior as mental instability. I've heard this from multiple family members.

Opinion time. Do you think that over-medicating our children for such things as ADD, ADHD, etc. really helps them? Do you question the very existence of such disorders? I acted out when I was younger equally, if not more, was never medicated, and am now a functioning member of society, if not a bit eccentric (roughly translates into I'M FUCKING INSANE, but back to the point.) I think parents are just scared because their children aren't as perfect as the Jones's next door and want to fix it. But do the Jones's really tell you all their kids do?

What medication was he put on? Contraindications of some antidepressants can include exacerbating anxiety issues.